1. Korea's economically active population is anticipated to plunge nearly 10 million by 2044 amid the country's critically low births, according to a report from the Korean Peninsula Population Institute for the Future.
한반도미래인구연구원은 보고서를 통해, 심각한 저출생 위기를 겪고 있는 우리나라의 생산가능인구가 20년 후인 2044년까지 거의 1000만 명이 감소할 것이라는 전망을 내놨습니다.
Expression ]
▶anticipate : 예상하다, 예측하다
▶plunge : (앞·아래로 갑자기) 거꾸러지다[거꾸러뜨리다]; 급락하다
2. Rescue workers in Brazil are racing against the clock to save people from record-breaking floods that swept across the southern Rio Grande do Sul state, which borders Uruguay and Argentina.
기록적인 홍수가 브라질 남부 히우그란지두술주(州)를 덮친 가운데, 현재 구조대원들이 인명 피해를 줄이기 위해 얼마 남지 않은 시간 속에서 사투를 벌이고 있습니다.
Expression ]
▶race against the clock : 시간과 싸우다, 촌각을 아끼다
▶record-breaking floods : 기록적인 홍수
3. A total of 110 new high temperature records were broken across Vietnam in April alone, more than all of 2023 combined, as three heatwaves swept across the country.
세 차례 폭염이 베트남을 휩쓸면서 지난 4월에만 베트남의 종전 고온 기록 110개가 깨졌습니다. 이는 지난해 전체 기록보다 많은 숫자입니다.
Expression ]
▶high temperature records : 고온 기록
▶combined : 결합된, 합동의, 연합의, 모두 합한
4. A team of bakers in France has set a new Guinness World Record by creating a 140-meter-long baguette, reclaiming the title from Italian bakers.
프랑스 제빵사로 구성된 팀이 140미터 길이의 바게트를 만들어 기네스 세계 신기록을 세우면서, 이탈리아가 갖고 있던 '세계에서 가장 긴 바게트' 타이틀을 다시 가져왔습니다.
Expression ]
▶set a new record : 신기록을 세우다
▶reclaiming the title : (1위) 타이틀[자격, 권리]을 다시 가져오다
5. Pop star Madonna has completed her world tour with a free concert at Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, attracting an estimated 1.6 million people.
팝 스타 마돈나가 브라질 리우데자네이루의 코파카바나 해변에서 160만명의 인파가 모인 가운데 무료 공연을 펼치면서 자신의 월드 투어를 마무리했습니다.
Expression ]
▶completed her world tour : 월드 투어를 끝내다
▶attract : (어디로) 끌어들이다[끌어 모으다]
How Rebel ‘Star Wars’ Fans Saved the Original Movies
Sopan Deb
c.2024 The New York Times Company
Han shot first.
As we celebrate the most hallowed of holidays — May the Fourth, also known as “Star Wars Day” because, you know, “may the Force be with you” — let us all agree that a long time ago, in a galaxy that now feels very far away indeed, Han shot Greedo first. No amount of special editions or George Lucas declarations will change that, even if, uh, Lucas actually did change that scene. If you seek the originals, these aren’t the films you’re looking for.
Han shot first: 한 솔로가 먼저 (총을) 쐈다 (영화 '스타워즈' 오리지널 버전에서 현상금 사냥꾼 그리도를 한 솔로가 먼저 쐈다는 뜻. 이 장면이 이후에 나온 버전에서는 모두 수정돼, 그리도가 먼저 쏘고, 이를 피한 한 솔로가 정당방위 차원에서 그리도에게 총을 쏘는 것으로 바뀜. 한 솔로의 캐릭터를 설정하는 데 있어 중요한 차이이기 때문에, 일부 팬들이 해당 수정에 반발하게 되면서 이 문구가 유명해짐.)
▶hallowed = 소중한, 신성시되는; 신성한 (very respected and praised because of great importance or great age) (holy)
may the Force be with you: '포스'가 그대와 함께 하기를 (영화 '스타워즈' 속 제다이 기사들의 인삿말이자, '스타워즈'가 낳은 유명한 대사 중 하나)
a long time ago, in a galaxy that now feels very far away indeed: 유명한 '스타워즈' 오프닝 시퀀스에 흐르는 자막 '오래 전, 멀고 먼 한 은하계에서(A long time ago, galaxy far, far away)'를 차용한 표현
Many of Lucas’ edits of the original movies were cosmetic changes. An extended shot here. A beep there. More computer-generated background figures, some replacing models or puppets, and color changes.
But some changes shifted character arcs, such as the famous scene in the original “Star Wars” with Greedo and Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford, at the Mos Eisley Cantina. In that 1977 release — later retitled “A New Hope” — the outlaw Han shoots and kills the bounty hunter, without much provocation, setting up a redemptive arc.
▶cosmetic changes = 더 나아 보이게 만드는 수정, (핵심적이지 않은) 겉만 살짝씩 다듬는 정도의 변화 (A change undertaken to improve the appearance of someone or something.) (A trivial or inconsequential change to something that is made for the sake of appearances.)
▶character arc = 인물 변화 곡선, 인물 성장 곡선(작중 인물이 이야기의 진행에 따라 경험을 통해 변화하는 과정) (the transformation or inner journey of a character over the course of a story)
outlaw: (특히 옛날 범죄를 저지른) 도망자, 범법자; 법의 보호를 받지 못하는 사람
▶bounty hunter = 현상금[보상금] 사냥꾼 (someone who searches for criminals or hunts animals in exchange for a reward)
setting up a redemptive arc: (한 솔로의) 정의로운 인물로의 변화를 포석으로 두면서[복선으로 깔면서]
- redemptive: 보상하는; 구제의; 속죄의 (Causing, or relating to, redemption or saving; redeeming.)
Since the 1997 edition, Han fires in self-defense, an edit that drew scorn from some fans, who took up “Han shot first” as a battle cry (featured on unofficial merchandise) and boycotted DVD releases. Even “South Park” pilloried Lucas over the edits.
Lucas, in 1997, said the new special editions would be the definitive versions. “The other versions will disappear,” he said. “Even the 35 mm tapes of ‘Star Wars’ out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version.”
in self-defense: 자기 방어에서, 정당방위로
scorn: (명)경멸[멸시](감) (동)경멸[멸시]하다 (= dismiss)
▶battle cry = (전쟁터에서의) 함성; (특히 정치적) 슬로건 (a shout given by soldiers as they run towards the enemy) (a phrase used by people supporting a particular cause)
▶pillory = (남들이 보는 데서) 강력히 비판하다, 웃음거리로 만들다 (원래 뜻: '(옛날 죄인에게 씌우던) 칼') (to severely criticize someone, especially in a public way)
So if you want to see the original “Star Wars” trilogy — as they were shown in theaters, a bit softer and grainier (and with Han Solo definitely shooting the bounty hunter Greedo first, not in self-defense, as he now does) — you’ll have to rely on some rebel fans like Robert Williams.
Williams, a Philadelphia-based computer programmer, is part of a group of five people called Team Negative One, one of a few “Star Wars” fan groups that, for more than a decade, have collected 35 mm prints of the first “Star Wars” movies and laboriously restored them in 4K. Known as Project 4K, the movies are titled by the years they were released: 4K77, 4K80 and 4K83.
▶grainier = 화질이 더 나쁜
- grainy: (특히 사진이) (입자가) 거친, 선명하지 못한 (If photographs are grainy, they are not clear because the many black and white or coloured dots that make up the image can be seen.)
▶laboriously = 힘들게, 열심히, 품[공]을 들여서 (= with difficulty, arduously, painstakingly) (in a way that needs a lot of time and effort)
The restorations are not authorized and come from film reels that were meant to be returned or destroyed after cinemas were done with them. While their legality is in question, fans and preservationists argue the public has a right to view art, including film, in its original form. Lucas, however, has reportedly said to fans: “Grow up. These are my movies, not yours.”
The fans who restored the films aren’t rejecting Lucas’ creative vision, Williams said.
“They’re not really upset that he made the changes, because some of them are pretty cool and actually make the films better,” Williams said. “They’re really upset that he didn’t also release the original version alongside it. Just put two discs in the box. We’d have been happy.”
▶be/have done with something = ...을 다 처리하다[쓰다/하다]; …을 그만두다; …와 손[인연]을 끊다, 절교하다 (to bring to completion; to finish) (to stop doing (something); to bring (something) to an end)
▶grow up = 철이 들다(남에게 어리석은 짓을 그만두라고 말할 때 씀) (to behave like an adult; used to criticize someone who you think is being silly or unreasonable)