잡스 영어/영어 어휘, 어원

라틴어 영어 어원 - 전치사

Jobs 9 2020. 4. 6. 12:30

라틴어 영어 어원 - 전치사

āab away from ab-, a-, abs-, as-
ad to, toward ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, ap-, ar-, at-
ambo both ambi-, am-, amb-
ante before ante-, anti-
bis twice bi-, bis-
circum around circum-
cis this side of cis-
contrā against, opposite to contra-, contro-
cum together, with con-, co-, col-, com-, cor-
down from de-
dexter right, to the right hand dextro-
dis- apart dis-, di-, dif-, dir-
ex, ē from, out of ex-, e-, ef-
extrā outside extra-, extro-
in in, into in-, il-, im-, ir-
īnfrā below infra-
inter among, between inter-, intel-
intrā within intra-, intro-
iuxtā beside juxta-
multus much, many multi-
ne no ne-, neg-
non not non-
ob, obs toward, against, in the way of, by reason of ob-, o-, oc-, of-, og-, op-, os-
paene almost, nearly pen-
per thorough, through per-, pel-
post after, behind post-
prae before pre-
praeter by, past preter-
prō for, forth, in front of pro-, pol-, por-, prod-
re- again, back re-, red-
retro backwards retro-
apart, without se-, sed-
sub from below, under sub-, su-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-
subter beneath subter-
super above, over super-
suprā above, more than supra-
trāns across trans-, tra-, tran-
ultrā beyond ultra-
ve- out ve-

스마트폰 공무원 교재

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