운동, 스포츠 과학 Sports sciences/테니스 Tennis

라켓없이 테니스 몸짱 만들기-조코비치,나달

Jobs 9 2020. 3. 5. 10:41

How to Get a Grand-Slam Body (Without Lifting a Racquet)


After he defeated Rafael Nadal in a marathon match that lasted nearly six hours to clinch his third straight Australian Open title last year, Novak Djokovic celebrated by ripping his shirt off. Even before the 25-year-old Serb had a chance to raise a post-match glass of champagne, his chiseled abs had gone viral and the world was acknowledging an unlikely reality: Tennis boasts some of the sickest bodies in professional sports. “Players have gotten stronger over the last 10 to 15 years,” says Jez Green, a fitness coach to Britain’s Andy Murray (pictured, below), the reigning U.S. Open and Olympic champ and owner of one such enviable physique. “The fitter you get in the gym, the faster you’re going to be on the court.” And the game itself is a killer workout too—on par with an intense session of half-court basketball—combining fat-burning and endurance-building cardio bursts with built-in strength moves like lunges and squats, which provide that desired toning payoff. “The players coming through today are becoming complete athletes,” Green says. “The standards have changed, the game’s gotten quicker. They have to be ready or be left behind.” It’s time to get off the sidelines.Exercise Like a ProNo one expects you to work out as hard as the pros, who clock up to two hours per gym session as often as four times a week. But adding some of their favorite exercises to your regular routine will get you slimmer and stronger fast, says Chang-Ho Lee, a strength-and-conditioning coach for Athletes’ Performance in Los Angeles, who trains ATP-tour pros like Argentine star Juan Monaco. Tackle these sculptors, direct from tennis’s top trainers, two or three times each week. For moves requiring weights and medicine balls, choose a weight that allows you to complete the number of reps required—if you can easily add more, increase the weight; if you can’t complete the reps without sacrificing form, drop to a lower weight.

For Strong Arms

Wrist and Forearm Curls

Sit on a bench, holding a light barbell with both hands, hands shoulder-width apart, palms up, elbows on thighs, wrists just above knees. Flex wrists up, then down. Do 10 reps. Turn palms down on bar and repeat, flexing wrists up, then down. Do 10 reps.Alternating Dumbbell Bench PressLie face-up on a bench, with knees bent, holding a dumbbell in each hand, hands lifted toward ceiling. Bend right elbow down to shoulder level, lowering dumbbell toward chest; lift up. Repeat on left. Do 20 reps, alternating sides each time.

For Powerful Legs

Clock Lunges

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a medicine ball in front of your chest with both hands. Lunge forward with your right leg, bending right knee 90 degrees. If you were standing in the center of a clock face, this would be 12 o’clock; push back up to standing. Repeat, facing forward but lunging diagonally to 2 o’clock, then 3 o’clock, 4 o’clock, and lunging in reverse to 6 o’clock. Reverse pattern back to start. Switch legs and repeat the series on your left side, going in a counterclockwise direction.
Single-Leg Dead Lift

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell or dumbbells in both hands. Lift right foot slightly behind you. Keeping left knee relatively straight and back flat, hinge forward from hips, lowering weight down toward the floor in front of you. Slowly rise to stand. Do 10 reps. Switch legs and repeat.

For a Solid Core

Russian Twist
Sit on the floor, with knees bent and feet flat, holding a medicine ball or dumbbell with both hands in front of your chest. Lean back slightly and lift feet off floor. Keeping knees as still as possible, rotate your torso from side to side, tapping weight on floor beside you each time. Do 20 total reps (tapping 10 times on each side).



Medicine-Ball Slams
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a non-bouncing medicine ball (a “dead” ball) overhead. Pivot to the right and bend knees as you slam the ball down to the floor. Squat down to pick up the ball, bring ball back overhead, and repeat slam to left. Do 20 reps total (10 on each side).



스마트폰 테니스 교재

✽ 책 구매 없이 PDF 제공 가능
adipoman@gmail.com 문의

교보문고 책 보기

Chapter 1  낭만 테니스
잘하는 것과 잘 설명하는 것.

테니스는 언제 늘까?
테니스 독학의 힘
낭만무사 테니스
최고의 낭만무사 페더러, 나달

Chapter 2  테니스 기술
테니스 용어, 규칙

애인 같은 라켓의 선택
라켓 그립
오픈 스탠스
포핸드 스트로크
래그 앤 위핑
와이퍼 스윙
러닝 포핸드
포핸드 키네틱 체인
킬러 포핸드 장착
인사이드 아웃 타법
라이징 샷
투 핸디드 백 스트로크
양손 백핸드 키포인트
점프 투 핸디드 백핸드
백핸드 실수 줄이는 컨트롤(양손백핸드,슬라이스,로브)

백핸드 슬라이스
슬라이스 어프로치
앞발로 치는 슬라이스
포핸드 슬라이스
스플릿 스텝
발리 키포인트
포/백 발리
발리 트라이앵글 발란스
까다로운 발리
백핸드 하이 발리/로발리
스윙 발리
서브 토스
서브 종류 궤적
서브 키포인트
페더러 서브
샤라포바 서브
로딕 서브
서브 내전
트로피 자세
서브 스탠스
오버헤드 스매시
백핸드 스매시
점프 스매시
트위너 샷

공격/수비 로브

Chapter 3  복식 전술
복식 승리 전략
포메이션(사선형, 평행진, 호주형)위기 극복

Chapter 4  독학 트레이닝
이미지 트레이닝

집에서 하는 훈련
코트에서 하는 훈련
벽치기 훈련
산책 훈련

Chapter 5  테니스 몸 만들기
스트로크 피트니스

발리 피트니스
슬라이스 피트니스
서브/스매시 피트니스
유연성 운동
발란스 운동
순발력 운동
파워 운동

Chapter 6  멘탈 고수
멘탈 고수만의 5가지

멘타 고수 특징
최고의 멘탈 페더러와 나달
멘탈 팁
나만의 루틴
객관적 관조
상상 멘탈

교보문고 책 보기

스마트폰 테니스 교재

✽ 책 구매 없이 PDF 제공 가능
✽ adipoman@gmail.com 문의


백핸드 컨트롤 향상(양손백핸드, 슬라이스, 로브) - 조코비치 백핸드

왼손으로 라켓면이 흔들리지 않게 유지하고, 오른손을 돌려가면서 바꾸어 쥔다. 컨트롤을 중시하려면 그립은 약간 두꺼운 백핸드 웨스턴이 적당하다. 포에서 백으로 그립 체인지 할 때의 주의점은 『왼손으로는..


