인문 Humanities/언어, 문자, 글쓰기 Writing

깐부, 친한 친구, 짝꿍, 깜보, 깜부, 오징어 게임. Gganbu, close friend, mate, Ggambo,Ggambu, squid game

Jobs 9 2021. 9. 26. 14:12

깐부, 깜보, 깜부

친한 친구, 짝꿍, 동지를 뜻하는 은어·속어다. 같은 의미로 깜보, 깜부 등이 있다.

주로 어린이들 구슬치기나 딱지치기를 하면서 같은 편을 맺을 때 "깐부(깜보)하자"라고 한다.

깐부치킨의 깐부도 이 의미에서 따온 이름이다.

어원에 대해서는 명확히 밝혀지지 않았으나 원형은 깜보로, 깐부나 깜부는 깜보가 변형된 것으로 보인다. 1959년 세기문화사에서 간행한 이주홍의 동화집 제목 '외로운 깜보'에 쓰인 예가 있으며 1968년 3월 21일자 동아일보 어린이 언어생활에 미치는 전파광고의 영향력이란 기사에서는 '깜보'가 약속을 뜻하는 어린이 은어로 소개되었다. 1986년 영화 깜보[2]가 제작되었고, KBS 상상플러스에는 메인 캐릭터 깜부가 등장했다.

친구 사이의 깊은 우정을 뜻하는 관포지교(管鮑かんぽうの交まじわり)의 관중과 포숙아를 뜻하는 일본어 캉뽀우(かんぽう)에서 유래했다는 설 등이 있다.


Kkanbu, close friend, mate, kambo, kambu, squid game

It is a slang term for a close friend, mate, or comrade. In the same sense, there are kambo and kambu.

It is said, "Let's do kambo," when children play marbles or takchichi and form a side.

The name kanbu of kanbu chicken is also derived from this meaning.

The etymology is not clearly known, but the original form is Kambo, and Kanbu or Kambu seems to have been transformed into Kambo. There is an example used in the title of 'Lonely Kambo' in Lee Ju-hong's fairy tale book published by Century Culture History in 1959, and in an article on the influence of radio advertisements on children's language life in the Dong-A Ilbo on March 21, 1968, 'Kambo' is a children's slang word for promise. was introduced In 1986, the movie Cambo [2] was produced, and the main character, Cambu, appeared in KBS Sangsang Plus. 

There are theories that it originated from the Japanese word kanpou (kanpou), meaning the audience of the audience in Gwanpojigyo (管鮑kanpou no 交マじわり) meaning deep friendship between friends. 
