잡스 영어

5형식문장, 불완전타동사, 가목적어, 전치사as, 사역동사, 지각동사, 분사 -공무원 영어 빈출 문법 #19

Jobs 9 2020. 1. 19. 06:58
5 문형: S + V + O + O․C (불완전 타동사)

5형식 불완전 타동사 기출 포인트

★ 가목적어, 진목적어
★ 목적격보어 앞 전치사 as
★ 사역동사 목적격보어
★ 지각동사 목적격보어
★ to 부정사 목적격보어 취하는 동사 
★ 분사 목적격보어 취하는 동사
★ 혼동 자동사 타동사


● 5형식 가목적어(it) 진목적어(to부정사/명사절)

believe, make, consider, find, think 동사 다음

목적어 자리에 직접 사용이 불가능한 형태를 가목적어 It



He thought it possible to finish the work on time

I make it a rule to keep a diary.

목적격 보어(a rule)가 가목적어(it)가 아닌 진목적어(to keep a diary)와 동격

진목적어(to keep a diary)에서 to를 생략하고 원형부정사(keep a diary)형태 ×

→ make는 사역동사가 ×

가목적어 it을 생략 ×


I found it quite natural for them hating their oppressors.(×)

I found it quite natural for them to hate their oppressors.(O)

I found it quite natural them to hate their oppressors.(×)

I found quite natural for them to hate their oppressors.(×)


We call philanthropy to help people in need.(×)

We call it philanthropy to help people in need.(O)



3형식 연락하다 

5형식 부르다  

He called me cony

(그는 나를 코니라고 불렀다)


I found it stupid drive under the influence (×)

I found it stupid to drive under the influence (O)



● regard형 간주동사 S+V+O+as 형용사/명사


일반동사: regard, see, strike(생각하다), take, imagine, accept,  count, define, describe(=portray), recognize

구동사(자동사+전치사) :  look upon, refer to, speak of, think of  


appoint, consider, elect


They look upon the welfare of their community as of paramount importance.



● 사역동사

make O R
let      O R
have  O R / ing

help O to R /  R
get   O to R / ing

사 Ma Le Ha O R "사마리아OR"

Hel Ge O to R "헬게이to"

I made him clean the room.

Let me go.

I have him cut my hair. 

I helped him finish(=to finish)homework.-5형식

I got him to chase me again.



● 사역동사의 O와 OC의 관계


사 make, let + O + R 능동
             have + O + R /ing 능동

사 make, let, have + O + P.P 수동


My boss made me finish this work.

(내 상사는 내가 끝내도록 했다/ 그 일을)

My boss made this job finished by me.

(내 상사는 그 일을 끝내게 했다/ 나에 의해서)

I had the mechanic check my car.

(나는 수리공에게 검사하게 했다/ 내 차를)

I had my car checked by the mechanic.

(나는 내 차를 검사시켰다/ 수리공에 의해서)



<get+사람 to do> ~에게 ~을 하게 만들다

I couldn’t get the car to start this morning.

You’ll never get him to understand.



You can get that old car going again.

It’s hard to get him talking.



I got my hair cut.

Can you get the work done in time?


I got my son to eat the vegetable
(나는 내 아들이 야채를 먹게 했다)

(사람이 올 경우에도 과거분사를 쓸 수 있습니다)

I got the vegetable eaten by my son.

(나는 야채를 먹게 했다/ 내 아들에 의해서)



help O + (to)R 능동

               (~ing는 올 수 없음)

               (수동 :  p.p 잘 없음)


   I help my son do (to do) his homework.

     (나는 도왔다/ 내 아들이 숙제하는 것을)


He had his political enemies imprison.(×)

She had her students to listen attentively.(×)

I can't get that child go to bed.(×)

I'll let you known my mobile phone number.(×)

The educational policy helped children escaping out of poverty.(×)


He had his political enemies imprisoned.(O)

She had her students to listen(listening) attentively.(O)

I can't get that child to go to bed.(O)

I'll let you know my mobile phone number.(O)

The educational policy helped children (to) escape out of poverty.(O)



● 사역동사 수동태

사역동사 능동태 
S  V O R(= 목적보어 역할)

사역동사 수동태
S  be made to R(= 목적보어 역할)

make의 수동태 → be made to Rhave의 수동태 → be asked to Rlet의 수동태 → be allowed to R


The students were made to clean the classroom again.학생들은 교실을 다시 청소해야 했다.The boy was made to clean his desk.그 소년은 자신의 책상을 청소해야 했다.The doctor made him stop smoking. 의사는 그가 금연하게 했다.He was made to stop smoking by the doctor.She had the porter carry the bag. 그녀는 짐꾼에게 가방을 옮기게 했다.The porter was asked to carry the bag by her.Mom let me go to the concert. 엄마는 내가 콘서트에 가는 것을 허락해주셨다.I was allowed to go to the concert by Mom.



● 지각동사의 OC

look at, hear, see, smell, watch, feel, listen to

지각동사 + O + R 능동 / ing 진행

지각동사 + O + P.P 수동

지각동사 + O + to R (X)


I heard her call my name.

(나는 들었다/ 그녀가 내 이름을 부르는 것을)

I heard my name called by her.

나는 들었다/ 내 이름이 불리는 것을/ 그녀에 의해서)


I got scared when I saw the truck closing up on me.
We saw Hamlet performed last week

I observed him putting the watch into his pocket.

I heard the door slam(꽝 닫다)



● 지각동사 + 형용사

 feel, smell, sound, taste 등의 지각동사 다음에 형용사가 오면 2 형식* feel ~ : ~처럼 느끼다.* taste~ : ~하게 맛이 나다.* smell~ : ~하게 냄새가 나다.* sound~ : ~하게 들리다.반드시 형용사를 사용




● to 부정사를 목적보어로


원하다 : ask, beg, desire, expect, want, would like, intend, trust  +O+to R

부추기다 : encourage, enable, motivate, persuade, convine, cause, require, invite, urge +O+to R

강요하다 : force*, compel*, coax, get, oblige, order, tell +O+to R

허락하다 : allow, permit, enable +O+to R

알려주다 : remind, warn, advise +O+to R

금지하다 : forbid +O+to R

유도동사(fake 사역동사) : lead, encourage, get, cause, enable, force, nerve, order +O+to R

인지동사 : believe, consider, feel, know, find, suppose, understand +O+to R


advise+O+to R 충고하다 : He advised me not to go there.

allow+O+to R 허락하다, ~한 채로 두다

I can't allow you to behave like that.

I allowed a door to remain open.

**ask+O+to R 요청하다 : He asked her to marry him.

**cause+O+to R ~으로 하여금 ~하게 하다 The rain caused the river to overflow.

enable+O+to R ~에게 ~할 힘을 주다 Money enables one to do a lot of things.

expect+O+to R 기대하다 I expected him to come.

***forbid+O+to R R 금지하다 The law forbids stores to sell liquor to minors.

*force+O+to R+to R 강요하다 They forced him to sign the paper.

permit+O+to R 허락하다 Permit me to go.

persuade+O+to R 설득하다 He persuaded me to forgive her.

tell+O+to R 말하다 Tell them to be quiet.

tempt+O+to R 유혹하다 The sight tempted him to steal. (그것을 보자 훔치고 싶어졌다)

want+O+to R ~가 ~하면 좋겠다 : I want you to do it.


The doctor advised me to stop smoking.

Money enable you to do anything.

You can't get him to study.

Don't force me to study!

I ordered him to go /to stay in bed / to take a rest.

They believed her to be reliable.

I considered him to be an excellent choice.

We supposed them to be married.


allow+O+to R  5형식

consider O+to R  5형식

allow + ing  3형식

consider + ing  3형식


*3형식 to부정사 목적어와 구분


● 분사 목적보어

keep형 상태동사 S+V+O+ing/pp/형용사

현재분사가 목적보어역할을 하는 경우, 일시적 지속성을 강조하는 것 

keep, leave, have

find, catch, discover

imagine, remember 


keep, leave, find, catch

+ O + ing 능동, 진행

+ O + P.P 수동

+ 형용사 open


I found her wandering the streets.

Several times she'd caught him staring at her.

His use of technical terms left his audience confused.


*3형식 동명사 목적어와 구분


● 자동사 타동사

"자전 타목"

자동+전치사, 타동사+목적어


Salmons lay their eggs and die in freshwater although they live in salt water.

(lie-lay-lain 눕다. lay-laid-laid 놓다.)

The higher prices rose, the more money the workers asked. for.

(rise-rose-risen 오르다. raise-raised-raised 들다.)




● 자동사로 착각하기 쉬운 타동사

문장 3 형식 : S + 타V + 전(X) + O 

accompany(go with) her

obey her

await(wait for) her

approach her

answer her

marry her

resemble(take after) her

mention(언급) her

address(speak to) the public

enter the room (enter into : 시작하다)

attend the meeting

discuss the problem

consider the safety

inhabit(live in) seoul

leave seoul

reach(arrive at) busan

join(participate in) the army

survived the fire

explain the situation

tell the company (회사에 말하다.)

approve this iphone (아이폰을 승인하다.)

oppose the idea (아이디어를 반대하다.)

access the network

exceed the speed limit

disclose one's intentions

regret the decision

resemble my parents 

appreciate you

Inspect the area

raise your hands

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