법 (Mood)
● 법의 종류
말하는 사람의 심리 태도에 의한 동사의 표현 형식을 법이라 하며, 직설법, 명령법, 가정법이 있다.
* I am thirsty. (직설법)
* Give me something to drink. (명령법)
* I wish I had something to drink. (가정법)
● 명령법
명령법은 동사의 원형을 사용한다. 명령은 상대방에게 하므로 주어 You를 생략하는 것이 보통이지만, 특히 상대방의 주의를 끌려고 할 때는 사용한다.
* You read the first paragraph, John.
* And mind you don't forget to post the letter.
※명령적인 의미를 가질 수 있는 문형들
1. (어떤 일을~하라고 말하다) 동사 that ~ 동사원형 ~ : ask, recommend, demand, request, desire, require, insist, suggest, urge, propose 2. (~하라고 말하는 것과 다름없는)형용사 that ~ 동사원형 ~ : desirable, imperative, import!ant that ~ 동사원형 ~ 3. (~하라고 말하다) 명사형 that ~ 동사원형 ~ |
※주의 : 명령형으로 착각하여 원형으로만 사용할 수 있는 동사들
insist, suggest : "~하라고 주장하다"의 뜻일 때는 + that ~ 동사원형 ~
"(사실)을 암시하다, 시사하다"의 뜻일 때는 + that 원래의 시제에 따른다.
⇒ Many witnesses insisted that the accident had taken place at the crosswalk.
(유명한 문장. '사고가 횡단보도에서 발생해야 한다'가 아니라, '사고가 발생했다'는 의미이기 때문에 먼저 일어난 사건에 과거완료를 썼다.)
● 명령법은 접속사 and, or와 관련하여 조건을 나타낸다.
ⓐ 명령법 + and
Hurry up, and you will be in time.
= If you hurry up, you will be in time.
ⓑ 명령법 + or
Hurry up, or you will be late.
= If you do not hurry up, you will be late.
= Unless you hurry up, you will be late.
● 명령법에는 let를 사용하는 형식이 있다. 1인칭, 3인칭에 관하여든지 혹은 권유를 하는 형식이다.
Let him go there.
Let each man do his best.
△Let us ∼. 의 형식에는 다음과 같은 구별이 있다.
Let us go. (갑시다) … 권유 [lets]
Let us go. (저희들을 보내 주시오) … 허가 [l/et s]
△Let에는 3인칭에 대한 명령을 나타내는 주의할 용법이 있다.
Let each man do his best.
= Each man should do his best. (각자 자기의 최선을 다하라.)
● 명령법 예문
※Be sure to 동사원형 : 꼭 ~하세요!
1. 꼭 이메일 보내주세요!
Be sure to e-mail me.
(snail mail address: 편지 우편 주소/ e-mail address:이메일 주소)
2. 내일 아침 일찍 전화해 주세요!
Be sure to call me early in the morning.
※유사 표현들.
Don't forget to 동사원형./Make sure to동사원형(to 부정사 대신 문장도 올 수 있습니다)
Don't forget to e-mail me./Make sure to e-mail me.(Make sure you'll e-mail me.)
● 가정법
조건절(종속절) | 귀결절(주절) | |
가정법 과거 | If + S + 과거형 동사 (were.....) ∼, | S + 조동사의 과거형 + VR |
가정법 과거완료 | If + S + had + pp ∼, | S + 조동사의 과거형 + have + pp |
가정법 현재 | If + S + V(현재형, 원형) ∼, | S + 조동사의 현재형 + VR |
가정법 미래 | If + S + should + VR ∼, would |
S + 조동사 + VR |
● 가정법 현재
실제 가정법이 아니라 조건절일 뿐이다.
If절에 현재형 동사, 주절에 현재형 조동사를 쓴다고 그냥 현재라고 붙인 이름일 뿐.
* If + 주어 + 동사원형, 주어 + will. can + 동사원형
조건절(종속절) shall. may
* If it rain (rains) tomorrow, I will not go.
* If he is honest, I will employ him. (조건절)
* If he is honest, I will not employ him. (양보절, ∼할지라도)
● 가정법 미래
가정법 과거의 특수한 형태일 뿐이다.
If절에 과거형 조동사 (should, were to)를 쓴 것이며, 일반적인 가정법 과거보다 더욱 희박한 가능성을 표현하고자 할 때. * If + 주어 + should (주어의 무의지) + 동사원형, [→ 조건절(종속절)],
would (주어의 의지)
주어 + will(would), can(could) + 동사원형. [→ 주절(귀결절)]
shall(should), may(might)
* If it should rain tomorrow, I shall not come.
◇ 가정법 미래는 현재사실 혹은 미래에 대한 강한 의심, 의혹을 나타냄.
조건절에 should + 동사원형을 사용. ⇒ 미래에 대한 강한 의심.
would + 동사원형 ⇒ 주어의 의지.
* If you should meet him, tell him to write to me.
= Should you meet him, tell him to write to me.
◇ 조동사 + should 문두로 도치: If를 생략 시.
* If + 주어 + were to∼, 주어 + would, should + 동사원형.
could, might
* If the sun were to collide with the moon, what would become of the earth?
◇ 가정법 미래의 조건절에 were to∼를 사용하면 전혀 불가능한 일 또는 미래의 의혹 등을 나타내며
주절에는 would, should 등만 가능. will, shall 등은 사용할 수가 없음.
● 가정법 과거
- 과거라는 것은 동사의 형태적 측면이며, 내용적으로는 현재 사실이나 미래에 대한 가정.
* If + S + were, S + would, should + Root
had, did, could,
* As I am ill, I cannot go there. (직설법 현재)
= If I were not ill, I could go there. (가정법 과거)
= Were I not ill, I could go there. (if 생략)
= But for my illness, I could go there.
= If it were not for my illness, I could go there.
◇ But for, Without은 전치사구로서 "∼이 없다면"의 뜻.
다음에는 반드시 명사나 동명사형을 사용해야 한다.
가정법 과거에서 If it were not for∼ (만일 ∼이 없다면)로 고칠 수 있음.
◇ It is (high) time (that) + S + 과거동사 ⇒ 긴급사항, 당연, 필요, 재촉.
* It is time (that) you went to bed.
= It is time (that) you should go to bed.
= It is time for you to go go bed.
* If I were a bird, I would fly to you. (가정법 과거)
= As I am not a bird, I do not fly to you. (직설법 현재)
● 가정법 과거완료
- 이 역시 동사의 형태적 측면을 의미하며, 내용적으로는 과거 사실에 대한 가정.
* If + S + had + p.p., S + would, should + have + p.p.
could, might
* As you helped me, I did not fail. (직설법 과거)
= If you had not helped me, I would have fail. (가정법 과거완료)
= Had you not helped me, I would have failed. (If 생략 시)
= But for your help, I would have failed.
= Without your help, I would have failed.
= If it had not been for your help, I would have failed.
= Had it not been for your help, I would have failed.
◇ 과거 사실의 정반대를 가정할 땐
가정법 과거완료 형식인 If + 주 + had + p.p, 주어 + would(should...) + have + p.p
◇ but for, without가 가정법 과거에서 쓰이면 if it were not for(만일 ∼이 없다면)로 고쳐지며
가정법 과거완료에서 쓰이면 if it had not been for(만일 ∼이 없었더라면)로 고쳐짐.
◇ 조건절에서 접속사 if가 생략되면 be동사와 조동사는 바로 주어 앞으로 도치되며
일반동사는 조동사 did가 문두로 도치됨.
● But for, Without, With
- 이러한 If 절 대용 어구에는 혼합가정법이 없다. 즉 앞뒤 문장의 시제가 같다.
→ 가정법 과거 +-- if it were not for
+-- were it not for
+-- if there were
가정법 과거완료 +-- if it had not been for
+-- had it not been for
+-- if there had been
* But for the heat of the sun, nothing could live.
(태양열이 없으면 아무도 살 수 없을 것이다.)
* Without your timely advice, he would have been ruined.
(당신의 시기적절한 충고가 없었더라면, 그는 파멸했을 것이다.)
* With your help, I would succeed.
(만일 니가 나를 도와준다면, 난 성공할 것이다.)
= If there were your help, ~~
= If I had your help, ~~
= If you helped me, ~~
= If you should help me, ~~
* But for, Without의 뜻(시제를 의미)은 주절에 의하여 결정된다.
◇But for his help, I couldn't succeed. (가정법 과거)
But for his help, I couldn't have succeeded. (가정법 과거완료)
* but for와 비슷한 것으로 but that이 있는데, 그다음에는 절이 오며, 또 직설법이 온다.
but that = unless
△But that he had a family, he would have left England long ago.
※가정법이란 것은 '만약 ~ 라면(If ~), ~일 텐데.'라고 상상해보는 것으로서, 여기서 만약의 내용.. 아직 이루어지지 않은 혹은 바라는 상태를 나타내는 곳이 바로 가정법(If 절, 종속절)이다. 어떠할 것인지에 대한 결과는 주절이다.
특수 가정법 - As if ~ , I wish ~ , Would that ~ , It s time that ~ - 은 종속절 (If 절)의 형태가 바뀌어 나타난 혹은 종속절만 남은 것이다.
주절(결과: ~ 할 것이다)에는 법조동사가 나타나는데 종속절(가정: ~라면)에는 법조동사가 없고, 실제로 저런 문장에는 법조동사가 대부분 없다. 그러므로 주절이 아니라 종속절(가정)의 형태가 남은 것이다.
● I wish + 가정법
◇ I wish + 주어 + 복수 과거동사 : 가정법 과거 (현재사실의 반대)
==> 여기서 현재란 now가 아니다. 그 현재는 wish 하던 시점을 의미한다.
즉, 주절 wish 속의 시제를 의미함을 명심하자!! (주절 시제와 동일)
I wish would that would to God If only |
I were a bird. (가정법 과거) : 현재 실현할 수 없는 일에 대한 소망 |
= I am sorry It is a pity I regret |
I am not a bird. (직설법 현재) |
◇ I wish + 주어 + had + p.p : 가정법 과거완료 (과거에 실현하지 못한 소망)
I wish Would that If only |
I had learned English. (가정법 과거완료) |
= I am sorry It is a pity I regret |
I didn't learn English. (직설법 과거) |
= I should ought to |
have learned English. : ∼했어야 했는데 |
※I wish는 가정법의 기본이다!
I wish that I would do + ~ . : 내가 미래에 ~ 하기를 지금(wish하는 시점) 내가 소망한다. I wish that I did + ~ . : 내가 지금(또는 항상) ~ 하기를 지금(wish하는 시점) 내가 소망한다. I wish that I had done + ~ . : 내가 지금 소망하는 시점 이전에 내가 ~ 했으면 하고 소망한다. I wished that I did + ~ . : 소망시점(과거)이고 소망 내용도 과거.(wish하던 시점과 일치) I wished that I had done + ~ . : 소망시점(과거)보다 소망 내용이 더 이전이라서 조동사 have I wished that I were doing + ~ . : 바로 현재 진행되는 일에 대한 소망. |
wish(ed) that ~ have 有 ~ : 소망시점 ≠ 소망 내용의 시점 wish(ed) that ~ have 無 ~ : 소망시점 = 소망 내용의 시점 |
※ wish 가정법의 시점.
상대적 시점(바라던 시점) | 절대적 시점(진짜 시제) | |
wish | were | 현재 |
had p.p. | 과거 | |
wished | were (과거 속의 현재) | 과거 |
had p.p.(과거 속의 과거) | 과거완료 |
I wish I had done/been ~: ~했더라면/있었더라면 좋았을걸!
I wish I had kissed him at the park/at that time.
내가 그와 입맞춤했더라면 좋았을걸.
= I should have kissed him.
● as if + 가정법
① 직설법적 의미로 사용될 때도 있다. (=like)
② 때로 had p.p.가 과거완료가 아니라 현재완료(have→과거)인 형태도 있다.-
◇ as if --+ + 주 + 복수 과거동사
as though --+ = 가정법 과거 : 마치 ∼인 것처럼
==> 여기서의 '현재'라는 시점이 now를 의미하는 것이 아니다.
as if~라고 상상하던 시점의 현재를 의미한다.
* He talks as if he knew everything.
= In fact he doesn't know everything.
* He talked as if he knew everything.
= In fact he did not know everything.
◇ as if --+ + 주 + had + p.p
as though --+ = 가정법 과거완료 : 마치 ∼였던 것처럼
* He looks as if he had been ill.
= In fact he has not been ill.
* He looked as if he had been ill.
= In fact he had not been ill.
◇ 주절동사가 현재시제이면 as if∼는 과거 또는 현재완료를, 과거시제이면 과거완료시제를 각각 표시함.
[as if (as though) 가정법]
as if(as though)는 실제로 일어나지 않은 일을 일어난 것처럼 말할 때 쓰는 것으로 ‘~인 것처럼’ 의 의미. (in a way that makes it seem that something is true or that something is happening) as if 다음에는 보통 가정법 과거와 과거 완료.
as if + 가정법 과거 (주어 + 동사의 과거형) : ‘현재 그렇지도 않은데 그런 것처럼‘으로 해석
as if + 가정법 과거 완료(주어 + had p.p.) : ‘과거에 그렇지도 않았는데 그랬던 것처럼’으로 해석
[as if (as though) 가정법의 시제]
1) as if와 as though 다음에 가정법 과거가 오면은 주절의 시제가 현재이건 과거이건 주절의 시제와 같은 시제.
The boy talks as if he knew everything.
(현재) (가정법과거)--> 현재 알고 있는 것처럼, 현재 보인다
(그 소년은 마치 모든 것을 알고 있었던 것처럼 이야기한다.)
The boy talked as if he knew everything.
(과거) (가정법과거)--> 과거에 알고 있었던 것처럼, 과거에 보였다.
(그 소년은 마치 모든 것을 알고 있었던 것처럼 이야기했다.)
2) as if나 as though다음에 가정법 과거완료가 오게 되면 주절의 시제가 현재이건 과거이건 주절의 시제보다 한 단계 앞선 시제를 나타낸다.
He looks as if he had seen a ghost.
(현재) (가정법과거완료)--> 과거에 유령을 보았던 것처럼, 현재 보인다
(그는 마치 유령을 보았던 것처럼 보인다.)
※ … 처럼 보이기 이전에 유령을 보았다는 뜻이다.
He looked as if he had seen a ghost.(그는 마치 유령을 보았던 것처럼 보였다.)
(과거) (가정법과거완료)--> 대과거에 유령을 보았던 것처럼, 과거에 보였다
● 혼합 가정법
* As I did not take your advice then, I am not happier now.
= If I had taken your advice then, I would be happier now.
◇ 직설법 : as∼는 과거, 주절은 현재이면
가정법 : as절은 가정법 과거완료(had + p.p)로, 주절은 가정법 과거(would + 원형)로
● 조건 접속사. 구
이런 if 대용어구들은 가정법이 아니고 조건절이기 때문에 가정법형의 과거, 과거완료를 쓰면 안 됨.
◇ unless = if ∼ not : ∼하지 않는다면
in case (that) + 주 + 동 in case of + 명 in the event of + 명 |
∼할 경우에는 만일 ∼한다면 |
in case ∼ should : ∼의 경우를 대비해서, ∼하면 안 되니까
* A tiger cannot be tamed, unless it is caught young.
= A tiger cannot be tamed, if it is not caught young.
* In case of trouble, call for any help.
* Take your umbrella in case it should rain.
provided (that) providing (that) on condition that so long as if only |
∼하기만 한다면 |
suppose (that) = supposing (that) : ∼한다면 (if)
granted (that) --+ 설령 ∼한다 할지라도
granting (that) --+ (even if : 양보를 나타냄)
● 조건절 상당어구 (전치사)
* With guns, we could defeat the enemy.
= If we had guns, we could defeat the enemy.
● 조건절 상당어구 (구)
* I would not do such a thing in your place.
= I would not do such a thing if I were in your place.
● 조건절 상당어구 (단어)
* A Korean would not do such a thing.
= If he were a Korean, he would not do such a thing.
* Even a child would do it.
● 조건절 상당어구 (접속사)
◇ I am engaged now, or --+ → if I were not engaged now,
or else | : 가 . 과거 → 그렇지 않다면
otherwise --+ 가 . 과거완료 → 그렇지 않았더라면
I would accept your invitation.
※Otherwise와 Unless는 뜻이 비슷하지만 용법에 있어 차이가 있다.
otherwise : 부사, 가정법 가능, "앞 문장 전체를 받는 If not" 의 의미.
unless : 접속사, 가정법 불가능, "If 주어 동사 not ~" 의 의미.
◇ but that ---+ +- 주 + 현재동사 : ∼이 없다면
expect that | +- 주 + 과거동사 : ∼이 없었더라면
but what ---+
* As I am poor, I can not go abroad.
= If I were not poor, I could go abroad.
= Were I not poor, I could go abroad.
= But that I am poor, I could go abroad.
◇ but that 다음엔 직설법이 오며 부정의 뜻이 포함되어 있으므로 not를 쓰면 틀린다. 주절이 가정법 과거이면 but that + 직설법 현재 형태
* but that + 직설법 현재, 주절 (could + 원형동사)
but that + 직설법 과거, 주절 (would + have p.p : 가정법 과거완료)
* I would go abroad, but I am poor.
= I would go abroad, if I were not poor.
* We would have arrived earlier, but we met with her.
= We would have arrive earlier, if we had not met with her.
● 조건을 포함하는 부정사와 분사
* I should be very glad to speak French : 가정법 과거
= I should be very glad if I could speak French.
* I should be happy to accompany you.
= I should be happy if I could accompany you.
(당신을 동반 할 수 있다면 기쁘겠습니다.)
* The same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to disaster.
(이와 같은 일이 만약 전시에 일어난다면 큰 재난이 될 것이다.)
happening in wartime. (분사구문)
= if it should happen in wartime.
* Left to herself, she would have gone astray.
= If she had been left to herself, she ∼ .
● 주절 또는 조건절의 생략
* I could have come yesterday (if I had wanted to come)
* What if they should be thieves?
= What would be the result if they should be thieves?
● 언외(言外)에 가정의 뜻을 포함하는 고정된 표현어구.
◇이들은 주로 사양하는 겸손한 완곡 어법이다.
① I should say he was a great scholar. (그는 아마 대학자이죠)
△여기에서의 was는 should가 과거형이므로 시제의 일치에 의한 것.
② That would seem strange. (그는 아마 이상하게 보일 것입니다.)
△If you did not know the truth, (진상을 모르시면)의 뜻이 言外에 포함되어 있다.
③ I should like to make a tour round the world.(나는 세계일주 여행을 하고 싶다.)
△If I could의 뜻이 言外에 포함되어 있다.
should like to: ∼하고 싶다.
④ Would you mind lending me your car?
(미안하지만, 당신의 차를 좀 빌려 주시겠습니까?)
△If I could ask you의 뜻이 言外에 포함되어 있다.
⑤ A pin might have been heard to drop. (if it had dropped의 뜻이 숨어있다.)
I could do it now. (지금 그것을 하려면 할 수도 있다.)
△if I would의 뜻이 숨어있다.
● 기타 if 가 들어있는 관용적 표현
★ 여기서의 if ~ 는 양보의 뜻을 가지며, 단지 앞부분을 강조할 뿐이고 없어도 무방하다.
☆ rarely + if ever + ____(동사)
빈도부사 ever 부사 부사는 동사랑 친하니까.
* She rarely, if she ever is, in time for conferences.
He seldom, if he ever does, goes to church.
☆ few + if any + ____(명사)
형용사 any 형용사 형용사는 역시 명사랑.
* Few, if any, of the candidates can pass the exam.
There are few, if any, such men.
★ as it were = so to speak
'd better, 'd rather, 'd sooner, 'd as soon
1. 직설법 P(If절) → q(주절) P가 현실적 → 반드시 q가 일어날 것이다. : will P가 현실적 → q가 일어날 지도 모른다. : may 'P가 현실적' 인 경우. ex.) [P : 그가 내일 올 가능성이 높다.] If he comes tomorrow, she will have a party. (그가 내일 온다면, 그녀는 반드시 파티를 열 것이다.) If he comes tomorrow, she may have a party. (그가 내일 온다면, 그녀는 파티를 열지도 모른다.) If he comes tomorrow, she might have a party. (may보다 가능성이 좀 더 약함.) |
2. have가 없는 일보후퇴어법 P(If절) → q(주절) P : 비현실적 → 반드시 q가 일어날 것이다. : would P : 비현실적 → q가 일어날 지도 모른다. : might ※ 일어날 가능성의 정도 : would > could > might |
'P : 비현실적' 인 경우. ex.1) [P : 그가 올 가능성이 희박하다.] If he came tomorrow, she would have a party. (만약 그가 내일 온다면, 그녀는 반드시 파티를 열 거야.) If he came tomorrow, she could have a party. (could : might보다 강한 의미, would be able to) If he came tomorrow, she might have a party. (could보다는 약한 의미) ex.2) [P : 그가 영어를 말할 수 있는 가능성이 희박하다.] If I could speak English, I would get a nice job. (내가 영어를 할 수 있다면, 반드시 좋은 직장을 얻을텐데.) If I could speak English, I could get a nice job. (내가 영어를 할 수 있다면, 좋은 직장을 얻을 수 있을 텐데.) If I could speak English, I might get a nice job. (could보다는 약한 의미) |
ex.3) [P : 그가 수영을 할 수 있는 가능성이 희박하다.] If I could swim(If I knew how to swim), I would dive into the water. If I could swim(If I knew how to swim), I could dive into the water. If I could swim(If I knew how to swim), I might dive into the water. ※ I wish 수영할 줄 알면 참 좋겠다. I wish I could swim. = I wish I knew how to swim. 도와줄 수 있다면 참 좋겠다. I wish I could help you. ex.4) [P : 오늘이 휴일일 가능성이 희박하다.] If it was(were) a holiday today, I would be happy. If it was(were) a holiday today, I would not be lecturing here. ※ I wish 오늘이 휴일이면 참 좋겠다. It's a holiday today. 라면 참 좋겠다. → I wish it was(were) a holiday today. ex.5) [P : 내가 시간을 더 가질 가능성이 희박하다.] If I had more time, I would lecture more. |
3. have가 있는 일보후퇴어법 If I had known that she was in the hospital, I would have gone to her. (would have + p.p : have + p.p 라고 말할 수 있을 텐데.) 즉, 다음과 같은 의미 'I would be able to say that. I would be in a situation that I have gone to her.' ※ I wish I didn't know that she was in the hospital. So I didn't go to her. I knew that she was in the hospital. 라면 참 좋을 텐데. → I wish I had known that she was in the hospital. If I could have spoken English at that job interview, I would have got the job. (내가 그 취업 인터뷰에서 영어를 할 수 있었더라면, 그 직장을 얻었을 텐데.) If I could have spoken English at that job interview, I could have got the job. If I could have spoken English at that job interview, I might have got the job. |
If : ~ 라면
ConditionalⅠ : 직설법 조건절, 주절 ConditionalⅡ : have가 없는 일보후퇴어법 Conditional Ⅲ : have가 양쪽에 다 있는 일보후퇴어법 Conditional Ⅱ+Ⅲ : have가 주절에만 있는 일보후퇴어법 Conditional Ⅲ+Ⅱ : have가 if절에만 있는 일보후퇴어법 |
ConditionalⅠ (p → q) : 지금 조건
ex.) If it rains tomorrow, I will not go out to the beach.
(비가 오면, 나는 해변에 나가지 않을 거야.)
ConditionalⅡ (p → q) : 현재가정, 현재결과
ex.) If I were as tall as her, I would kiss her.
(내가 그녀만큼 크다면, 그녀한테 키스할 수 있을 텐데.)
Conditional Ⅲ : 과거가정, 과거결과
ex.) If I had been hungry at that time, I would have eaten something.
(그 때 배가 고팠더라면, 무언가를 먹었을 텐데.)
Conditional Ⅲ+Ⅱ : 과거가정, 현재결과
ex.) If I'd(had) had a cup of coffee an hour ago, I wouldn't be sleepy now.
← I didn't have a cup of coffee an hour ago. So I am sleepy. I regret that.
(한 시간 전에 커피를 마셨다면, 지금 졸리지 않을 텐데.)
Conditional Ⅱ+Ⅲ : 항상 현재가정, 과거결과
ex.) If he was not my nephew, I would have fired him.
← He is my nephew. So I didn't fire him.
(is : 그는 언제나 나의 조카라는 '항상'적 성격을 띠므로.)
= If he was not my nephew, he would have been fired.
(1) The teacher demands that everyone is in the classroom at nine.
(2) Had the companies been notified of the possibility of a strike, they would have taken extra measures
(3) It is high time that we reviewed our foreign policy in the Middle East.
(4) I wish I am as intelligent as he is.
(5) If it will rain tomorrow, I won‟t go to school.
(6) If I had enough money at that time, I would have lent it to you.
(7) Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would not accept his proposal.
(8) Had the Korean team made it to the quarter final, the whole nation would have gone wild.
(9) If I had a time machine, I would choose to travel Joseon in the early 18th century.
(10) If a war were to break out in the Korean Peninsula, the U.S and China would immediately join.
(11) About 40 percent of those killed in bygone accidents would be saved if wearing seatbelts.
(12) The identity theft research center suggests that everyone checks their credit ratings annually from the credit reporting bureaus.
(13) A physician’s assistant demanded that she signed a consent form for the surgery she did not want.
(14) I wish that we are on vacation now.
(15) I wish we had purchased the apartment last year.
(16) He speaks English fluently as if he were an American.
(17) If it rains tomorrow, I’ll just stay at home.
(18) If it was not for Newton, the law of gravitation would not be discovered.
(19) He ordered that it be done at once.
(20) If I would have known about the meeting, I had gone there too.
(21) Had I had the book, I could have lent it to you.
(22) If he had not died in the war, he would be forty now.
(23) He suggested that the new policy be implemented for all workers.
(24) Had they followed my order, they would not have been punished.
(25) Had the computer parts been delivered earlier, we could have been able to complete the project on time.
(26) It is time you went to bed.
(27) Even before Mr. Kay announced his movement to another company, the manager insisted that we begin advertising for a new accountant.
(28) If earth were to shrink to the size of a beach ball, its inhabitable atmosphere would be thinner than a piece of paper.
(29) Sarah would be offended if I didn’t go to her party.
(30) I urged in my previous letter that they be treated as his colleagues.
(31) The game might have been played if the typhoon had not been approaching.
(32) The police demanded that she not leave the country for the time being.(21) Had I had the book, I could have lent it to you.
(1) The teacher demands that everyone is in the classroom at nine. (X)
→ be
(2) Had the companies been notified of the possibility of a strike, they would have taken extra measures (O)
도치면 if 생략// , S+V 에서 콤마는 없을 때도 있음
(3) It is high time that we reviewed our foreign policy in the Middle East.(O)
(4) I wish I am as intelligent as he is. (X)
→ were
(5) If it will rain tomorrow, I won’t go to school. (X)
→ rains
(6) If I had enough money at that time, I would have lent it to you. (X)
→ had had (앞절의 과거 사실의 반대)
(7) Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would not accept his proposal. (O)
(8) Had the Korean team made it to the quarter final, the whole nation would have gone wild. (O)
(9) If I had a time machine, I would choose to travel Joseon in the early 18th century. (O)
(10) If a war were to break out in the Korean Peninsula, the U.S and China would immediately join. (O)
(11) About 40 percent of those killed in bygone accidents would be saved if wearing seatbelts. (X)
→ would have been saved
(12) The identity theft research center suggests that everyone checks their credit ratings annually from the credit reporting bureaus. (X)
→ check
(13) A physician’s assistant demanded that she signed a consent form for the surgery she did not want. (X)
→ sign
(14) I wish that we are on vacation now. (X)
→ were
(15) I wish we had purchased the apartment last year. (O)
(16) He speaks English fluently as if he were an American. (O)
(17) If it rains tomorrow, I’ll just stay at home. (O)
(18) If it was not for Newton, the law of gravitation would not be discovered. (X)
→ If it had not been for Newton, the law of gravitation would not have been discovered.
(19) He ordered that it be done at once. (O)
(20) If I would have known about the meeting, I had gone there too. (X)
→ If I had known about the meeting, I would have gone there, too.
(21) Had I had the book, I could have lent it to you. (O)
(22) If he had not died in the war, he would be forty now. (O)
(23) He suggested that the new policy be implemented for all workers. (O)
(24) Had they followed my order, they would not have been punished.(O)
(25) Had the computer parts been delivered earlier, we could have been able to complete the project on time. (O)
(26) It is time you went to bed. (O)
(27) Even before Mr. Kay announced his movement to another company, the manager insisted that we begin
advertising for a new accountant. (O)
(28) If earth were to shrink to the size of a beach ball, its inhabitable atmosphere would be thinner than a piece of paper. (O)
(29) Sarah would be offended if I didn’t go to her party. (O)
(30) I urged in my previous letter that they be treated as his colleagues. (O)
(31) The game might have been played if the typhoon had not been approaching.(O)
(32) The police demanded that she not leave the country for the time being. (O)
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