
공무원 영어 기출 문제 해설[2020년 법원직 9급]

Jobs 9 2021. 2. 21. 20:02

 Q  다음 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?


It’s tempting to identify knowledge with facts, but not every fact is an item of knowledge. Imagine shaking a sealed cardboard box containing a single coin. As you put the box down, the coin inside the box has landed either heads or tails: let’s say that’s a fact. But as long as no one looks into the box, this fact remains unknown; it is not yet within the realm of (A)[fact / knowledge]. Nor do facts become knowledge simply by being written down. If you write the sentence ‘The coin has landed heads’ on one slip of paper and ‘The coin has landed tails’ on another, then you will have written down a fact on one of the slips, but you still won’t have gained knowledge of the outcome of the coin toss. Knowledge demands some kind of access to a fact on the part of some living subject. (B)[With / Without] a mind to access it, whatever is stored in libraries and databases won’t be knowledge, but just ink marks and electronic traces. In any given case of knowledge, this access may or may not be unique to an individual: the same fact may be known by one person and not by others. Common knowledge might be shared by many people, but there is no knowledge that dangles (C)[attached / unattached] to any subject.


(A) … (B) … (C)
① fact … with … unattached
② knowledge … without … unattached
③ knowledge … with … attached
④ fact … without … attached

【해설】 정답
identify A with B A와 B를 동일시하다
tempting 솔깃한, 구미가 당기는
as long as ~하는 한 = if only one slip of paper 종이 한 장
dangle ① 매달리다 ② 매달다 ③ 대롱거림
individual 개인,(독립된) 개체, [윤리/철학] 개체, 단일체

general knowledge 일반 상식
common knowledge 주지의 사실, (지식으로서의) 상식
common sense 1.상식(적 판단) 2.양식 3.분별 4.공통 감각

attach  붙이다, 첨부하다
=stick, bind, add, affix, append ⇔ detach
attachment  부착, 애정, 애착
identify  확인하다, 동일시하다
identity  동일함, 주체성, 정체
identical  동일한 ❋ identical twins 일란성 쌍둥이
identification  신분증명, 신분증 =ID card 

It’s tempting to identify knowledge with facts, but not every fact is an item of knowledge.
지식과 사실을 동일시하고 싶겠지만 모든 사실이 지식의 한 조각이 되는 것은 아니다.
Imagine shaking a sealed cardboard box containing a single coin.
동전 하나가 담겨있는 밀봉된 골판지상자를 흔든다고 생각해자.
As you put the box down, the coin inside the box has landed either heads or tails: let’s say that’s a fact.
상자를 내려놓으면, 상자 속 동전은 앞면 또는 뒷면을 보이며 놓인다. 이런 것을 사실이라고 하자. 
But as long as no one looks into the box, this fact remains unknown; it is not yet within the realm of knowledge. 
그러나 상자 속을 확인한 사람이 없기 때문에, 위 사실은 확인불가 상태이다. 이것이 지식에 포함되기에는 이르다. 
Nor do facts become knowledge simply by being written down.
또한 사실을 단순히 글로 옮긴다고 해서 지식이 되는 것도 아니다.
If you write the sentence ‘The coin has landed heads’ on one slip of paper and ‘The coin has landed tails’ on another, then you will have written down a fact on one of the slips, but you still won’t have gained knowledge of the outcome of the coin toss.
가느다란 종이 한 조각에 ‘동전은 앞면이 위를 보고 있다.’는 문장을, 그리고 다른 종이에 ‘동전은 뒷면이 위를 보고 있다.’는 문장을 쓴다고 할 때, 두 조각 중 하나에 사실을 적어 둔 것은 맞겠지만, 그 동전던지기 결과를 여전히 파악할 수는 없다. 
Knowledge demands some kind of access to a fact on the part of some living subject.
지식은 어떤 식으로든 실체(동전)에서 기원한 사실(앞 또는 뒤)에 접근(확인하기)할 것을 요구한다. 
Without a mind to access it, whatever is stored in libraries and databases won’t be knowledge, but just ink marks and electronic traces.
그 사실에 접근할 의사가 없다면 도서관에 있는 또는 데이터베이스 상태의 어떤 것도 지식이 될 수 없으며 고로 단지 잉크자국과 전자전기적 흔적에 불과하다.
In any given case of knowledge, this access may or may not be unique to an individual: the same fact may be known by one person and not by others.
어떤 지식을 대상으로 하더라도, 이런 접근은 사람에 따라 선택할 수도 그렇지 않을 수도 있다. 즉, 한 사실을 두고 그것을 아는 사람과 알지 못하는 사람이 있을 수 있다는 것이다.(사실은 가만 있는데 그것을 아는 사람은 확인하지 않지만 모르는 사람은 확인한다.)
Common knowledge might be shared by many people, but there is no knowledge that dangles unattached to any subject.
다수가 공통적으로 알고 있는 사실은 존재할지라도, 어떤 실체에도 관련되지 않은 채 뜬 구름 같은 지식이란 없다. 

 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


Impressionable youth are not the only ones subject to                        . Most of us have probably had an experience of being
pressured by a salesman. Have you ever had a sales rep try to sell you some “office solution” by telling you that 70 percent of your competitors are using their service, so why aren’t you? But what if 70 percent of your competitors are idiots? Or what if that 70 percent were given so much value added or offered such a low price that they couldn’t resist the opportunity? The practice is designed to do one thing and one thing only—to pressure you to buy. To make you feel you might be missing out on something or that everyone else knows but you.


① peer pressure
② impulse buying
③ bullying tactics
④ keen competition

【해설】 정답
peer pressure 동료 집단으로부터 받는 사회적 압력
impressionable 쉽게 외부의 영향을 받는

민감한, 영향 받기 쉬운
sensitive 민감한, 예민한 impressionable 감수성이 강한
susceptible 민감한, 잘 영향받는 vulnerable 상처․공격받기 쉬운

be subject to ~을 당하기(입기) 쉬운, 걸리기 쉬운 ~ 의 대상이다
rep 1.= sales representative, representative
 2.대변인 3.레퍼토리(repertory)
sales rep 외판원

Impressionable youth are not the only ones subject to peer pressure.
‘민감한 청년’이란 동료집단의 압박을 받기 쉬운 사람만을 가리키는 것은 아니다. 
Most of us have probably had an experience of being pressured by a salesman.
대다수의 우리는 어쩌면 판매직원의 적극적 공세를 경험했을 것이다. 
Have you ever had a sales rep try to sell you some “office solution” by telling you that 70 percent of your competitors are using their service, so why aren’t you?
경쟁사 70%가 자신들의 서비스를 사용한다고 말하며, 당신이 잘 알지도 못하는 업무용상품을 한 번 사용해 보라고 권하는 척 구매를 유도하는 판매직원을 만난 경험이 있지 않나?
But what if 70 percent of your competitors are idiots?
그런데 그 70%가 호갱님이라면 어떡할까?
Or what if that 70 percent were given so much value added or offered such a low price that they couldn’t resist the opportunity?
아니면, 그 70%가 아주 낮은 가격을 제안 받았거나 고가의 무료부가상품를 받고서 그 기회를 마다할 수 없었다면 어떡할까?
The practice is designed to do one thing and one thing only—to pressure you to buy.
이런 영업방식은 오직 하나 만을 하기 위해 기획된다. 오직 하나, 바로 당신이 구매할 수 밖에 없도록 하는 것. 
To make you feel you might be missing out on something or that everyone else knows but you.
뭔가 죽여주는 것을 당신이 놓칠 지도 모른다고 느끼게끔 만들기 위해서 또는 당신 만 모르고 다른 사람들은 모두 알고 있다고 당신이 느끼게끔 만들기 위해서 말이다.

 다음 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?


People with high self-esteem have confidence in their skills and competence and enjoy facing the challenges that life offers them. They (A)[willingly / unwillingly] work in teams because they are sure of themselves and enjoy taking the opportunity to contribute. However, those who have low self-esteem tend to feel awkward, shy, and unable to express themselves. Often they compound their problems by opting for avoidance strategies because they (B)[deny / hold] the belief that whatever they do will result in failure. Conversely, they may compensate for their lack of self-esteem by exhibiting boastful and arrogant behavior to cover up their sense of unworthiness. Furthermore, such individuals account for their successes by finding reasons that are outside of themselves, while those with high self-esteem (C)[attempt/ attribute] their success to internal characteristics.


(A) (B) (C)
① willingly … deny … attempt
② willingly … hold … attribute
③ unwillingly … hold … attempt
④ unwillingly … deny … attribute

【해설】 정답 

compound 합성의, 여러 가지 기능을 가진, 혼합물
v. 악화시키다, ~으로 구성되다, 섞다, 혼합하다
unworthiness 가치 없음, 하찮음. 
self esteem ① 자부심 ② 자존감 ③ 자긍심
willingly ① 기꺼이 ② 자진해서 ③ 고의적으로
boastful 자랑하는, 자화자찬의, 자랑하기 좋아하는
arrogant ① 오만한 ② 거만한
awkward ① 어색한 ② 거북한 ③ 서투른 ④ 곤란한

People with high self-esteem have confidence in their skills and competence and enjoy facing the challenges that life offers them.
자긍심이 충만한 사람은 자신의 기술과 능력을 자신하며 세상이 그들에게 던져주는 고난에 웃으며 맞선다.
They willingly work in teams because they are sure of themselves and enjoy taking the opportunity to contribute.
자신들을 믿기 때문에 그래서 공헌할 기회를 놓치고 싶지 않은 이 사람들은 팀이 되어 일하기를 마다하지 않는다.
However, those who have low self-esteem tend to feel awkward, shy, and unable to express themselves.
그러나 자긍심이 낮은 사람들은 망설이거나 부끄러워하거나 자신의 주장을 펴지 못한다. 
Often they compound their problems by opting for avoidance strategies because they hold the belief that whatever they do will result in failure.
적지 않게, 이들은 회피전략을 선택하고 자신의 여러 단점을 일시에 떠올리는데 이는 자신들이 무엇을 하건 결국 안될거라는 믿음을 버리지 못하기 때문이다.
Conversely, they may compensate for their lack of self-esteem by exhibiting boastful and arrogant behavior to cover up their sense of unworthiness.
이와 반대로 자격지심을 숨기기 위해 허세를 부리고 거만하게 행동함으로써 부족한 자긍심을 채워보려 할 지도 모른다. 
Furthermore, such individuals account for their successes by finding reasons that are outside of themselves, while those with high self-esteem attribute their success to internal characteristics.
게다가, 자긍심이 낮은 이 사람들은 자신들이 성공한다고 할 지라도 외부에서 그 이유를 찾으려 애쓴다. 반면, 자긍심이 높은 사람들은 성공의 원인을 자신에게서 찾으려 한다.

 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?


To be sure, no other species can lay claim to our capacity to devise something new and original, from the sublime to the sublimely ridiculous. Other animals do build things—birds assemble their intricate nests, beavers construct dams, and ants dig elaborate networks of tunnels. “But airplanes, strangely tilted skyscrapers and Chia Pets, well, they’re pretty impressive,” Fuentes says, adding that from an evolutionary standpoint, “creativity is as much a part of our tool kit as walking on two legs, having a big brain and really good hands for manipulating things.” For a physically unprepossessing primate, without great fangs or claws or wings or other obvious physical advantages, creativity has been the great equalizer—and more—ensuring, for now, at least, the survival of Homo sapiens.
*sublime 황당한, (터무니없이) 극단적인 *Chia Pets 잔디가 머리털처럼 자라나는 피규어


① Where Does Human Creativity Come From?
② What Are the Physical Characteristics of Primates?
③ Physical Advantages of Homo Sapiens over Other Species
④ Creativity: a Unique Trait Human Species Have For Survival

【해설】 정답
lay claim to ‥ ① …에 대한 권리를 주장하다② …의 자격이 있다고 주장하다
sublime ① 숭고한 ② 멋진 황당한, (터무니없이) 극단적인
sublimely ① 완전히 ② 놀랄 정도로
ridiculous 웃기는, 말도 안 되는, 터무니없는
intricate (여러 부분·내용으로 되어 있어) 복잡한
elaborate 상세히 말하다 정교한 설명하다 정성들인
equalizer ① 등화기 ② 동점 ③ 균형(평형) 장치
unprepossessing 1.(격식) 인상적이지 않은 2.좋은 인상을 주지 않는
manipulate 1. (흔히 교묘하고 부정직하게 사람·사물을) 조종하다 2. (사물을 능숙하게) 다루다
assemble  ① 모으다 ⇨ gather ② 조립하다 ⇨ put together
assembly  ① 모임, 의회 ② 조립

To be sure, no other species can lay claim to our capacity to devise something new and original, from the sublime to the sublimely ridiculous.
분명한 것은, 황당한 것부터 황당하면서 기괴한 것까지 새롭고 창의적인 것을 만들어내는 능력은 오직 인간만이 지닌 것이다. 
Other animals do build things—birds assemble their intricate nests, beavers construct dams, and ants dig elaborate networks of tunnels.
다른 동물도 이런저런 것들을 만들기는 한다. 새는 복잡한 구조의 둥지를 조립한다. 비버는 댐을 짓고 개미는 정교하게 연결된 터널을 판다. 
“But airplanes, strangely tilted skyscrapers and Chia Pets, well, they’re pretty impressive,” Fuentes says, adding that from an evolutionary standpoint, “creativity is as much a part of our tool kit as walking on two legs, having a big brain and really good hands for manipulating things.”
“하지만 비행기, 아찔하게 기울어진 초고층빌딩, chia pets은 충분히 인상적입니다.”라고 Fuentes은 말한다. 더붙여 진화적관점에서 보자면 “창의성은 두발로 걷는 것만큼이나 도구를 사용하는 인간의 중요한 부분입니다. 거기에 큰 뇌와 물건 다루기에 매우 적절한 손을 가지고 있답니다.”
For a physically unprepossessing primate, without great fangs or claws or wings or other obvious physical advantages, creativity has been the great equalizer—and more—ensuring, for now, at least, the survival of Homo sapiens.
신체능력면에서 볼품없는 영장류에게, 큼지막한 어금니, 발톱, 날개 또는 다른 뚜렷한 신체적 장점이 없지만, 당장은 적어도 창의성은 호모사피엔스의 생존을 보장하는 위대한 보상이다.

① Where Does Human Creativity Come From? 인간의 창의성은 어디에서 발생하나?
② What Are the Physical Characteristics of Primates? 영장류의 신체적 특징은 무엇인가?
③ Physical Advantages of Homo Sapiens over Other Species 다른 종 보다 뛰어난 호모사피엔스의 신체적 장점
④ Creativity: a Unique Trait Human Species Have For Survival 창의성: 생존을 위해 인간이 지닌 독특한 특성

 다음 글의 요지를 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


“Most of bird identification is based on a sort of subjective impression - the way a bird moves and little instantaneous appearances at different angles and sequences of different appearances, and as it turns its head and as it flies and as it turns around, you see sequences of different shapes and angles,” Sibley says, “All that combines to create a unique impression of a bird that can’t really be taken apart and described in words. When it comes down to being in the fieldland looking at a bird, you don’t take time to analyze it and say it shows this, this, and this; therefore it must be this species. It’s more natural and instinctive. After a lot of practice, you look at the bird, and it triggers little switches in your brain. It looks right. You know what it is at a glance.”


According to Sibley, bird identification is based on     (A)     rather than     (B)     .


① instinctive impression – discrete analysis
② objective research – subjective judgements
③ physical appearances – behavioral traits
④ close observation - distant observation

【해설】 정답 
“Most of bird identification is based on a sort of subjective impression
대부분의 조류식별법은 일종의 ‘관찰대상의 고유 특징’에 기초를 둔다. 
- the way a bird moves and little instantaneous appearances at different angles and sequences of different appearances
한 종의 새가 이동하는 방식, 다양한 각도에서 볼 수 있는 작지만 직관적 겉모습, 연속되는 다양한 겉모습, 
and as it turns its head and as it flies and as it turns around, you see sequences of different shapes and angles,” Sibley says,
머리를 돌릴 때, 날 때, 몸을 돌릴 때, 다양한 모습과 각도에 따른 연이은 형태가 눈에 들어온다.
“All that combines to create a unique impression of a bird that can’t really be taken apart and described in words.
“모든 그것들은 결합하여 사실상 말로 표현할 수 없는 그리고 따로 떼어 생각할 수 없는 조류 한 종의 독특한 특징을 구성한다.”
When it comes down to being in the fieldland looking at a bird, you don’t take time to analyze it and say it shows this, this, and this; therefore it must be this species.
현장에서 새를 관찰할 수 있는 기회가 있다면, 우리는 즉각 그것을 분석할 수 있다. 그리고 저 새가 이런, 저런, 그런 것을 보여주기 때문에 저 새는 이 종임에 틀림없다고 즉시 말할 수 있다.
It’s more natural and instinctive.
이런 분석은 생각보다 당연하게 그리고 직감적으로 이뤄진다.
After a lot of practice, you look at the bird, and it triggers little switches in your brain.
관찰을 반복하다 보면, 그 새를 보자마자 우리 뇌 속 작은 스위치를 그 새가 자극한다.
It looks right. You know what it is at a glance.”
대단하죠. 한 눈에 그것이 어떤 종인지 알 수 있습니다. 
According to Sibley, bird identification is based on instinctive impression rather than discrete analysis.
Sibley에 의하면, 조류식별법은 개별적분석에 기초하기 보다 직관적특징에 기초한다.

 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?


As cars are becoming less dependent on people, the means and circumstances in which the product is used by consumers are also likely to undergo significant changes, with higher rates of participation in car sharing and short-term leasing programs.


(A) In the not-too-distant future, a driverless car could come to you when you need it, and when you are done with it, it could then drive away without any need for a parking space. Increases in car sharing and short-term leasing are also likely to be associated with a corresponding decrease in the importance of exterior car design.
(B) As a result, the symbolic meanings derived from cars and their relationship to consumer self-identity and status are likely to change in turn.
(C) Rather than serving as a medium for personalization and self-identity, car exteriors might increasingly come to represent a channel for advertising and other promotional activities, including brand ambassador programs, such as those offered by Free Car Media.


① (A) - (C) - (B)
② (B) - (C) - (A)
③ (C) - (A) - (B)
④ (C) - (B) - (A)

【해설】 정답 
As cars are becoming less dependent on people, the means and circumstances in which the product is used by consumers are also likely to undergo significant changes, with higher rates of participation in car sharing and short-term leasing programs.
자동차가 인간에 덜 의존하게 되면서, 자동차가 소비자에 의해 사용되는 방법과 환경이 중요한 변화를 또한 겪을 것 같다. 차량공유상품과 단기리스상품 참여 비중이 높아지면서 말이다.
(A) In the not-too distant future, a driverless car could come to you when you need it, and when you are done with it, it could then drive away without any need for a parking space.
머지 않은 미래에, 신청만 하면 자동주행차량이 집 앞으로 오고, 사용 후 주차할 공간을 찾을 필요 조차 없이 그 차는 떠날 수도 있다.
Increases in car sharing and short-term leasing are also likely to be associated with a corresponding decrease in the importance of exterior car design.
차량공유와 단기리스의 증가는 차량외부디자인에 대한 강조가 함께 줄어드는 현상과 또한 관련이 있다.
(C) Rather than serving as a medium for personalization and self-identity, car exteriors might increasingly come to represent a channel for advertising and other promotional activities, including brand ambassador programs, such as those offered by Free Car Media.
맞춤개조의 수단 그리고 개성표출의 수단으로 쓰이기 보다는 차량외부디자인은 점차 광고와 타 홍보활동을 위한 수단을 대표하게 것이다. Free Car Media社가 제공하는 것과 같은 직장홍보프로그램을 포함해서 말이다.
(B) As a result, the symbolic meanings derived from cars and their relationship to consumer self-identity and status are likely to change in turn.
결과적으로, 차에서 파생된 그리고 소비자정체성지위과 그 차가 맺은 관계에서 파생된 상징적 의미들은 차례로 바뀔 것 같다.

 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?


There is a wonderful story of a group of American car executives who went to Japan to see a Japanese assembly line. At the end of the line, the doors were put on the hinges, the same as in America.

(A) But something was missing. In the United States, a line worker would take a rubber mallet and tap the edges of the door to ensure that it fit perfectly. In Japan, that job didn't seem to exist.
(B) Confused, the American auto executives asked at what point they made sure the door fit perfectly. Their Japanese guide looked at them and smiled sheepishly. "We make sure it fits when we design it."
(C) In the Japanese auto plant, they didn't examine the problem and accumulate data to figure out the best solution — they engineered the outcome they wanted from the beginning. If they didn't achieve their desired outcome, they understood it was because of a decision they made at the start of the process.


① (A) - (B) - (C)
② (A) - (C) - (B)
③ (B) - (A) - (C)
④ (B) - (C) - (A)

【해설】 정답 
There is a wonderful story of a group of American car executives who went to Japan to see a Japanese assembly line.
일본의 조립라인을 둘러보기 위해 일본에 갔던 한 미국자동차제조사 임원에 대한 흥미로운 얘기가 있습니다. 
At the end of the line, the doors were put on the hinges, the same as in America.
조립라인의 맨 끝에서 문에 경첩이 부착되었는데 이는 미국에서와 같았다.
(A) But something was missing.
그러나 생략된 과정이 있었다.
In the United States, a line worker would take a rubber mallet and tap the edges of the door to ensure
that it fit perfectly.
미국에서 라인조립자는 문이 제대로 고정되었다는 것을 명확히 하기 위해 고무망치로 문 가장자리를 쳤다.
In Japan, that job didn't seem to exist.
일본에서는 그 과정이 없는 것처럼 보였다.
(B) Confused, the American auto executives asked at what point they made sure the door fit perfectly.
당황한 그 미국자동차회사 임원은 문이 제대로 고정되었다는 것을 언제쯤 조립자들이 확인하는 지 물어보았다. 
Their Japanese guide looked at them and smiled sheepishly. "We make sure it fits when we design it."
일본인 안내자는 그들을 보며 수줍게 웃었다. “문을 디자인할 때부터 꼭 맞도록 합니다.”
(C) In the Japanese auto plant, they didn't examine the problem and accumulate data to figure out the best solution — they engineered the outcome they wanted from the beginning.
일본의 자동차제조시설에서, 직원들은 문제를 분석하거나 최선책을 알아내기 위해 데이터를 축적하지 않았다. 그들은 시작할 때부터 원하는 결과를 만들어냈다.
If they didn't achieve their desired outcome, they understood it was because of a decision they made at the start of the process.
원하는 결과를 얻지 못하면, 그 원인은 공정을 시작할 때 그들이 내린 결론때문이다라고 생각했다.

 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


There has been much research on nonverbal cues to deception dating back to the work of Ekman and his idea of leakage. It is well documented that people use others’ nonverbal behaviors as a way to detect lies.  My research and that of many others has strongly supported people’s reliance on observations of others’ nonverbal behaviors when assessing honesty. (A)___________,  social scientific research on the link between various nonverbal behaviors and the act of lying suggests that the link is typically not very strong or consistent. In my research,  I have observed that the nonverbal signals that seem to give one liar away are different than those given by a second liar. (B)___________,  the scientific evidence linking nonverbal behaviors and deception has grown weaker over time. People infer honesty based on how others nonverbally present themselves, but that has very limited utility and validity.


① However - What’s more

② As a result – On the contrary
③ However – Nevertheless
④ As a result - For instance

【해설】 정답 
There has been much research on nonverbal cues to deception dating back to the work of Ekman and his idea of leakage.
Ekman의 논문과 ‘들통’이라고 하는 그의 발상까지 거슬러 올라가는, 거짓을 가려낼 수 있는 언어외적단서에 대한 많은 연구가 진행됐다.
It is well documented that people use others’ nonverbal behaviors as a way to detect lies.
거짓을 밝혀내는 방법으로 타인의 언어외적행동을 사람들이 주목한다는 사실은 잘 정리되어있다. 
My research and that of many others has strongly supported people’s reliance on observations of others’ nonverbal behaviors when assessing honesty.
사람들이 타인의 정직성을 판단할 때 상대의 언어외적행동을 관찰하는 것에 의존한다는 의견에 나와 많은 다른 동료의 연구는 큰 동의를 표한다. 
However, social scientific research on the link between various nonverbal behaviors and the act of lying suggests that the link is typically not very strong or consistent.
그러나 다양한 언어외적행동과 거짓말행위의 관계에 대한 사회과학적연구에 따르면 그 관계가 일반적으로 매우 강하거나 일관되지는 않는다.
In my research, I have observed that the nonverbal signals that seem to give one liar away are different than those given by a second liar.
나는 연구를 통해 한 거짓말쟁이의 정체를 드러내는 것처럼 보이는 언어외적신호가 다른 거짓말쟁이가 보여주는 그런 신호와는 다르다는 것을 알게되었다. 
What’s more, the scientific evidence linking nonverbal behaviors and deception has grown weaker over time.
게다가 언어외적행동과 거짓을 연관짓는 과학적증거라고 알려진 것들도 시간이 지남에 따라 점점 더 약화되고 있다.
People infer honesty based on how others nonverbally present themselves, but that has very limited utility and validity.
사람들은 상대가 언어외적으로 표현하는 방식을 근거로 정직성을 추론한다. 하지만 그것 또한 매우 제한적으로 유효하고 타당할 뿐이다.

 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?


As soon as the start-up is incorporated it will need a bank account, and the need for a payroll account will follow quickly. The banks are very competitive in services to do payroll and related tax bookkeeping, ①starting with even the smallest of businesses.
These are areas ②where a business wants the best quality service and the most “free” accounting help it can get. The changing payroll tax legislation is a headache to keep up with, especially when a sales force will be operating in many of the fifty states. And the ③requiring reports are a burden on a company’s add administrative staff. Such services are often provided best by the banker.
The banks’ references in this area should be compared with the payroll service alternatives such as ADP, but the future and the long-term relationship should be kept in mind when a decision is ④being made.

【해설】 정답 ③ requiring -> required
As soon as the start-up is incorporated it will need a bank account, and the need for a payroll account will follow quickly.
새로운 기업이 법인등록을 할 때 은행계좌가 필요할 것이다. 그리고 바로 이어서 급여계좌도 필요하게 될 것이다.
The banks are very competitive in services to do payroll and related tax bookkeeping, starting with even the smallest of businesses.
은행은 급여이체업무와 이와 관련된 세금부기업무 서비스에 매우 경쟁적으로 달려든다. 심지어 아주 작은 기업들부터 관리하기 시작한다. 
These are areas where a business wants the best quality service and the most “free” accounting help it can get.
이것들은 기업 입장에서 최고의 서비스를 요하는 영역이며 기업이 얻을 수 있는 거의 무료 비용 회계업무 지원을 요하는 영역이다.
The changing payroll tax legislation is a headache to keep up with, especially when a sales force will be operating in many of the fifty states.
바뀌는 급여관련세제는 반드시 지켜야할 골치덩어리이다. 특히 영업부서가 50개나 되는 주(州)에서 영업을 해야할 때 말이다.
And the required reports are a burden on a company’s administrative staff.
그리고 필수 서류는 기업의 관리직원에게 부과되는 짐이다. 
Such services are often provided best by the banker.
이런 서비는 종종 은행이 가장 잘 제공할 수 있다. 
The banks’ references in this area should be compared with the payroll service alternatives such as ADP,
이 분야와 관련해서 그 은행이 제공하는 증빙서류는 ADP와 같은 여러 급여관리서비스 대안업체와 비교되어야 한다.
but the future and the long-term relationship should be kept in mind when a decision is being made.
그러나 결정 과정에서, 앞으로 있을 관계와 장기적 관계라는 것이 고려대상의 되어야 한다.

 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?


Many people refuse to visit animal shelters because they find it too sad or ①depressed. They shouldn’t feel so bad because so many lucky animals are saved from a dangerous life on the streets, ②where they’re at risk of traffic accidents, attack by other animals or humans, and subject to the elements. Many lost pets likewise ③are found and reclaimed by distraught owners simply because they were brought into animal shelters. Most importantly, ④adoptable pets find homes, and sick or dangerous animals are humanely relieved of their suffering.

【해설】 정답
 ① depressed -> depressing
Many people refuse to visit animal shelters because they find it too sad or depressing. 동물보호소에 가는 것이 슬프고 우울하다는 것을 알기 때문에 방문을 꺼리는 사람들이 많다. 
They shouldn’t feel so bad because so many lucky animals are saved from a dangerous life on the streets, where they’re at risk of traffic accidents, attack by other animals or humans, and subject to the elements.
하지만 많은 운좋은 동물들이 노상에서 겪을 위험으로부터 구조되기 때문에 그렇게 우울할 필요는 없습니다. 노상에 있다면 차사고를 당하거나 다른 동물과 못된 인간에게 공격 당하거나 비비람을 피하지 못할 수도 있으니까요.
Many lost pets likewise are found and reclaimed by distraught owners simply because they were brought into animal shelters.
단지 동물보호소로 데려와 지기 때문에 이처럼 많은 집없는 반려동물이 착한 주인들에게 발견되고 입양됩니다.
Most importantly, adoptable pets find homes, and sick or dangerous animals are humanely relieved of their suffering.
무엇보다도 입양가능한 동물은 가정을 찾게되고 병들거나 위험한 동물은 인도적으로 고통을 줄여줍니다.

 다음 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?


EQ testing, when performed with reliable testing methods, can provide you with very useful information about yourself. I’ve found, having tested thousands of people, that many are a bit surprised by their results. For example, one person who believed she was very socially responsible and often concerned about others came out with an (A)[average / extraordinary] score in that area. She was quite disappointed in her score. It turned out that she had very high standards for social responsibility and therefore was extremely (B)[easy
/ hard] on herself when she performed her assessment. In reality, she was (C)[more / less] socially responsible than most people, but she believed that she could be much better than she was.


(A) … (B) … (C)
① average … easy … less
② average … hard … more 
③ extraordinary … hard … less
④ extraordinary … easy … more

【해설】 정답 
EQ testing, when performed with reliable testing methods, can provide you with very useful information about yourself.
적절한 테스트방법으로 진행되면 감성지수테스트는 당신에게 매우 요긴한 정보를 줄 수 있다.
I’ve found, having tested thousands of people, that many are a bit surprised by their results.
많은 사람들이 자신의 결과에 약간 놀란다는 것을 수 천 명을 테스트한 후 나는 알게되었다.
For example, one person who believed she was very socially responsible and often concerned about others came out with an average score in that area.
예를 들어, 사회적 책임감이 매우 높고 타인에 대한 관심이 크다고 믿는 사람이 그저 평범한 점수를 보여주는 경우도 있다. She was quite disappointed in her score.
이 여자는 자신의 점수에 상당히 실망했다.
It turned out that she had very high standards for social responsibility and therefore was extremely hard on herself when she performed her assessment.
나중에 드러난 사실은, 이 참여자는 사회적 책임에 대해 매우 높은 기준을 설정했고 따라서 자신에 대해 평가할 때 엄청나게 까탈스러웠다는 것이다.
In reality, she was more socially responsible than most people, but she believed that she could be much better than she was.
실제로는 이 참여자는 대부분의 사람들 보다 더 사회적책임감이 높았지만 현재 보다 더 잘할 수 있었는데 그렇게 하지 못했다고 믿었을 뿐이다.

 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


A person may try to                      by using evidence to his advantage. A mother asks her son, “How are you doing in English this term?” He responds cheerfully, “Oh, I just got a ninety-five on a quiz.”  The statement conceals the fact that he has failed every other quiz and that his actual average is 55. Yet, if she pursues the matter no further, the mother may be delighted that her son is doing so well. Linda asks Susan, “Have you read much Dickens?” Susan responds, “Oh, Pickwick Papers is one of my favorite novels.” The statement may disguise the fact that Pickwick Papers is the only novel by Dickens that she has read, and it may give Linda the impression that Susan is a great Dickens enthusiast.


① earn extra money
② effect a certain belief
③ hide memory problems
④ make other people feel guilty

【해설】 정답 
A person may try to effect a certain belief by using evidence to his advantage.
자신에게 이로운 증거를 내밀며 특정 사고에 영향을 주려고 시도하는 사람이 있다고 하자. 
A mother asks her son, “How are you doing in English this term?”
“이번 학기 영어성적은 올랐니?”라고 아들에게 엄마는 묻는다. 
He responds cheerfully, “Oh, I just got a ninety-five on a quiz.” 
“엊그제 퀴즈시험에서 95점 받았어.”라며 아들은 자랑스럽게 답한다. 
The statement conceals the fact that he has failed every other quiz and that his actual average is 55.
아들은 모든 다른 퀴즈는 망쳤으며 실제 평균 점수는 55점이라는 사실을 숨기는 대답을 한다. 
Yet, if she pursues the matter no further, the mother may be delighted that her son is doing so well.
엄마가 그것에 대해 이상 묻지 않는다면 아들이 아주 잘하고 있다는 것에 기뻐할 지도 모른다.
Linda asks Susan, “Have you read much Dickens?”
“챨스디킨스의 작품들은 좀 읽어봤어?”라고 린다가 수잔에게 묻는다.
Susan responds, “Oh, Pickwick Papers is one of my favorite novels.”
“피크윅 클럽의 유문록(遺文錄)이 내가 좋아하는 소설 중 하나야.” 수잔은 말한다.
The statement may disguise the fact that Pickwick Papers is the only novel by Dickens that she has read, and it may give Linda the impression that Susan is a great Dickens enthusiast.
이 대답에서 알 수 없는 것이 있는데 챨스디킨스의 작품 중 이 소설이 그녀가 읽은 유일한 것이라는 점이다. 그리고 린다는 수잔이 챨스 디킨스의 광팬이라는 인상을 받을 수도 있다.
① earn extra money 가욋돈을 벌다
③ hide memory problems 기억력 문제를 숨기다
④ make other people feel guilty 다른 사람이 죄책감을 느끼게 하다

 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


Whether we are complimented for our appearance, our garden, a dinner we prepared, or an assignment at the office, it is always satisfying to receive recognition for a job well done.  Certainly, reinforcement theory sees occasional praise as an aid to learning a new skill. However, some evidence cautions against making sweeping generalizations regarding the use of praise in improving performance. It seems that while praise improves performance on certain tasks, on others it can instead prove harmful. Imagine the situation in which the enthusiastic support of hometown fans expecting victory brings about the downfall of their team. In this situation, it seems that praise creates pressure on athletes, disrupting their performance.

Whether    (A)    helps or hurts a performance depends on    (B)    .


(A) … (B)
① praise … task types
② competition … quality of teamwork
③ praise … quality of teamwork
④ competition … task types

【해설】 정답 
Whether we are complimented for our appearance, our garden, a dinner we prepared, or an assignment at the office, it is always satisfying to receive recognition for a job well done.
정돈된 외모, 잘 꾸며진 정원, 맛있는 저녁, 깔끔한 업무처리 중 어떤 것에 대한 칭찬이건, 일을 참 잘했다고 인정 받는 것은 항상 기분 좋은 것이다. 
Certainly, reinforcement theory sees occasional praise as an aid to learning a new skill.
확실히 강화이론에 의하면 가끔씩 주어지는 격려와 칭찬은 새로운 기술을 배우는데 도움을 주는 도구라고 생각된다. 
However, some evidence cautions against making sweeping generalizations regarding the use of praise in improving performance.
그러나 좋은 결과를 얻기 위해 칭찬을 도구로 삼을 때 절대적 진리로 일반화하는 것을 경계하는 증거들이 있다.
It seems that while praise improves performance on certain tasks, on others it can instead prove harmful.
어떤 상황에서 칭찬이 좋은 결과를 낼 수 있지만, 다른 경우 그것이 아닌 나쁜 결과를 낼수 있는 것처럼 보인다.
Imagine the situation in which the enthusiastic support of hometown fans expecting victory brings about the downfall of their team.
승리를 바라는 연고지 팬의 열광적 응원이 해당 팀의 몰락을 초래하는 상황을 상상해 보자.
In this situation, it seems that praise creates pressure on athletes, disrupting their performance.
이 경우 응원은 선수들에게 부담을 주고 결국 경기운영을 망치는 것처럼 보인다.

Whether praise helps or hurts a performance depends on task types.
칭찬이 실력발휘에 도움이 되는 지 그것을 망  친는 지는 주어진 일의 유형에 달려있다.

 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?


As we consider media consumption in the context of anonymous social relations, we mean all of those occasions that involve the presence of strangers, such as viewing television in public places like bars, ①going to concerts or dance clubs, or reading a newspaper on a bus or subway. Typically, there are social rules that ②govern how we interact with those around us and with the media product. For instance, it is considered rude in our culture, or at least aggressive, ③read over another person’s shoulder or to get up and change TV channels in a public setting. Any music fan knows what is appropriate at a particular kind of concert. The presence of other people is often crucial to defining the setting and hence the activity of media consumption, ④despite the fact that the relationships are totally impersonal.
【해설】 정답 ③ read -> to read
As we consider media consumption in the context of anonymous social relations, we mean all of those occasions that involve the presence of strangers, such as viewing television in public places like bars, going to concerts or dance clubs, or reading a newspaper on a bus or subway.
미디어이용을 불특정한 사회적 관계라는 맥락으로 언급할 때, 이는 서로 모르는 사람들이 함께 있는 모든 상황을 의미한다. 술집과 같은 공공장소에서 티비를 보는, 콘서트에 가거나 클럽에 가는, 버스나 전철에서 신문을 읽고 있는 그런 상황 말이다. 
Typically, there are social rules that govern how we interact with those around us and with the media product.
일반적으로 주변 사람들과 그리고 미디어의 결과물과 우리가 상호작용하는 방식에 적용되는 몇 가지 사회규범이 있다. 
For instance, it is considered rude in our culture, or at least aggressive, to read over another person’s shoulder or to get up and change TV channels in a public setting.
예를 들어 어깨너머로 다른 사람이 무엇을 읽는 지 보는 것, 벌떡 일어나 다른 사람도 보고 있는 티비의 채널을 바꾸는 것은 우리 문화에서는 예의없거나 적어도 갈등을 유발하는 행위라고 여겨진다. → 가주어진주어
Any music fan knows what is appropriate at a particular kind of concert.
음악을 좋아하는 사람이라면 누구나 콘서트의 성격에 적합한 관람예절을 안다. 
The presence of other people is often crucial to defining the setting and hence the activity of media consumption, despite the fact that the relationships are totally impersonal.
그런 관계들이 전혀 개인사이 감정을 도모하지는 않는다는 사실에도 불구하고, 다른 사람이 주변에 있다는 것은 관람예절과 그에 따른 미디어이용 행위를 정의하는 데에 종종 중요하다.

 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?


Many of us believe that amnesia, or sudden memory loss, results in the inability to recall one’s name and identity. This belief may reflect the way amnesia is usually ①portrayed in movies, television, and literature. For example, when we meet Matt Damon’s character in the movie The Bourne Identity,  we learn that he has no memory for who he is, why he has the skills he does, or where he is from. He spends much of the movie ②trying to answer these questions. However, the inability to remember your name and identity ③are exceedingly rare in reality. Amnesia most often results from a brain injury that leaves the victim unable to form new memories, but with most memories of the past ④intact. Some movies do accurately portray this more common syndrome; our favorite Memento.


【해설】 정답 
Many of us believe that amnesia, or sudden memory loss, results in the inability to recall one’s name and identity.
우리 대부분이 생각하기에, 갑자기 뭔가를 떠올리지 못하게 되는 기억상실은 사람의 이름과 신원을 떠올릴 수 없는 결과를 낳는다. 
This belief may reflect the way amnesia is usually portrayed in movies, television, and literature.
이런 통념은 영화, 티비, 문학작품에서 기억상실이 일반적으로 묘사되는 방식에 영향을 준다. 
For example, when we meet Matt Damon’s character in the movie The Bourne Identity, we learn that he has no memory for who he is, why he has the skills he does, or where he is from.
예들 들어, 영화 ‘본아이덴터티’의 극중 인물 맷데이먼을 볼 때면, 그는 자신이 누구인지, 왜 자신이 특수한 능력을 가지고 있는지, 고향이 어디인지를 기억하지 못한다는 것을 알게된다. 
He spends much of the movie trying to answer these questions.
이 질문에 대한 답을 찾는 데 그는 영화의 상당 부분을 할애한다. 
However, the inability to remember your name and identity is exceedingly rare in reality.
그러나 자신의 이름과 신원을 기억하지 못하는 경우는 현실 속에서는 매우 드물다. 
Amnesia most often results from a brain injury that leaves the victim unable to form new memories, but with most memories of the past intact.
대게의 경우 기억상실은 과거 대부분의 기록은 온전한 채 사고자가 새로운 기억을 엮어내지 못하는 뇌손상으로 인해 유발된다.
Some movies do accurately portray this more common syndrome; our favorite Memento.
많은 사랑을 받는 ‘메멘토’와 같은 일부 영화는 생각 보다 흔한 이 증상을 정확히 묘사한다.


late 18th century: from Greek amnēsia ‘forgetfulness’.

 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


Much is now known about natural hazards and the negative impacts they have on people and their property. It would seem obvious that any logical person would avoid such potential impacts or at least modify their behavior or their property to minimize such impacts. However, humans are not always rational. Until someone has a personal experience or knows someone who has such an experience, most people subconsciously believe “It won’t happen here” or “It won’t happen to me.” Even knowledgeable scientists
who are aware of the hazards, the odds of their occurrence, and the costs of an event                              .


① refuse to remain silent
② do not always act appropriately
③ put the genetic factor at the top end
④ have difficulty in defining natural hazards

【해설】 정답 
natural hazard (지리학) 자연 재해(自然災害)
negative 1. 부정적인, 나쁜 2. 부정적인, 비관적인
potential 가능성이 있는, 잠재적인, 가능성, 잠재력
property ① 특성 ② 재산 ③ 부동산 ④ 소유
subconsciously 잠재의식으로
odds ① 확률 ② 가능성 ③ 역경 ④ 문제
odd ① 이상한 ② 특이한 ③ 홀수의 ④ 별난
impact 충돌(collision); 충격, 쇼크; 영향(력)
 ~에 영향을 끼치다 =affect =influence
 =have an influence on =have an effect on  ALTER : CHANGE
=convert, modify, transform, amend, edit, revise
subconsciously 잠재 의식적으로; 반 무의식적으로

Much is now known about natural hazards and the negative impacts they have on people and their property.
자연재해와 그것이 인간과 재산에 미치는 영향에 대해 현재 잘 알려져있다.
It would seem obvious that any logical person would avoid such potential impacts or at least modify their behavior or their property to minimize such impacts.
생각이 있는 사람이라면 그런 잠재적 충격을 피하거나, 적어도 그런 피해를 줄이기 위해 안전한 곳으로 이동할 수도 있고 또는 집과 공장이 살필 수도 있다는 것이 당연하다고 보일 수 있다.
However, humans are not always rational.
그러나 인간이 항상 이성적인 것은 아니다. 
Until someone has a personal experience or knows someone who has such an experience, most people subconsciously believe “It won’t happen here” or “It won’t happen to me.”
자신이 직접 겪거나 그것을 겪은 사람을 알기 전까지는 ‘여기에 그런 일이 왜 생겨?“, ”나랑 관계 없어.“라고 대부분의 사람들이 잠재의식적으로 생각하며 외면한다. 
Even knowledgeable scientists who are aware of the hazards, the odds of their occurrence, and the costs of an event do not always act appropriately. 
위험성, 발생가능성, 사고의피해액을 잘아는 똑똑하다는 과학자들 조차 항상 합리적으로 처신하는 것은 아니다.
① refuse to remain silent
침묵하기를 거부하다
③ put the genetic factor at the top end
유전적요인을 우선시한다
④ have difficulty in defining natural hazards
자연재해를 정의하는데 어려움을 겪는다

 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?


The rise of cities and kingdoms and the improvement in transport infrastructure brought about new opportunities for specialization. Densely populated cities provided full-time employment not just for professional shoemakers and doctors, but also for carpenters, priests, soldiers and lawyers. Villages that gained a reputation for producing really good wine, olive oil or ceramics discovered that it was worth their while to specialize nearly exclusively in that product and trade it with other settlements for all the other goods they needed. This made a lot of sense. Climates and soils differ, so why drink mediocre wine from your backyard if you can buy a smoother variety from a place whose soil and climate is much better suited to grape vines? If the clay in your backyard makes stronger and prettier pots, then you can make an exchange.


① how climates and soils influence the local products
② ways to gain a good reputation for local specialties
③ what made people engage in specialization and trade
④ the rise of cities and full-time employment for professionals

【해설】 정답 
mediocre 보통 밖에 안 되는, 썩 좋지는 않은
densely ① 밀집하여 ② 짙게 ③ 빽빽이
infrastructure 인프라, 시설, 기반, 사회간접자본
specialization ① 전문화 ② 분화 ③ 특수화
reputation ① 명성 ② 평판 ③ 명예
ceramics ① 도자기 제조업 ② 도자기 ③ 요업
exclusively 배타적으로; 독점적으로; 오로지, 오직 …뿐
smooth ① 부드러운 ② 원활한 ③ 매끄러운

The rise of cities and kingdoms and the improvement in transport infrastructure brought about new opportunities for specialization.
도시와 국가가 생겨나고 운송을 위한 기반 시설이 발달하면서 전문직을 필요로 하는 많은 새로운 기회가 생겼다.
Densely populated cities provided full-time employment not just for professional shoemakers and doctors, but also for carpenters, priests, soldiers and lawyers.
인구밀집도시들은 솜씨 좋은 재화사와 노련한 의사 뿐 아니라 목수, 성직자, 군인, 변호사에게 안정적 고용기회를 제공했다.
Villages that gained a reputation for producing really good wine, olive oil or ceramics discovered that it was worth their while to specialize
nearly exclusively in that product and trade it with other settlements for all the other goods they needed.
질좋은 와인, 올리브오일, 도자기를 제조하는 것으로 유명한 지방은 그 물품만 거의 독점적으로 자신들이 생산하고, 자신들이 필요한 다른 모든 물품을 얻기 위해서는 다른 지방과 자신들의 물품을 주고받는 것이 가치가 있다는 것을 알게되었다. 
This made a lot of sense. 
이것은 기발한 착상이었다. 
Climates and soils differ, so why drink mediocre wine from your backyard if you can buy a smoother variety from a place whose soil and climate is much better suited to grape vines?
기후와 토양은 다양하다. 그런데 포도농장에 훨씬 더 적합한 토양과 기후를 가진 곳에서 생산된 더 부드러운 와인을 살 수 있음에도 불구하고 왜 우리 텃밭에서 생산된 맛없는 와인을 마시겠는가?
If the clay in your backyard makes stronger and prettier pots, then you can make an exchange.
우리집 공터에서 파 낸 점토가 더 단단하고 아름다운 도자기를 만들기에 적합하다면 우리는 다른 것들과 교환하면 된다.
① how climates and soils influence the local products
기후와 토양이 지방특산물에 영향을 미치는 원리
② ways to gain a good reputation for local specialties
지역특상물을 판매하기 위해 좋은 이미지를 얻는 방법
③ what made people engage in specialization and trade
특산품 생산과 판매에 사람들이 참여하게 된 동기
④ the rise of cities and full-time employment for professionals
도시의 성장과 전문직에게 유리한 안정적 고용기회

 밑줄 친 the issue가 가리키는 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은?


Nine-year-old Ryan Kyote was eating breakfast at home in Napa, California, when he saw the news: an Indiana school had taken a 6-year-old’s meal when her lunch account didn’t have enough money. Kyote asked if that could happen to his friends. When his mom contacted the school district to find out, she learned that students at schools in their district had, all told, as much as $25,000 in lunch debt. Although the district says it never penalized students who owed, Kyote decided to use his saved allowance to pay off his grade’s debt, about $74—becoming the face of a movement to end lunch-money debt. When California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill in October that banned “lunch shaming,” or giving worse food to students with debt, he thanked Kyote for his “empathy and his courage” in raising awareness of the issue. “Heroes,” Kyote points out, “come in all ages.”


① The governor signed a bill to decline lunch items to students with lunch debt.
② Kyote’s lunch was taken away because he ran out of money in his lunch account.
③ The school district with financial burden cut the budget failing to serve quality meals.
④ Many students in the district who could not afford lunch were burdened with lunch debt.

【해설】 정답 
lunch shaming = 돈이 없어 점심을 사지 못하는 학생들에게 모독감을 주는 것
ban 1. 금(지)하다, ~에게 ~을 금(지)하다, 금지(법)
lunch account 점심 급식비
allowance 1. 용돈; (특정 목적을 위한) 비용 2. 허용량 3. (세금) 공제액

Nine-year-old Ryan Kyote was eating breakfast at home in Napa, California, when he saw the news: an Indiana school had taken a 6-year-old’s meal when her lunch account didn’t have enough money.
아홉 살 Ryan Kyote는 캘리포니아 나파에 있는 집에서 아침을 먹고 있었다. 그 때 인디아나주의 한 학교가 급식비가 부족한 한 6세 아동의 밥을 빼앗았다는 뉴스를 보았다. 
Kyote asked if that could happen to his friends.
Kyote는 자신의 친구들에게도 그런 일이 일어날 수 있는 지 물었다.
When his mom contacted the school district to find out, she learned that students at schools in their district had, all told, as much as $25,000 in lunch debt.
그의 엄마가 사실을 알아내기 위해 교육청에 연락했고, 교육청에 속한 모든 학교에 재학 중인 학생들이 전체적으로 25,000달러나 되는 점심값을 내지 못하고 있다는 것을 알게되었다.
Although the district says it never penalized students who owed, Kyote decided to use his saved allowance to pay off his grade’s debt, about $74—becoming the face of a movement to end lunch-money debt.
교육청이 미납 중인 학생들을 제재할 계획이 없다고 알렸을 지라도, Kyote는 그가 속한 학년의 미납액을 갚기 위해 동안 모아 둔 용돈을 사용하기로 결심했다. 그것은 약 74달러로 미납된 급식비를 해결하고자 하는 운동의 시작이 되었다.
When California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill in October that banned “lunch shaming,” or giving worse food to students with debt,
10월 캘리포니아 주지사 Gavin Newsom이 급식비미납자에게는 질 낮은 대체급식을 제공하는 행위을 금지하는 법안에 서명했을 때
he thanked Kyote for his “empathy and his courage” in raising awareness of the issue.
주지사는 그 문제에 대한 대중의 인신을 높이는데 있어 Kyote가 보여준 공감과 용기에 감사를 전했다.
“Heroes,” Kyote points out, “come in all ages.”
"히어로즈는," " (연령에 상관없이)모든 연령대에서 나온다."[즉 아무나 할 수 있다.] 라고 교테는 지적한다.

① The governor signed a bill to decline lunch items to students with lunch debt.
급식비미납 학생에게 급식지급을 거부하는 법안에 주지사는 서명했다.
② Kyote’s lunch was taken away because he ran out of money in his lunch account.
급식비잔액이 없었기 때문에 Kyote는 점심을 빼앗겼다. 
③ The school district with financial burden cut the budget failing to serve quality meals.
재정부담을 겪는 교육청은 양질의 급식을 제공하지 못한 그 급식예산을 삭감했다. 
④ Many students in the district who could not afford lunch were burdened with lunch debt.
해당 교육청에 소속된 급식을 먹을 수 없었던 다수의 학생들은 급식비미납 상태였다.

 청고래에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?


The biggest heart in the world is inside the blue whale. It weighs more than seven tons. It’s as big as a room. When this creature is born it is 20 feet long and weighs four tons. It is way bigger than your car. It drinks a hundred gallons of milk from its mama every day and gains 200 pounds a day, and when it is seven or eight years old it endures an unimaginable puberty and then it essentially disappears from human ken, for next to nothing is known of the mating habits, travel patterns, diet, social life, language, social structure and diseases. There are perhaps 10,000 blue whales in the world, living in every ocean on earth, and of the largest animal who ever lived we know nearly nothing. But we know this: the animals with the largest hearts in the world generally travel in pairs, and their penetrating moaning cries, their piercing yearning tongue, can be heard underwater for miles and miles.


① 아기 청고래는 매일 100갤런의 모유를 마시고, 하루 에 200파운드씩 체중이 증가한다.
② 청고래는 사춘기를 지나면서 인간의 시야에서 사라져서 청고래에 대해 알려진 것이 많지 않다.
③ 세계에서 가장 큰 심장을 지닌 동물이면서, 몸집이 가장 큰 동물이다.
④ 청고래는 일반적으로 혼자서 이동하고, 청고래의 소 리는 물속을 관통하여 수 마일까지 전달될 수 있다.


【해설】 정답 ④ travel in pairs
ken 시야, 안계(眼界) (지식의) 범위; 이해; 지식, 알다, 알고 있다 ((that, of, about))
next to nothing ① 거저의 ② 거의 제로에 가까운 ③ 없는 것이나 다름없는
penetrating 1. 마음속을 꿰뚫어 보는 듯한 2. 귀를찢는 듯한, 날카로운
piercing 1. 날카로운, 꿰뚫어 보는 듯한 2. 새된, 귀청을 찢는 듯한 3. 가슴을 후비는 듯한
puberty 사춘기 = adolescence pubescence sexual maturity growing up
unimaginable 상상도 할 수 없는

The biggest heart in the world is inside the blue whale.
흰긴수염고래는 지구에서 가장 큰 심장을 가지고 있다.
It weighs more than seven tons. It’s as big as a room. 심장의 무게는 7톤이상이며 방만큼이나 크다. 
When this creature is born it is 20 feet long and weighs four tons. It is way bigger than your car. 이 놀라운 동물은 태어났을 때부터 6미터나 되고 무게도 4톤에 이른다. 승용차 보다도 훨씬 크다.
It drinks a hundred gallons of milk from its mama every day and gains 200 pounds a day,
매일 엄마고래가 주는 100갤런 모류을 먹고 하루에 200파운드 씩 살이 찐다. 
and when it is seven or eight years old it endures an unimaginable puberty and then it essentially disappears from human ken,
그리고 7, 8세가 되면 광란의 사춘기를 보낸 후 사실상 우리의 시야에서 사라진다고 말할 수 있는데
for next to nothing is known of the mating habits, travel patterns, diet, social life, language, social structure and diseases.
이유는 짝짓기습성, 이동형태, 식습관, 무리생활, 언어, 무리의 구조와 질병에 대한 거의 어떤 것도 알려져 있지 않기 때문이다. 
There are perhaps 10,000 blue whales in the world, living in every ocean on earth, and of the largest animal who ever lived we know nearly nothing.
약 1만마리의 흰긴수염고래가 살고 있다. 모든 바다에 서식하며, 가장 크지만 인간이 알고 있는 것이 거의 없는 동물 중 하나이다.
But we know this: the animals with the largest hearts in the world generally travel in pairs, and their penetrating moaning cries, their piercing yearning tongue, can be heard underwater for miles and miles.
하지만 다음은 알려져있습니다. 세상에서 가장 큰 심장을 지닌 이 동물은 주로 짝으로 이동한다. 그리고 귀청을 찢으며 무언가를 원하는 듯한 이것들의 언어라고 볼 수 있는 멀리 전달되는 신음 섞인 울음소리는 몇 마일 떨어진 물속에서도 들을 수 있다.

 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?


In addition to controlling temperatures when handling fresh produce, control of the atmosphere is important. Some moisture is needed in the air to prevent dehydration during storage, but too much moisture can encourage growth of molds. Some commercial storage units have controlled atmospheres, with the levels of both carbon dioxide and moisture being regulated carefully. Sometimes other gases, such as ethylene gas, may be introduced at controlled levels to help achieve optimal quality of bananas and other fresh produce. Related to the control of gases and moisture is the need for some circulation of air among the stored foods


① The necessity of controlling harmful gases in atmosphere
② The best way to control levels of moisture in growing plants and fruits
③ The seriousness of increasing carbon footprints every year around the world
④ The importance of controlling certain levels of gases and moisture in storing foods


【해설】 정답 
보통 It is necessary (important, essential, key, critical, crucial ~ that ~ I think(believe, assume, suppose, imagine, guess 등) I[You] should(must, need, had better 등)이 문장이 문두나 문미에 나오면 이것이 주제, 요지다. 

dehydration [U] 탈수, 건조; [의학] 탈수증
circulation 1. (혈액) 순환 2. 유통
optimal 최선의, 최상의, 최적의(optimum)
storage 저장, 보관; 저장고, 보관소 (정보의) 저장
~와 관련된/ ~에 관한
on/ about 과 비슷한 전치사 as for [문두] / as to [문 중간 !! 보통 의문사구나 의문사절이 목적어로 온다!]
= regarding = concerning = as regards =as concerns =with[in] respect to = with[in] regard to = with[in] reference to
~와 상관없이 : regardless of = irrespective of = without regard[reference/respect] to

In addition to controlling temperatures when handling fresh produce, control of the atmosphere is important.
신선 농산물을 취급할 때 온도 조절에 유념하는 것 외에도 공기질을 관리하는 것도 중요하다. 
Some moisture is needed in the air to prevent dehydration during storage, but too much moisture can encourage growth of molds.
보관 중 건조를 막기 위해 공기에 약간의 수분이 필요하지만 너무 많은 습기는 곰팡이의 성장을 촉진할 수도 있다. 
Some commercial storage units have controlled atmospheres, with the levels of both carbon dioxide and moisture being regulated carefully.
공기질 관리가능 상업저장시설을 갖춘 경우도 있다. 이산화탄소와 수분 양 모두 미세한 수준까지 조절 될 수 있다. 
Sometimes other gases, such as ethylene gas, may be introduced at controlled levels to help achieve optimal quality of bananas and other fresh produce.
바나나와 다른 신선 농작물의 최적 품질을 유지하는데 도움이 되도록 통제 가능한 수준에서 필요에 따라 에틸렌가스와 같은 기체가 사용될 수도 있다. 
Related to the control of gases and moisture is the need for some circulation of air among the stored foods.
식품 보관을 위해 공기 순환이 필요한 지는 기체와 수분의 조절과 관련되어 있다. 
① The necessity of controlling harmful gases in atmosphere
대기 중 유해 기체 관리의 필요성
② The best way to control levels of moisture in growing plants and fruits
식물과 과일을 재배하는데 있어 수분 양 관리의 최선책
③ The seriousness of increasing carbon footprints every year around the world
매년 전 세계적으로 증가하는 탄소발자국의 심각성
④ The importance of controlling certain levels of gases and moisture in storing foods
식품저장에 있어 기체와 수분을 일관되게 관리하는 중요성 

 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 가장 적절하지 않은 것은?


Even if lying doesn’t have any harmful effects in a particular case, it is still morally wrong because, if discovered, lying weakens the general practice of truth telling on which human communication relies. For instance, if I were to lie about my age on grounds of vanity, and my lying were discovered, even though no serious harm would have been done, I would have ① undermined your trust generally. In that case you would be far less likely to believe anything I might say in the future. Thus all lying, when discovered, has indirect ② harmful effects. However, very occasionally, these harmful effects might possibly be outweighed by the ③ benefits which arise from a lie. For example, if someone is seriously ill, lying to them about their life expectancy might probably give them a chance of living longer. On the other hand, telling them the truth could possibly ④prevent a depression that would accelerate their physical decline


【해설】 정답 ④ prevent ⇨ induce

particular 1. 특정한 2. 특별한
damage 손해․피해(를 입히다)
injure 상처 입히다; 손상시키다
spoil 망치다, 상하게 하다
disfigure (외관을) 손상하다
deface 더럽히다, 손상시키다
undermine 손상․ 훼손하다
impair 손상시키다, 해치다(harm) mar 흠가게 하다, 망쳐놓다
derogate (가치를) 훼손․손상하다
traumatize 상처 입히다; 충격을 주다

Even if lying doesn’t have any harmful effects in a particular case, it is still morally wrong because, if discovered, lying weakens the general practice of truth telling on which human communication relies.
거짓말이 특정 상황에서 어떤 유해한 영향을 미치지 않을지라도, 거짓말은 도덕적으로 잘못된 것이다. 만약 그 거짓이 드러나면, 그 행위는 사람들 사이에 이뤄지는 의사소통의 근간이 되는 ‘진실의 전달’이라는 보편적 질서를 약화시키기 때문이다. 
For instance, if I were to lie about my age on grounds of vanity, and my lying were discovered, even though no serious harm would have been done, I would have undermined your trust generally.
예를 들어, 만약 내가 허영심 때문에 나이를 속이고 그것이 드러난다면, 어떤 심각한 피해가 발생하지는 않겠지만, 당신이 나에게 품고 있던 신뢰는 상당히 손상될지도 모른다.
In that case you would be far less likely to believe anything I might say in the future.
이런 일이 발생하면 앞으로 내가 무슨 말을 하던 당신이 신뢰할 가능성은 아주 낮다. 
Thus all lying, when discovered, has indirect harmful effects.
그러므로 모든 거짓은 드러나는 순간 간접적으로 유해한 영향을 미친다. 
However, very occasionally, these harmful effects might possibly be outweighed by the benefits which arise from a lie.
그러나 드물게 거짓에 의해 발생한 이득 때문에 이 유해한 영향이 비난을 더 받는 경우도 있을 수 있다. 
For example, if someone is seriously ill, lying to them about their life expectancy might probably give them a chance of living longer.
예를 들어, 매우 아픈 사람에게 당장 죽을 병은 아니라고 거짓말하는 것은 더 오래 살 수 있는 가능성을 줄 수도 있다.
On the other hand, telling them the truth could possibly induce a depression that would accelerate their physical decline.
반면 사실을 말해주는 것은 환자의 신체적 쇄약을 촉진하는 우울증을 유발할 가능성이 있다.

 글의 흐름으로 보아 아래 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?


Water is also the medium for most chemical reactions needed to sustain life.

Several common properties of seawater are crucial to the survival and well-being of the ocean’s inhabitants. Water accounts for 80-90% of the volume of most marine organisms. (①) It provides buoyancy and body support for swimming and floating organisms and reduces the need for heavy skeletal structures. (②) The life processes of marine organisms in turn alter many fundamental physical and chemical properties of seawater, including its transparency and chemical makeup, making organisms an integral part of the total marine environment. (③) Understanding the interactions between organisms and their marine environment requires a brief examination of some of the more important physical and chemical attributes of seawater. (④) The characteristics of pure water and sea water differ in some respects, so we consider first the basic properties of pure water and then examine how those properties differ in seawater.


【해설】 정답 

[주어동일] I like Mr. Kim. I also like Mr. Choi.
[목적어동일] I like Mr. Kim. You also like Mr. Kim.
water ~ ~. It[water] ~~. Water is also~.

1.composition, constitution, organization, formation; (언어의) construction, form, construct, (formal) comprise, (formal) compose, make up; (조직·정부 등을) (formal) constitute, organize
1.characteristic, nature, character, property,quality, (formal) attribute

Several common properties of seawater are crucial to the survival and well-being of the ocean’s inhabitants.
바닷물을 품고있는 몇몇 공유자산은 해양생명체의 생존과 성장에 매우 중요하다. 
Water accounts for 80-90% of the volume of most marine organisms.
해양생명체 몸의 80-90%는 물로 구성되어 있다.
It provides buoyancy and body support for swimming and floating organisms and reduces the need for heavy skeletal structures.
이 물은 생명체가 헤엄치고 떠있기 위해 필요한 부력과 신체지탱력을 주고 무거운 골격 구조에 대한 필요성을 줄여준다. 
Water is also the medium for most chemical reactions needed to sustain life.
물은 또한 생명유지에 필요한 대부분의 화학작용에 필수적인 매질이다. 
The life processes of marine organisms in turn alter many fundamental physical and chemical properties of seawater, including its transparency and chemical makeup, making organisms an integral part of the total marine environment.
이어서 해양생물 생태활동은 물의 탁도와 화학적구성을 포함한 바닷물의 많은 핵심 물리화학적 특성을 바꾼다. 그리고 그 생명체들이 전체 해양생태계의 중요한 일부가 되도록 한다. 
Understanding the interactions between organisms and their marine environment requires a brief examination of some of the more important physical and chemical attributes of seawater.
생명체들과 그것들이 사는 해양생태계의 상호작용을 이해하기 위해서는 바닷물의 더 중요한 물리적 화학적 속성 중 몇 개를 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 
The characteristics of pure water and sea water differ in some respects, so we consider first the basic properties of pure water and then examine how those properties differ in seawater.
순수한 물과 바닷물의 특징은 몇 가지 영역에서 차이가 있다. 그래서 먼저 순수한 물의 기본 특성을 염두에 두고 그 특성이 바닷물과 어떻게 다른 지 살펴보자.

 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?


Here’s the even more surprising part: The advent of AI didn’t (A)[diminish / increase] the performance of purely human chess players. Quite the opposite. Cheap, supersmart chess programs (B)[discouraged / inspired] more people than ever to play chess, at more tournaments than ever, and the players got better than ever. There are more than twice as many grand masters now as there were when Deep Blue first beat Kasparov. The top-ranked human chess player today, Magnus Carlsen, trained with AIs and has been deemed the most computerlike of all human chess players. He also has the (C)[highest / lowest] human grand master rating of all time.


 (A) (B) (C)
① diminish … discouraged … highest
② increase … discouraged … lowest
③ diminish … inspired … highest
④ increase … inspired … lowest

【해설】 정답 
think of =consider =deem =regard ~ 생각하다
quite the opposite 정반대

abate 감소시키다, 줄이다
curtail 줄이다, 삭감하다
decline 쇠퇴․하락하다; 거절하다
diminish 줄이다, 감소시키다 dwindle 점차 감소하다
lessen 적게 하다, 줄이다

Here’s the even more surprising part: The advent of AI didn’t diminish the performance of purely human chess players.
훨씬 더 놀라운 사실 하나 알려드릴까요? 인공지능의 출현이 오롯이 자신의 능력에 의존하는 체스선수의 실력을 약하게 하지는 못했다는 것이다. 
Quite the opposite.
오히려 그 반대이다. 
Cheap, supersmart chess programs inspired more people than ever to play chess, at more tournaments than ever, and the players got better than ever. 
값싸지만 매우 똑똑한 많은 체스프로그램은 전보다 더 많은 사람들이 체스를 하고, 더 많은 대회에 참가하며, 더 정교하게 체스를 두는데 영감을 주었다. 
There are more than twice as many grand masters now as there were when Deep Blue first beat Kasparov.
Deep Blue가 처음으로 Kasparov를 이겼을 때 활동했던 것 보다 두 배 더 많은 최고의 체스선수가 현재 활동하고 있다. 
The top-ranked human chess player today, Magnus Carlsen, trained with AIs and has been deemed the most computerlike of all human chess players.
현재 최정상에 있는 체스 인간대표 Magnus Carlsen는 인공지능으로 훈련하고 있으며 체스 인간선수 중 가장 컴퓨터처럼 정교하다고 생각된다. 
He also has the highest human grand master rating of all time.
또한 그는 인간선수 중 가장 높은 단계에 도달하게 되었다.

 다음 글의 내용을 요약할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


Aesthetic value in fashion objects, like aesthetic value in fine art objects, is self-oriented. Consumers have the need to be attracted and to surround themselves with other people who are attractive. However, unlike aesthetic value in the fine arts, aesthetic value in fashion is also other-oriented. Attractiveness of appearance is a way of eliciting the reaction of others and facilitating social interaction.

Aesthetic value in fashion objects is                                       .


① inherently only self-oriented
② just other-oriented unlike the other
③ both self-oriented and other-oriented
④ hard to define regardless of its nature


【해설】 정답 
object 오브제, 물건, 객체, 것, 대상, 목적
Self oriented 자기 지향적인
other-oriented 타자 지향적인
aesthetic(=esthetic) value 미학적 가치. 
attractiveness ① 매력 ② 매력적인 것
appearance 1. (겉)모습, 외모 2. (뜻밖에) 나타남 3. (없던 것의) 출현, 모습을 보임
elicit (정보·반응을 어렵게) 끌어내다
facilitate ① 위하다 ② 촉진하다 ③ 활성화 ④ 용이

물건, 제품
merchandise(항상 단수형), goods, articles, products,
commodities, wares, items, objects, pieces
*stock 재고
*yield 농산물[=produce]

Aesthetic value in fashion objects, like aesthetic value in fine art objects, is self-oriented.
hot하다는 대상에 부여하는 미적가치는 미술품에 부여하는 미적가치처럼 개인적 취향이다. 
Consumers have the need to be attracted and to surround themselves with other people who are attractive.
소비자는 매력적인 것들에 끌리고자 할 뿐아니라 그것들이 자신을 둘러싸기를 원한다. 
However, unlike aesthetic value in the fine arts, aesthetic value in fashion is also other-oriented.
그러나 미술품에 부여하는 미적가치와 달리 패선에 부여하는 미적가치는 다른 사람의 영향을 받는다. 
Attractiveness of appearance is a way of eliciting the reaction of others and facilitating social interaction.
드러나는 매력은 다른 사람의 반응을 유발하는 한 방법이며 소통을 활성화하는 한 방법이다. 

Aesthetic value in fashion objects is both self-oriented and other-oriented
패션아이템에 주어지는 미적가치는 자신과 타인의 취향을 모두 반영한다. 
① inherently only self-oriented 본질적으로 개인척 취향을 반영하는
② just other-oriented unlike the other 미술품과 달리 단지 타이의 취향을 반영하는
④ hard to define regardless of its nature 아이템의 종류에 상관없이 정의하기 어려운

 글의 흐름으로 보아 아래 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?


[The great news is that this is true whether or not we remember our dreams.]


Some believe there is no value to dreams, but it is wrong to dismiss these nocturnal dramas as irrelevant. There is something to be gained in remembering. (① ) We can feel more connected, more complete, and more on track. We can receive inspiration, information, and comfort. Albert Einstein stated that his theory of relativity was inspired by a dream. (②) In fact, he claimed that dreams were responsible for many of his discoveries. (③) Asking why we dream makes as much sense as questioning why we breathe. Dreaming is an integral part of a healthy life. (④) Many people report being inspired with a new approach for a problem upon awakening, even though they don’t remember the specific dream.


【해설】 정답 
대명사의 흐름- this가 가리키는 것을 찾는 것이 핵심-. 그리고 We가 어디에 분포하는가.

irrelevant 무관한, 상관없는
dismiss 일축하다 무시하다 해고하다 기각하다
nocturnal 1. 야행성의 2. 밤에 일어나는
on (the) track 제대로 궤도에 올라, 바르게
state 말하다, 진술하다, 명시하다
theory of relativity 상대성 이론
make sense 1. 의미가 통하다 2. 타당하다
awakening 1. 자각(의 계기) 2. 자각(함); 일깨움
specific 1. 구체적인, 명확한, 분명한 2. 특정한 3.특유의, 독특한

whole 전체의, 완전한
integral 완전한, 빠져서는 안 될
intact 손대지 않은, (고스란히) 완전한
plenary 완전한(perfect), 절대적인
consummate 완성하다; 완전한
complete 완전한 

Some believe there is no value to dreams, but it is wrong to dismiss these nocturnal dramas as irrelevant.
꿈 따위에 부여할 가치는 없다고 말하는 사람이 있습니다. 그러나 이 야간극장들이 서로 관련이 없다고 말해서는 안됩니다. There is something to be gained in remembering.
기억이라고 하는 행위에는 가치있는 것들이 있습니다.
( ① ) We can feel more connected, more complete, and more on track.
세상과 괴리되지 않은 채 좀 더 완벽하게 제대로 살아가고 있음을 더 확실히 느낄 수 있습니다. 
We can receive inspiration, information, and comfort.
영감, 정보, 위안을 받을 수 있습니다. Albert Einstein stated that his theory of relativity was inspired by a dream.
꿈 속에서 상대성이론에 대한 영감을 얻었다라고 아인슈타인은 말했습니다.
( ② ) In fact, he claimed that dreams were responsible for many of his discoveries.
그가 발견한 많은 것들이 꿈의 영향을 받았다고 그는 사실상 인정합니다.
( ③ ) Asking why we dream makes as much sense as questioning why we breathe.
왜 꿈을 꿀까라고 묻는 것에 대한 답은 왜 숨을 쉴까라고 묻는 것에 대한 답과 상통합니다. 
Dreaming is an integral part of a healthy life.
건강한 삶은 꿈꾸는 행위를 당연한 일부로 삼습니다. 
The great news is that this is true whether or not we remember our dreams.
좋은 소식은 우리가 꿈을 꾼 행위를 기억하던 못하던 이것이 사실이라는 것입니다. 
Many people report being inspired with a new approach for a problem upon awakening, even though they don’t remember the specific dream.
꿈 내용을 정확히 기억하지는 못할지라도 잠에서 깨자마자 한 문제에 접근하는 창의적 방법 얻게 되었다고 말하는 사람들이 많다

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