준동사의 형용사적 용법 : to부정사의 형용사적 용법
∙someone to depend on, a house to live in, nothing to be afraid of, a pen to write with, a company to invest in 등의 to부정사의 후치 수식용법에서 전치사가 누락되면 틀린다. ∙‘…하기로 되어있다(예정, 의무, 가능, 의도, 운명)’를 뜻하는 <be + to R> 구문에서는 to R의 태가 능동인지 수동인지를 파악한다. ∙seem(appear), prove(turn out), grow(get, come), manage(fail), happen(chance) + to R ∙the only, the next, the first, the tallest + N + to R |
■ In New York, $20,000 a year is scarcely enough money to (live, live in, live on).
■ He has no place to live and no one to rely. (×)
■ If you are to bring your car into the city, you (are to pay, are to be paid) extra money. And besides your seatbelt (is to fasten, is to be fastened) without fail.
■ No proper man is to be found among them. (○, ×)
■ She managed fighting off her attacker. (○, ×)
■ They failed to provide solid security for us. (○, ×)
■ He was one of the first people (to apply, applying) math to practical problems.
■ He is the last man telling a lie. (○, ×)
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