영문법 - 전치사(Preposition)

Jobs 9 2021. 9. 18. 19:56


● 전치사

1) 전치사의 성질

전치사는 대개 명사나 대명사 및 명사 상당 어구 앞에 놓여서 이것들과 함께 어울려 형용사구나 부사구를 이룬다. 전치사 다음에 놓인 어구를 전치사의 목적어라 한다.

On a fine day he often goes for a walk in the suburbs.


2) 전치사의 형태

① 단순 전치사 : at, by, till, after, on, concerning, excepting, considering...

② 전치사구 : for want of, in place of, on account of, in spite of..

She left the house by the back door.

 전치사 목적어

전치사 뒤에 오는 목적어는 모두 목적격이어야 하며, 전치사의 목적어에는 명사, 대명사, 명사 상당 어구 (동명사 등)가 와야 한다.

경우에 따라서 형용사나 부사, 분사 등도 전치사의 목적어로 쓰일 수 있는데, 이러한 것은 모두 명사 상당 어구로 본다.

I want to the park with her. (명사, 대명사가 전치사의 목적어)

He is fond of driving in the country. (동명사가 전치사의 목적어)

He insisted on going alone into the dangerous place.

He came out from under the table. (구가 전치사의 목적어 : 이중전치사라고 함)

The full moon is rising from behind the mountain.

She looked at me from above her spectacles.

I can't go to the movies till after mid-term examination.

He will not work except when he is pleased. (절이 전치사의 목적어)

I will tell you all of what I have heard.

Success depends on how you do your work well.

He is conscious (of) what a fine opportunity he has.

(의문대명사·의문부사 앞에 오는 전치사는 현대 영어에선 생략하는 경우가 많다.)

He differs from us in that he dislikes most games. (in that = in the following that)

Impression is far from (being) clear. (형용사가 전치사의 목적어)

It is far from possible.

Things went from bad to worse.

in general (=generally)

in special (=specially)

of late (=lately)

in private (=privately)

at best (=at most)

How far is it from here to the station? (부사가 전치사의 목적어)

He returned from abroad after several years' absence.

from where (어디서부터)

from now (지금부터)

till then (그 때까지)

for long (오랫동안)

since then (그 이후로)

He is reported for lost. (분사가 전치사의 목적어)

I considered the problem as settled easily.

I took it for granted that he was an American.

부정사는 전치사의 목적어가 될 수 없지만, 다음과 같은 것은 특별한 경우이다.

He is about to go.

She does nothing but read.

He cannot but do it.

 전치사 위치 및 역할

1) 전치사는 그 목적어 바로 앞에 놓이는 것이 원칙이다.

다음의 경우에서는 전치사가 목적어에서 분리되어 사용되고 있다.

① 의문사가 전치사의 목적어가 될 때, 전치사는 보통 문미에 놓는다.

의문사를 문두에 둘 때는 주격을 쓰는 경향이 강하다. (특히 미국 구어에서)

For whom are you looking?

= Whom (Who) are you looking for?

Where do you come from?

Who(m) are you speaking of?

By whom was this letter written?

수동태의 의문문에서는 By whom을 문두에 놓는 것이 보통이다.

② 관계대명사를 생략하는 경우, 전치사는 뒤로 돌린다.

There was nothing to sit on. ( There was nothing on which to sit.)

This is the house I live in.

③ 강조를 하기 위해서 목적어를 문두에 두는 경우.

Nothing of that sort do I pretend to. (=I pretend to nothing of that sort.)

(절대로 그런 일을 내 일인 양 자랑하지 않는다.)


2) 전치사 + 목적어의 역할

① of + 추상명사 → 형용사구.

He is a man of importance. (of importance = important)

This book is of great use. (of great use = greatly useful)

He is a man of ability. ( = He is an able man.)

② 전치사 + 추상명사 → 부사구.

He lives in the suburbs.

③ 부사적 대격 : 시간, 거리, 방법, 정도를 나타낼 때는 전치사 없이 부사구의 역할을 한다. 이런 부사구를 부사적 대격이라고 한다. → (전치사 생략, 부사구 역할)

We walked (for) ten miles.

I awaited him (for) a long time.

You can do it (in) that way.

④ 형용사적 대격 : 나이, 크기, 모양, 색채, 가격, 직업 등을 나타낼 때는 of를 생략할 때가 많다. 이것을 형용사적 대격이라고 한다. → (of 생략, 형용사구로 쓰임)

They are (of) the same age.

The earth is (of) the shape of an orange.

The door is (of) dark brown.

(Of) What price is this?

(Of) What profession are you going to be?

 전치사 품사 전환

1) 전치사가 부사로

목적어가 없는 전치사는 부사로 취급한다.

Cut it in two. (in은 전치사)

Come in. (in은 부사)

Let's go along the street. (전치사)

Let's go along. (부사 : 죽 가자.)

He has a hat on his head. (전치사)

He has a hat on. (부사)

= He has on a hat.

= He has it on.


2) 전치사 · 부사 · 접속사가 되는 것 ─ after, since, before 등

He arrived after me. (전치사)

He arrived after. (부사)

He arrived after I did. (접속사)

They have been happy since their marriage. (전치사)

They have been happy ever since. (부사)

They have been happy since they were married. (접속사)



 장소 전치사

1) at : 좁은 장소 (촌 · 읍 등)

in : 넓은 장소 (도시 · 국가 등)

I was staying at a hotel in New York.

We arrived at a small village at nine the following morning.

He must have arrived in the United States of America by now.

I live at Chongro in Seoul.


2) on : 표면에 접촉한 위에 (천정·벽면에 부착된 것은 모두 on 사용.) ↔ beneath

above : 보다 높은 위에, 위쪽에 (higher than) ↔ below

over : 떨어져 바로 위에 ↔ under

There is a fly on the ceiling.

The moon has risen above the horizon.

There are some books on the table which I want to read.

The electric lamps are hanging over our heads.


3) beneath : 접해서 바로 밑에 ↔ on

below : 보다 낮은 아래 (쪽)에 = lower than ↔ above

under : 떨어져 바로 아래에 ↔ over

I felt the ground sink beneath my feet.

Beneath the cover, they found the treasure.

There is a chair under the desk.

The sun is setting below the horizon.

The ice gave way beneath our feet.

He was lying down under a tree.


4) behind : ∼의 뒤에

after : 뒤를 쫓아

Who is the man behind the tree?

The dog ran after the rabbit.


5) between : 2개 사이에

among : 3개 이상 사이에

The Pacific Ocean lies between Korea and America.

The birds are singing merrily among the green trees.

There is a great difference between New York, London, and Paris.

between이 비교를 나타낼 때, 즉 difference와 같은 낱말 뒤에서는 셋 이상의 사람 및 물건 사이에도 쓸 수 있다.


6) in : ∼의 안에 (상태)

into : ∼의 안으로 (동작)

out of : (안에서) 밖으로 (동작)

up : ∼위로 (운동 상태)

down : ∼밖으로 (정지·운동 상태)

There was no one in the room.

I saw him go into the room.

Don't put your head out of the window.

They ran up the hill.

The ship sailed down the river.


7) along : 긴 것을 따라서

across : 횡단(교차)하여, 가로질러서 (운동)

through : 관통하여, 꿰뚫고

We went along the coast to see the scenery beyond description.

It is very dangerous to swim across the river.

The brook runs through the meadow singing merrily.

The trees are planted along the street.

Take care when you go across the street.

The Thames flows through London.


8) to : ∼으로 (도착 지점)

for : ∼을 목표로 하여 (방향, 목적지)

from : ∼으로부터 (출발점)

toward : ∼쪽을 향하여 (막연히 어떤 방향)

He came here to Korea for education last week.

He left for Europe by plane to visit several countries.

A drunkard rushed toward me as if intending to do me violence.

He started for Paris.

He started from Paris.


9) round : ∼의 주위 (주위를 도는 운동 상태)

around : ∼의 주위 (주위를 둘러싼 정지 상태)

about : ∼의 주위 (막연한 주변, 여기저기에)

The earth moves round the sun.

We all sat around the fire.

A great crowd gathered about him.


10) beside : ∼곁에

besides : ∼이외에도

There is a road beside (=by) the river.

There is another road besides this.

He gave me books and many pictures besides. (besides = in addition)

 시간 전치사

1) at : 몇 시 몇 분, 밤, 정오, 새벽, 시각, 시점, 관용적 표현.

on : 주, 날짜, 정해진 시간, 경우.

in : 월, 계절, 년, 세기, 아침, 저녁, 오후.

어느 특정의 아침, 오후, 저녁은 in 대신에 on을 쓴다.

at seven o'clock

on Sunday

on the tenth of April

in April

in summer

in 1937

at noon (night)

at sunrise

at the beginning of May

at the end of May

in the day time

in the middle of May

in the morning (afternoon, evening)

on the morning of a fine day

on this occasion

on Sunday last = last Sunday

on Sunday next = next Sunday

on a quiet evening


2) in : ~이 지나면 (시간의 경과)

within : ~이내에 (일정한 기한 내에)

after : (과거부터) ~후에 (동작의 완료를 기준, 과거시제에 쓰임)

Cancer will kill him in a few days.

He will come back within a few months.

The work was finished after a month.

He will come back in a few days.

He will come back within a few days.

He came back after a few days.

The cherry blossoms will be in full bloom in a week.

The cherry blossoms will be within full bloom in a week.

The cherry blossoms were all withered after a week.

어떤 시기를 기준으로 할 때는 after, before를 쓴다.

I shall be free after two o'clock.

I shall not be back before two o'clock.


3) by : ~까지 (어느 때까지 동작완료)

till, until : ~까지 (어느 때까지 동작의 계속)

I will be here by six. (나는 여섯 시까지 여기에 오겠다; by는 한계점만 나타냄)

I will be here till six. (나는 여섯시까지 여기에 있겠다; till은 계속을 표시함)

Be sure to come back by 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

I study for the examination till 12 o'clock in the evening.


4) since : ~이래 줄 곧 (과거로부터 현재까지 계속) : 현재완료와 함께 사용

from : ~로부터 (일이 시작되는 출발점만 표시)

I have lived here since my birth.

He works hard form morning till night.

I have not heard from him since his departure.

He lived in Japan from 1950 till 1960.

I have known him from his childhood.

boyhood, girlhood, childhood 등은 현재까지의 계속을 나타내더라도 from을 쓴다.

I have been ill since last Sunday.

Three weeks from today is summer vacation.


5) for : ~동안 (일반적으로 숫자 앞)

during : ~중에 (동작이나 상태의 계속, 특정의 사건, 기간 앞에)

through : ~동안 줄곧 (처음부터 끝까지 계속)

The war lasted for seven years. (그 전쟁은 7년 동안 계속되었다.)

He slept during the meeting. (회의 도중에 잠을 잤다; 잠깐 동안)

He slept through the meeting. (회의가 시작해서 끝날 때까지 줄곧 잤다; 계속)

I stayed in Seoul for three days. During the three days, I met him.

I have studied English and French for six years.

I went there twice during the vacation.

I was ill in bed all through(=throughout) the long vacation.

I lived in New York during those five years. (○)

I lived in New York during five years. (×)

 원인·이유 전치사

1) from : 직접적 원인.

He was taken ill from fatigue.

He died from unknown cause.

He died from serious wound.

He has been suffering from influenza since last Monday.


2) through : 간접적, 소극적 원인. (태만, 과오, 결점, 매개의 수단)

He was dismissed through his negligence.

Many lives are often lost through only one man's carelessness.

He lost his position through his idleness.

Through his help, I got over the difficulty.


3) at : 감정의 원인 (~을 보고(듣고) 기쁘다(슬프다, 놀라다).)

I was surprised at the news of his death.

He got angry at my words.

The whole nation rejoiced at the news of victory.


4) over : ~에 대하여 (기뻐하다, 슬퍼하다, 울다, 웃다 등의 감정의 원인).

He is troubled over his health.

We rejoiced over his success.

She wept over his death.


5) for : 행위의 이유 (~때문에)

I could not speak for fear.

Naples is famous for its scenic beauty.

He was scolded for being late.

I admire him for his personality.

He is loved by all for his honesty.


6) with : 육체에 끼치는 무형의 원인 (~때문에, ~으로; 추위, 두려움, 무서움, 흥분)

Are you shivering with cold?

I am tired with work.

He has long been sick with fever.


7) of : 병사(病死)나 come과 함께.

die of~ : ~으로 죽다

come of~ : ~의 결과다

Many people died of typhoid fevers (cholera, consumption cancer).

Your illness comes of drinking too much.


8) on : ∼을 이유로 : 구실, 핑계

She stayed away from school on the pretence of illness.

on the ground of (∼의 이유로)

on account of (∼때문에)


9) to : 동작의 결과

Some sixty people were burnt to death.

To my surprise I found him dumb.

 재료 · 원료 전치사

1) of : 물리적 변화 (재료와 제품에서 질은 그대로 있고 형태만 변한 것)

This bridge is built of wood.

Pens are made of steal.


2) from : 화학적 변화 (원료와 제품에서 질과 형태가 다 변한 것)

Wine is made from grapes.

Beer is made from barley.

We can make chemical fibers from petroleum.


3) into : 원료가 제품이 될 때 ( A is made into B )

Shoes are made of leather.

→ Leather is made into shoes.

The huts can be made into temporary houses.


4) in : 표현방법 (speak), 수단 (write), 재료 (paint), 착용.

This picture is painted in oils. (이 그림은 유채 재료로 그린 것이다.)

You must write letters in ink.

the man in uniform = 제복을 입은 남자.

speaking in English = 영어로 말하는.

a statue in marble = 대리석으로 만든 조상.

bound in leather = 가죽으로 만들어진.

the woman in white = 흰옷을 입은 여인.

dressed in rags = 누더기를 걸친.

 수단 · 도구  전치사

1) with : 도구 (~을 가지고, ~으로)

He was killed with sword.

The city was destroyed with fire.

cf) The city was destroyed by fire. (동작의 주체) = Fire destroyed the city.

I have no pen to write with.

He was killed with a pistol.

We eat soup with a spoon.


2) by : 행위자 (수동태), 수단 (능동태)

Did you inform him by letter or by word of mouth?

He took her by the hand.

The tree was cut down by the man with an axe.

We went by train and returned by airplane.

by bus (ship, letter, telegram, telephone, tram, etc.)


3) through : 중개(仲介), 경로 (~을 통하여), 매개, 수단.

Through books and pictures we learn much about other countries.

He spoke through an interpreter.

I gained permission through a friend.

 목적 전치사

1) for : ∼을 위하여

We work for our bread.


2) on : 여행, 용무, 심부름 등에 사용

He started on a tour of the world.

on business

go on an errand

go on a school picnic(excursion)


3) after : ∼을 추구(추적)하다

He who runs after two hares will catch neither.


1) ∼의 저쪽에(서) : 멀리 떨어져 있는 위치

His house is beyond the bridge.


2) ∼을 지나서, ∼후에까지 : 시간(later than∼)

They stayed beyond the time limit.


3) ∼을 넘어서 : 미치지 못하는 범위

It is quite beyond me.

 보어를 가지는 전치사

전치사 with는 having의 뜻으로 그 목적어를 설명하는 보어를 동반하여 부대상황을 나타내는 부사구를 만든다.

Don't speak with your mouth full. (보어로서 형용사 full이 사용됨)

He was standing with his hands in his pockets.

With an eye bandaged, he could not write properly.

= As an eye was bandaged, he could not write properly.

It was a misty morning, with little wind blowing.

= It was a misty morning, and little wind was blowing.

I shall be lonely with you away.

= I shall be lonely when you are away.

He was standing with a hat on.

The doctor lay back in his long chair, (with) his head against a cushion.

 전치사구 Ⅰ

① at the mercy of ~ = in the power of : ~에 좌우되어, ~의 처분대로.

The ship was at the mercy of the wind and the waves.

② at the risk of one's life : 목숨을 걸고, 죽을 각오를 하고.

He saved the child at the risk of his own life.

③ by means of ~ = by dint of ~ = by virtue of ~ : ~의 덕택으로, ~에 의해서.

Thoughts are expressed by means of words.

④ by way of ~ : ⓐ ~을 경유하여.

ⓑ ~하기 위하여, ~하는 셈으로.

I went to London by way of Paris.

They are making inquiries by way os learning the facts.

⑤ for the purpose of ~ = with the object of~ = with a view to

= with the view of ~ : ~할 목적으로.

He entered college for the purpose of studying law.

⑥ for the sake of ~ = for the good of ~ = for the benefit of ~

= for the interest of ~ : ~을 위하여, ~의 이익을 위해.

He argues for the sake of arguing.

⑦ in accordance with ~ : ~에 따라서, ~와 일치하여.

He acted in accordance with his words.

⑧ in comparison with ~ = compared with ~ : ~과 비교하면.

There is an over-supply in comparison with the demand.

⑨ in consequence of ~ = as a result of ~ : ~의 결과로서.

In consequence of the inflation of the currency, the prices of

things have greatly risen.

⑩ according to + 명사 = in proportion to + 명사.

According to the rule, we can choose neither of them.

⑪ according as + 주어 + 동사 = in proportion as + 주어 + 동사

: ~에 의하면, ~에 따라서.

You will receive according as you give.

⑫ in case (that) + 주어 + 동사 : ~할 경우에는, ~에 대비하여.

Take a sweater in case (that) the weather should turn cold.

⑬ in case of + 명사 = in the event of : ~할 경우에는.

In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.

⑭ on account of ~ = because of ~ = on the ground of ~

= owing to ~ = due to ~ : ~때문에 (이유를 표시하는 전치사구)

I cannot accept your invitation on account of my illness.

⑮ in spite of ~ = despite ~ = in the face of ~ = with all ~

= for all ~ = after all ~ : ~에도 불구하고.

They went out in spite of the heavy rain.

(16) in company with ~ = together with ~ : ~과 함께.

He came in company with a group of boys.

(17) in common with ~ = together with ~ : ~과 함께, ~처럼.

in the course of ~ = during ~ : ~하는 동안에.

in favor of ~ = in one's favor = for : ~에 찬성하여, ~에 이익이 되도록

in the light of ~ = in view of ~ : ~에 비추어서, ~의 관점에서.

in addition to ~ = besides : ~이외에도, ~뿐만 아니라.

in place of ~ = in one's place = instead of ~ : ~대신에.



 전치사구 Ⅱ

① in terns of ~ : ~의 면에서, ~의 견지에서. ~의 말투로, ~의 표현으로.

② in honor of ~ : ~에 경의를 표하여, ~을 축하하여.

③ in (on) behalf of~=in (on) one's behalf~ :~을 위하여, ~을 대신하여.

④ as for ~ = with reference to ~ : ~에 관해 말하자면, ~에 관하여. (주로 문두에 사용)

⑤ as to ~ = about ~ = concerning ~ = regarding ~ = as concerns

= in regard to ~ = in respect to ~ = with reference to ~ : ~에 관하여.

⑥ apart from ~ : ~은 별문제로 하고, ~은 그만두고.

⑦ at the cost of ~ : at the expense of ~ : ~을 희생하여.

⑧ in pursuit of ~ = in search of ~ : ~을 찾아서, ~을 추구하여.

⑨ without regard to ~ = regardless of ~ = irrespective of ~

: ~에 관계없이, ~에 상관없이.

 동사 + 전치사의 유형

① agree with + 사람

agree to + 제안

agree to + 의견

② answer to ~ : 일치하다, 부합하다.

answer for ~ : ~을 책임지다.

③ ask a favor of ~ : ~을 부탁하다.

ask for ~ : ~을 요구하다.

ask after ~ : 문병하다.

④ call on + 사람 : ~을 방문하다.

call at + 장소

call for ~ : 요구하다.

⑤ correspond with ~ : 일치하다, 서신왕래를 하다.

correspond to ~ : 동등하다, 상당하다.

⑥ compare A with B : A와 B를 비교하다.

compare A to B : A를 B에 비유하다.

⑦ deal in ~ : ~을 거래하다, 팔다.

deal with ~ : 취급하다, 다루다.

⑧ inquire into ~ = look into ~ = investigate : 조사하다.

inquire after ~ = ask after ~ : 문병하다.

inquire of ~ : 질문하다.

⑨ pass for ~ : ~으로 통하다.

⑩ put up at = stop at : ~에 투숙하다.

⑪ put up with = endure = bear = stand = tolerate : ~을 참다, 견디다.

⑫ stand by ~ = stand for ~ : 대신하다, 나타나다.

⑬ look at

look for

look after

look forward to + 명사, 동명사

look into

⑭ wait for

wait on

⑮ be tired with : 지치다

be tired of : 싫증 나다

consist of : 구성되다

consist in : ~에 (놓여) 있다.

consist with : ~과 일치하다.

I furnished him with the money.

= I furnished the money to him.

I entrusted him with the money.

= I entrusted the money to him.

I presented him with a watch.

= I presented a watch to him.

◇ 제거․박탈 동사의 경우 사용되는 전치사 of

rob + 대상자 + of + 물건.

deprive A of B: A에게서 B를 강탈하다.

◇참고: He stole my watch from me.

= I had my watch stolen. (have + 물건 + p.p)

= My watch was stolen.

(물건이 주어인 경우 be stolen을사용)

◇ be stolen의 주어는 도둑 당한 그 물건 자체이며, be robbed of ~ 의 주어는 사람이다.

strip A of B: A에게서 B를 벗기다, 몰수하다.

clear A of B: A에게서 B를 치우다, 제거하다.

cure A of B: A에게서 B를 치료하다, 제거하다.

relieve A of B: A로부터 B를 제거하다, 훔치다.


 until과 by 차이

둘 다 ‘~까지’의 의미를 가지고 있지만, 의미상에 차이. Until은 계속의 의미 by는 완료의 의미.



‘ –까지’의 의미로 동작, 상태가 계속되는 기한. 그러므로 '계속'의 의미를 가진 동사와 함께 이용. 보통 stay, wait등에 쓰이며 해석 시 계속의 의미를 넣고 해석.

I have been waiting for him until 5 o'clock. (나는 5시까지 (계속) 그녀를 기다리고 있다. )

라고 쓰면 언제부터 기다렸는지, 혹은 언제까지 기다릴지 안나타나 있지만 5시까지는 계속 기다리고 있다는 의미.



‘ -까지’의 의미로 동작, 상태가 완료되는 기한을 나타낼 때 씁니다. 주로 go, come, reach, finish 등과 쓰임

 You must finish writing your report by three o'clock. (너는 3시까지는 (늦어도) 보고서 쓰는 것을 끝마쳤야야 한다.)  꼭 3시까지는 보고서 쓰는 것을 끝마쳐야 한다(완료)는 의미


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