● 부사 종류
부사는 의미나 특성에 따라서 아래와 같이 나눌 수 있다.
양태부사 | loudly(큰 소리로), carefully(carefully), well(잘, 좋게), quickly(빠르게) |
시간부사 | today(오늘), yesterday(어제), later(나중에), now(지금), last year(작년에) |
장소부사 | above(위에, 위로), inside(안에, 안으로), here(여기에, 여기로), there(거기에, 거기에서), everywhere(어디나) |
정도부사 | completely(완전히), nearly(거의), too(너무), almost(거의), very(매우), fully(충분히) |
빈도부사 | always(항상), often(자주), sometimes(가끔), seldom(좀처럼 ~ 않는), hardly(거의 ~ 아니다), never(한 번도 ~ 않다) |
초점부사 | also(또한), exclusively(독점적으로), just(딱, 바로), mostly(대부분), notably(현저히), primarily(주로) |
학습의 편의를 위한 분류일 뿐 특정 부사가 어떤 카테고리에 속하는지 자체가 중요한 것은 아니다.
● 부사 형태
대개의 부사는 형용사 + ly
형용사 + ly : slow → slowly careful → carefully quick → quickly glad → gladly sudden → suddenly proper → properly kind → kindly -y로 끝나는 형용사는 y를 i로 고쳐서 -ly를 붙인다. happy → happily easy → easily -le로 끝나는 형용사는 -le를 ly로 고친다. possible → possibly able → ably gentle → gently humble → humbly probable → probably noble → nobly 예외 : sole → solely, whole → wholly |
-ue로 끝나는 것은 e를 빼고 -ly를 붙여서 -uly 형태로 만든다. true → truly due → duly -ll로 끝나는 것은 -y만 붙여서 -lly 형태로 만든다. full → fully -ic로 끝나는 것은 -ically 형태로 만든다. dramatic → dramatically 예외 : public → publicly 참고 : 명사에 ly가 붙으면 형용사가 된다. friendly → friendly love → lovely man → manly |
● 형용사와 형태가 같은 부사
long, hard, enough, high, well, ill, fast, enough, much, little, daily weekly, monthly, late, early, right, far, near 등
I get up early in the morning. (부사)
The early bird catches the worm. (형용사)
He is a fast runner. (형용사)
He runs very fast. (부사)
● 형용사와 같은 형태의 부사에 -ly를 붙여서 다른 뜻의 부사가 되는 경우
high (높이) | highly (매우) |
near (가까이) | nearly (거의) |
dear (비싸게) | dearly (마음으로부터) |
late (늦게) | lately (최근에) |
direct (곧바로) | directly (즉시) |
pretty (매우) | prettily (예쁘게) |
hard (열심히) | hardly (거의 ⋯않다) |
Mr. Everest is very high. (형용사 : 높은)
He held his hand high. (부사 : 높이)
It is a highly amusing film. ( 부사 : 매우, 대단히)
He is a hard worker. (형용사 : 노력하는)
He works hard. (부사 : 열심히)
He hardly ever works. (부사 : 거의 ⋯않는다.)
She is very pretty. (형용사 : 예쁜)
She sings pretty well. (부사 : 매우, 꽤)
She sings prettily. (부사 : 예쁘게, 곱게)
He was late for dinner. (형용사 : 늦은)
He came home late. (부사 : 늦게)
He came home lately. (부사 : 최근에 :그는 최근에 귀국했다.)
They buy cheap and sell dear. (부사 : 비싸게)
He loved her dearly. (부사 : 진심으로)
● 어미 ly가 있는 부사와 없는 부사의 뜻이 같은 경우
I ran as quick as I could
= I ran as quickly as I could.
go slow = go slowly
● 부사 기능
부사는 주로 동사, 형용사, 다른 부사(구·절)를 수식한다. 명사, 대명사, 문장 전체를 수식하는 경우도 있다.
1) 동사를 수식하는 경우 He speaks English well. She was sleeping peacefully. She came home yesterday. He came late for school. 2) 형용사를 수식하는 경우 This is too expensive. He was extremely clever. How many books do you have? 3) 부사 · 부사구 · 부사절을 수식하는 경우 I enjoyed it very much. He speaks Chinese quite well. She came just at five. She came long before the time. I had arrived long before he came. He went simply because he liked it. |
4) 명사 · 대명사를 수식하는 경우 ⇨ 전성형용사 구실을 한다. I am quite a stranger here. You alone know it. Even a child can do it. He alone can do such a thing. the then king (당시의 왕) 5) 문장 전체를 수식하는 경우 Perhaps he will come to see me. Unfortunately she was caught. Happily he did not die. (그는 다행히도 죽지 않았다.) cf) He did not die happily.(그는 행복하게 죽지 않았다.=불행하게 죽었다.) Evidently he has made a mistake. = It is evident that he has made a mistake. Nothing is certainly known. (certainly가 known을 수식한다.) She will certainly come. (certainly가 문장 전체를 수식한다.) = It is certain that she will come. He naturally got angry. = It was natural that he should have got angry. He wisely spoke in time. cf) He spoke wisely on the subject. (wisely는 spoke를 수식한다.) |
● 부사 위치
1) 형용사, 부사, 부사구, 부사절을 수식하는 부사는 수식을 받는 어귀 앞에 둔다.
Your answer is completely right.
He speaks English remarkably well.
He came exactly at five.
He died soon after the doctor arrived.
enough는 예외적으로 언제나 수식을 받는 어귀 뒤에 놓인다.
Is this large enough?
2) 양태부사, 방법부사 : 어떻게(how)에 대한 답이 될 수 있는 부사.
gladly, well, heartily, carefully 등
① 양태부사는 일반적으로 동사의 뒤에 위치하며, 목적어가 있으면 목적어 뒤에 놓는다.
동사 앞에 둘 때도 있다. (목적어가 길 경우엔 목적어 앞에 부사를 둔다.)
He came immediately.
He behaved perfectly.
He is sleeping soundly.
He pronounced each word perfectly.
I gladly accepted the invitation.
He has been writing carefully the cards which he purchased at the store.
수동태에서의 부사 이동에 주의해야 한다.
They speak well of him (능동태)
= He is well spoken of. (수동태)
② 강조하기 위해 부사를 문두에 놓을 경우엔, 리듬을 맞추기 위해 do를 첨가한다.
I remember well those happy days. (정상 어순)
= Well do I remember those happy days. (도치구문)
3) 빈도부사, 정도부사 : how often에 대한 답이 될 수 있는 부사.
always, generally, regularly, often, ever, never, sometimes, seldom, scarcely, hardly, frequently, forever, nearly, also, almost, still, barely 등
위치 :① 일반동사 앞
② be동사나 have동사 다음
③ 조동사와 본동사 사이
He seldom listens in to the radio broadcast.
It is never too late to mend.
I often talked with him, and he always spoke the truth.
You should always obey your parents.
He has entirely settled the dispute.
He had previously spent two years at Cambridge.
Sometimes he goes out for a walk.
4) 타동사 + 부사 결합 : (2어 동사)
① 목적어가 명사일 때 : 목적어는 부사 뒤, 또는 동사와 부사 사이에 온다.
Put on your coat. (○) : 타 + 부 + 목
Put your coat on. (○) : 타 + 목 + 부
② 목적어가 대명사일 때 : 목적어는 동사와 부사 사이에 온다.
Put on it. (×)
Put it on. (○) : 타 + 목 + 부
Take it out.
Give it up.
③ 자동사 + 전치사는 하나의 타동사구로 쓰이므로 분리시킬 수 없다.
Look at the boy. (○)
Look at him. (○)
Look him at. (×)
5) 부사가 2개 이상 겹칠 때의 배열 순서
장소+방법+시간 또는 방법+장소+시간순서로 하는 것이 보통이다.
그리고 항상 작은 단위 + 큰 단위 또는 짧은 부사(구) + 긴 부사구의 순서로 쓴다.
I'll call on you at seven o'clock next Sunday.
We spent the holidays in a cottage in the morning.
He came to Korea by ship last year.
She played beautifully at the concert last night.
We arrived safely at the station.
They drove downtown quickly this morning.
He was working hard there then.
6) 분리 부정사 (Split Infinitive)
부사가 부정사를 수식할 때는 ① 부정사 다음에 오고, ② not, never, always는 부정사 앞에 온다. 그러나 ③ 부정사를 수식한다는 것을 명백히 하기 위하여 to와 원형동사
사이에 끼어 놓는 것이 있는데, 이것을 분리 부정사라고 한다.
It will be wiser to drive slowly. (①)
It will be wiser not to tell a lie. (②)
He failed to entirely understand Korean. (부분부정) (③)
He entirely failed to understand Korean. (전체부정)
7) 문장 전체를 수식할 때는 일반적으로 문장의 맨 앞에 오는 것이 보통이다.
Naturally I knew all about my husband.
= It was natural that I knew all about my husband.
Luckily no one was inside when the roof fell.
= It was lucky that no one was inside when the roof fell.
8) 위치에 따라 의미가 달라지는 경우
He almost sold his books. (그는 그의 책을 팔다시피 했다.)
He sold almost all his books. (그는 거의 모든 책을 팔았다.)
Only I know him. (나만이 그를 알고 있다.)
I only know him. (나는 그를 알고만 있을 뿐이다.)
I know only him. (나는 그만을 알고 있다.)
중요한 부사 용법
● ago, before, since
ago : 현재를 기준으로 과거시제와 함께 쓰여, 지금부터 ~전
before : 과거의 어느 때를 기준으로 과거완료와 함께 쓰여, 그때보다 ⋯이전
since : ago나 before를 대신한다. 그 이후 죽⋯
before는 숫자를 동반하지 않고 단독으로 쓰일 때는 막연히 이전을 나타내며, 시제는 과거 · 현재완료 · 과거완료를 다 쓸 수 있다.
ago는 현재완료와 쓸 수 없다.
since가 단독으로 쓰일 때는 그때부터 이래, 죽 등 계속의 뜻을 나타내므로, 시제는 현재완료를 쓴다.
since나 before 앞에는 리듬상 ever를 넣어 쓰는 경우도 많다.
He passed away three years ago (or since). (passed away = died)
My brother went to New York three years ago, but my sister had gone to Oxford three years before (or since).
He said that she had died three years before.
I have seen this picture before.
I have seen her a few days ago. (×)
I have met him before.
I met him once before.
She said she had met him before.
I met him last month and have not seen him since.
His father died three years ago and he has lived with his uncle ever since.
● already, yet, still
already : 긍정문에 쓰여서, 이미, 벌써, 의문문에 쓰이면 놀람의 표현
yet : 의문문에 쓰여서, 이미, 벌써 부정문에 쓰여서 아직
still : 긍정문, 의문문에 쓰여서 아직 (계속의 뜻)
Has the bell rung yet?
It has already rung. / No, it has not rung yet.
What? Has she already married?
Is he still alive?
The old building is still in use.
still의 위치 : ① still + 일반동사 ② be동사 + still
③ 조동사 + still + 본동사 ④ still + 부정조동사
He is still standing. : 그는 아직도 서 있다.
He is standing still. : 그는 가만히 서 있다. (형)
She still dislikes him.
He still doesn't like her.
● enough
형용사나 부사를 수식하는 enough는 수식하는 말 뒤에 놓인다.
명사를 수식하는 enough는 수식하는 말 앞이나 뒤에 놓인다.
(명사 + enough, 또는 enough + 명사)
형용사 · 부사 + enough (○) enough + 형용사 · 부사 (×)
I need enough eggs. = I need eggs enough.
He does not work enough.
He is not old enough to go to school.
He was kind enough to take me to the station. = He was so kind as to take me to the station. = He kindly took me to the station.
● only
위치가 자유롭게 변하며, 관계가 가장 밀접한 말 가까이 놓는 것이 원칙이다.
only가 대명사를 수식할 경우, 그 대명사의 앞 또는 뒤에 올 수 있다.
Only I can see him in the room.
= I only can see him in the room.
I can only see him in the room.
I can see only him in the room.
I can see him only in the room.
● very, much
very : 형용사와 부사의 원급이나 현재분사를 수식한다.
much : 비교급, 과거분사, 동사, 구, 절 등을 수식한다.
He breaks his words very often.
He was very kind to me.
He behaved very well.
This novel is very interesting.
This is much better than that.
I was much interested in it.
I don't like beef much.
Did you eat it much?
His remarks are much to the purpose.
과거분사가 명사를 직접 수식하는 한정용법으로 쓰일 때와 동사로서의 성격을 잃고 형용사적인 용법으로 쓰이고 있는 tired, pleased, delighted, surprised, satisfied 등의 경우에는 much대신 very를 사용한다.
그러나 뒤에 by나 with가 오면 much를 쓰는 것이 자연스럽다.
A very celebrated scholar presented at the meeting.
She had a very annoyed look on her face.
He was very tired with a long walk.
She was much tired with studying for examination.
He was very pleased.
He was much pleased to hear the news.
서술형용사인 afraid, alike, fond 등은 much를 쓰는 것이 원칙이나, 미국 구어에선 very도 쓴다.
He is much afraid that somebody will recognize him.
He is much ashamed of his behaviour.
the + very + 최상급
much + the + 최상급
최상급을 강조하기 위해서 much나 very를 쓸 수 있는데, 이때의 의미는 비슷하지만 much는 부사, very는 형용사로 취급받으므로, much는 the 앞에 놓고 very는 the 뒤에 놓는다.
He is the very best runner in our class.
He is much the best runner in our class.
He is much the tallest of them all.
He is the very tallest boy.
● little, a little
little = almost not 거의 ⋯하지 않는
a little = somewhat 조금은 ⋯하는
He sleeps little because of the terminal examinations.
He sleeps a little after the midterm examinations.
little이 know, think, imagine, dream, expect 등의 앞에 놓이면 not∼at all의 뜻으로 전체 부정을 나타낸다.
I little knew what was going to happen.
I little expected that he would come.
● ever, once, never
ever : 의문문에 쓰여서 전에, 언젠가, 이제까지
once : 긍정문에 쓰여서 이전에 한 번
never : 부정문에 쓰여서 ⋯한 적이 전혀 없다.
Have you ever been to the United States?
Yes, I have once been to the United States.
No, I have never been to the United States.
조건문에는 ever나 once가 쓰인다. ever를 긍정문에 쓰면 뜻을 강조하는 것이 되며, 긍정문에 once를 쓰면 옛날의 뜻이 되는 때도 있다.
If you ever meet him, remember me to him.
If he once begins, he is sure to succeed.
He is working harder than ever.
There once lived a poor couple in a cottage in a village.
● Yes, No
Yes : 의문 형태에 관계없이 긍정에만 쓰임.
No : 의문 형태에 관계없이 부정에만 쓰임.
Would you mind coming here?
─ No, not at all.
─ Yes, I am sorry I can't.
I think you haven't money with you.
─ Yes, I have some.
─ No, I haven't.
● 유도부사 There
문두에서 동사를 이끄는 역할을 하며, be동사가 흔히 쓰인다.
There is no one there.
There was a drunken man lying on the road as I passed.
= A drunken man was lying on the road as I passed.
There used to be a bridge here.
There seems to have been a fire.
● not
not의 특별 용법
Do you think he will come? ─ I think not. (=I think he will not come.)
─ 위와 같은 용법은 believe, think, hope, fear, suppose 등의 동사에 많다.
Will he fail? I hope not.
Will he recover? I am afraid not.
I know not. = I don't know.
부분부정 : 부정어 + all, both, every, always, necessarily, quite, fully, altogether 등이 함께 쓰이면 부분부정의 뜻이 된다.
Every man cannot be an artist.
The rich are not always happy.
All books are not good.
I do not believe him fully.
I do not quite agree.
11) too와 either
too는 긍정문에 either는 부정문에 쓰여서 역시, 또한의 뜻이 된다.
If you go, I will go, too.
If you do not go, I will not go, either.
● 의문부사
직접의문문 : 의문부사 + 동사 + 주어 ?
간접의문문 : ⋯ 의문부사 + 주어 + 동사. (부사절)
Where does he live? (직접의문문)
I don't know. + When should I do it?
→ I don't know when I should do it. (간접의문문 : know의 목적어)
→ I don't know when to do it. (부정사구 : 명사적 용법)
think, believe, imagine, suppose 등의 동사 다음에 직접의문문을 연결할 때에는 의문부사를 문두로 도치시킨다.
Do you think + Where does he lives?
→ Do you think where he lives? (×)
→ Where do you think he lives? (○)
● 관계부사
선 행 사 | 관계 부사 | 전치사 + which = 관계부사 |
1. 때 | when [=that] | at [on, in] which = when |
2. 장 소 | where [=that] | at [on, in] which = where |
3. 이 유 | why [=that] | for which = why |
4. 방 법 | how [=that] | in which = how |
관계부사 where, when, how, why는 부사 + 접속사의 역할을 겸하고 있는 부사이다.
관계부사는 전치사 + which로 바꿀 수가 있다.
관계부사 how는 오늘날은 거의 쓰지 않는다.
● 때 ─ when
《 = that = (at, on) in which 》
선행사가 the time, the day, the week 등 때를 나타내는 경우에 쓰인다.
Will you tell me the time when he will arrive here? (when = at which)
In the year that [=when] my mother died, I was only seven years old.
Monday is the day when we are busiest. (when = on which)
● 장소 ─ where
《 = that = (at, on) in which 》
선행사가 the place, the house, the building 등과 같이 장소를 나타낼 때 쓰인다.
This is the place where we study English. (where = in which)
I like to climb the mountain where there is some snow. (where = in (on) which)
This is the house where I live. (where = in which)
This is the place + He was born in it.
→ This is the place which he was born in. (관계대명사절)
→ This is the place in which he was born. (전치사 + 관계대명사)
→ This is the place where he was born.
→ This is the place that he was born. (where 대신에 that을 사용)
→ This is where he was born. (주격보어: where절은 명사절, the place 생략)
● 이유 ─ why
《 = that = for which 》
선행사가 the reason인 경우에 사용하며, 이때 why는 for which로 바꿀 수 있다.
She told me the reason why she would resign her post.
The reason why you don't like him is evident.
There is no reason why you should go.
5) 방법 ─ how 《 = that = in which 》
선행사가 the way일 때 사용되지만, the way how는 사용하지 않는다.
즉, the way 혹은 how만을 쓰든지, the way that이나 the way in which를 쓴다.
He showed me the way in which he promoted his health.
Do it how you can.
● 관계부사 that
that는 관계부사로 when, where, how, why 대신 쓰이며, 형용사절을 유도한다. 이 that는 때로 생략된다.
He died on the day that I arrived.
Is that the reason (that) you went there?
● 관계부사 계속적 용법
관계대명사와 마찬가지로 관계부사 앞에 comma가 있으면, 계속적 용법으로 쓰인다.
계속적 용법으로 쓰인 관계부사는 접속사 + 부사로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다.
~, where ⇒ ~, and there ⋯ (그리고 거기에서...)
~, when ⇒ ~, and then ⋯ (그리고 그때...)
We went to Rome, where we stayed for a week.
Wait till seven, when he will be back.
He went to the bathroom, where he washed his hands.
Be patient till the last day of this month, when you will understand this book.
● 관계부사 생략
관계부사는 대개 생략할 수 있으나, 선행사가 times나 cases일 때는 관습적으로 when, where를 생략하지 않는다.
Let me know the time (when) he will come back.
This is our classroom (where) we learn our lessons.
He asked me the way (that) I had solved it.
I know the reason (why) you like her.
There are times when any good man will quarrel.
There are cases where honesty does not pay.
● 관계부사 선행사 생략
the time when, the place where, the reason why, the way how 등의 연결이 있을 경우, 선행사는 생략이 가능하다.
특정한 때나 특정한 장소를 말할 때는 생략이 불가능하다.
관계부사의 선행사가 생략될 때는 when, where, how, why는 모두 명사절을 이끄는 의문부사 구실을 하게 된다.
I don't know (the place) where he lives.
I can't tell you (the reason) why she came to me.
This is the hill where we enjoyed ourselves. (the hill은 특정한 장소)
That's (the way) how he walks.
That is (the reason) why I was angry with him.
That's (the place) where he lives.
He has changed a good deal from (the days) when I used to know him.
● 복합관계부사
whenever, wherever, however는 그 자체가 선행사를 포함하여, 양보를 나타내는 부사절을 이끈다.
whenever = at any time when
wherever = at any place where
however = no matter how
You may go wherever you like. (wherever = to any place that)
Wherever you may go, I will follow you. (wherever = no matter where)
Let me know, whenever you come here.
However hard you may try, you cannot do it.
Whenever I am at leisure, I take care of the flowers in my back garden.
Wherever you may go, you will never find a place like home.
However rich a man may be, he cannot be so rich as to afford to have
his boy idle.
● 부사의 비교
부사의 비교는 형용사의 비교를 참고.
the + 비교급, the + 비교급
전반은 부사절이며, 이 the는 in what degree의 뜻인 관계부사이다.
후반은 주절이며, 이 the는 in that degree의 뜻인 지시부사이다.
The older he grows, the more he drinks.
The higher (is) the tree, the stronger (is) the wind.
The more we have, the more we want.
The sooner (you come), the better (it will be).
The more the better.
기출 문제(형용사, 부사)
(1) Richard Wagner had the emotional stability of a ten-years-old child.
(2) The sword that has been tempered by the master may be as hard as ordinary swords five times.
(3) Business has never been as better as it is now.
(4) We were enough fortunate to visit the Grand Canyon, that has much beautiful landscape.
(5) The premature aged wife was coming to be the exception rather than the rule.
(6) Students brave enough to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.
(7) Although Linda tried hard in the exam, she did much worse than her brother.
(8) Of the two shirts, I‟d like to choose the less expensive one.
(9) There are usually more men in your life whom you would like to get rid of as those whom you are dying to meet.
(10) The Vietnamese Communist regime, long weakened by regionalism and corruption, can barely control the relentless destruction of the country‟s forests, which are home to some of the most spectacular wild species in Asia, including the java rhinoceros, dagger-horned goats, as well as new discovered animals previously unknown to Western science.
(11) As artists, what drives us is the desire to make our lives to run more smoothly, with less angst, fewer voids and a minimum of bother.
(12) Any manager of a group that wants to achieve a meaningful level of acceptance and commitment to a planned change must present the rationale for the contemplated change as clear as possible.
(13) Having just learned to drive and hard ever having the opportunity to use car, I readily accepted.
(14) Bats are surprising long-lived creatures, some having a life expectancy of around twenty years.
(15) Younger students who participated in the survey sponsored by a weekly magazine turned out to be less concerned about the serious problems of homeless people as the older students were.
(16) Admiring critics speak of him sometimes as “manly” or courageously.”
(17) They show that he learned a few Latin and that he acquired some of the basic elements of good conduct. (18) John took carefully notes of all the presentations throughout the conference.
(19) More recently examples are the impact of Darwinian biology and Freudian psychology.
(20) Mary is no more experienced in marketing than John. (John처럼 Mary도 마케팅에 경험이 없다.)
(21) He cannot so much as write his own name. (그는 자기 이름조차 쓰지 못한다.)
(22) He is not so much unintelligent as uneducated. (그는 머리가 둔하다기보다는 교육을 받지 못했다.)
(23) She felt that she was good swimmer as he was, if not better.
(24) No other man is faster than Bolt in the whole world.
(25) Thomas Edison believed, "There is no failure until you fail to keep trying," and he experienced hundred failed experiments for each success.
(26) I felt such nervous that I couldn‟t concentrate on my work.
(27) Advertising shapes our perception of the world as surely as architecture shapes our impression of a city.
(28) This 200-feet-high bell tower is an architectural landmark of San Diego.
(29) She is more beautiful than any other girl in the class.
(30) She would be the last person to go along with the plan. (그녀는 그 계획을 계속 따라갈 사람이 결코 아닐 것이다.)
(31) Tom made so firm a decision that it was no good trying to persuade him.
(32) It is the duty of all public servants to ensure that the public’s money is spent as efficient as possible and that programs are provided effectively.
(33) You have more money than I.
(34) Your son’s hair is the same color as you.
(35) The predictable patterns allow beginning second language readers to become involved immediate in a literacy event in their second language.
(36) However, a person from another culture might read the letters different, not unconsciously supplying the letter R and, hence, arriving at an entirely different interpretation of the letters.
(37) The lack of oxygen in the air would make them dizzy, and, perhaps, unconsciously.
(1) Richard Wagner had the emotional stability of a ten-years-old child. (X)
→ ten-year-old
(2) The sword that has been tempered by the master may be as hard as ordinary swords five times.(X)
→ five times as hard as ordinary swords
(3) Business has never been as better as it is now. (X)
→ good
(4) The older you become, the more it is difficult to learn foreign language. (X)
→ the more difficult it is
(5) The premature aged wife was coming to be the exception rather than the rule. (X)
→ prematurely
(6) Students brave enough to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. (O)
(7) Although Linda tried hard in the exam, she did much worse than her brother. (O)
(8) Of the two shirts, I’d like to choose the less expensive one. (O)
(9) There are usually more men in your life whom you would like to get rid of as those whom you are dying tomeet. (X)
→ than
(10) ~ as well as new discovered animals previously unknown to Western science. (X)
→ newly
(11) As artists, what drives us is the desire to make our lives to run more smoothly, with less angst, fewer voids and a minimum of bother. (X)
→ run
(12) Any manager of a group that wants to achieve a meaningful level of acceptance and commitment to a planned change //must present the rationale for(전명구) the contemplated change as clear as possible. (X) (as as 떼고 해석해보고 부사인지 형용사인지 판단한다)
→ clearly
(13) Having just learned to drive and hard ever having the opportunity to use car, I readily accepted. (X)
→ hardly
(14) Bats are surprising long-lived creatures, some having a life expectancy of around twenty years. (X)
→ surprisingly
(15) Younger students who participated in the survey sponsored by a weekly magazine turned out to be less concerned about the serious problems of homeless people as the older students were. (X)
→ than
(16) Admiring critics speak of him sometimes as “manly” or courageously.” (X) (as다음이 형용사 5 형식 목적격 보어 자리)
→ courageous
(17) They show that he learned a few Latin and that he acquired some of the basic elements of good conduct.(X)
→ a little
(18) John took carefully notes of all the presentations throughout the conference. (X)
→ careful
(19) More recently examples are the impact of Darwinian biology and Freudian psychology. (X)
→ recent
(20) Mary is no more experienced in marketing than John. (John처럼 Mary도 마케팅에 경험이 없다.)(O)
(21) He cannot so much as write his own name. (그는 자기 이름조차 쓰지 못한다.)(O)
(22) He is not so much unintelligent as uneducated. (그는 머리가 둔하다기보다는 교육을 받지 못했다.)(O)
(23) She felt that she was good swimmer as he was, if not better. (X)
→ as good a swimmer as
(24) No other man is faster than Bolt in the whole world.(O)
(25) Thomas Edison believed, "There is no failure until you fail to keep trying, " and he experienced hundreds failed experiments for each success.(X)
→ hundreds of
(26) I felt such nervous that I couldn’t concentrate on my work. (X)
→ so
(27) Advertising shapes our perception of the world as surely as architecture shapes our impression of a city.(O)
(28) This 200-feet-high bell tower is an architectural landmark of San Diego.(X)
→ 200-foot-high
(29) She is more beautiful than any other girl in the class. (O) (girls 하면 아님)
(30) She would be the last person to go along with the plan. (그녀는 그 계획을 계속 따라갈 사람이 결코 아닐 것이다.)(O)
(31) Tom made so firm a decision that it was no good trying to persuade him. (O)
(32) It is the duty of all public servants to ensure that the public’s money is spent as efficient as possible and that programs are provided effectively.(X)
→ efficiently
(33) You have more money than I. (O) (아이, 미 둘 다 나올 수 있는데 주격이기에 아이)
(34) Your son’s hair is the same color as you. (X)
→ yours
(35) The predictable patterns allow beginning second language readers to become involved immediate in a literacy event in their second language.(X)
→ immediately
(36) However, a person from another culture might read the letters different, ~ (X)
→ differently
(37) The lack of oxygen in the air would make them dizzy, and, perhaps, unconsciously. (X)
→ unconscious
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