
= bad 3

dystrophy,dyslexia,dyspepsia,dyslogistic,어원, dys-,= bad

어원, dys-= bad dystrophy n. 영양실조 (dystrophy caused by an unbalanced diet *trophy-= nutrition cf. hypertrophy) dyslexia n. 읽기 장애 (suffer from dyslexia *lexi-= word cf. lexicographer 사전 편집가) dyspepsia n. 소화불량 (dyspepsia, one of the common diseases of modern men cf. pepsin) dyslogistic a. 욕설의 (dyslogistic remarks *log-= words cf. monologue) 공무원 두문자 암기 ✽ 책 구매 없이 PDF 제공 가능 ✽ adipoman@gmail.com 문의 공무원 ..

cacophony,cacography,어원, caco-,= bad, wrong

어원, caco-= bad; wrong cacophony n. 불협화음 (make cacophony with his guitar *phon-= sound cf. telephone) Similar: din racket noise discord dissonance discordance caterwauling mid 17th century: from French cacophonie, from Greek kakophōnia, from kakophōnos ‘ill-sounding’, from kakos ‘bad’ + phōnē ‘sound’. cacography n. 틀린 철자 (cacography, or a typo *graph-= writing; letter cf. calligraphy 서예) 공무원 두문자 ..

malfunction,malediction,malign,malignant,malevolent,malefactor,dismal,malice,malodorous,malaria, 어원, mal-,= bad

어원, mal-= bad malediction n. 저주 (pronounce a malediction on his tormentor) late Middle English: from Latin maledictio(n- ), from maledicere ‘speak evil of’. Similar: curse oath imprecation execration anathema voodoo spell cursing damning damnation hex malison Opposite: blessing malfunction n. 고장/ v. 고장나다 (This camera malfunctions. cf. function) malign a. 나쁜 (a malign effect) malignant a. 악성의 (a ..
