1. 동사류
*가장 중요한 것은 서술어 역할
1)서술어 인 경우
① 수(바로 앞에 있는 명사의 수에 맞추는 어이 없는 실수는 하지 말 것!)
② 시제
③ 태(자동사가 아닌지 조심할 것!)
(1) 동사인지 아닌지 결정하기
①They conclude that once you have enough money to meet basic needs such as food and shelter, [have / having] more money does little to increase your happiness and satisfaction with life.
②This [being / is] so, it occurs to many school children that the obvious solution to the worldwide problem of satisfying all human wants is to have a lot of money printed and distributed generously among the people.
③The standard recycling symbol has three chasing arrows, each [represents / representing] one step in the recycling loop: collection, manufacturing and purchasing.
(2) 수문제: 가까이 있다고 다 주어는 아니야!
① 핵심주어가 멀~리 있는 경우
* One of the exercises we were given [was/were] to make a list of the ten most important events of our lives.
* In time, its skin, which has bright colors and patterns, [falls/fall] off.
② 주어가 부분명사인 경우
* Some of the change ends up behind sofa cushions, but the rest [requires/require] our attention.
* Three -fifths of the passengers (was/ were) killed in the accident.
③ 관계대명사의 동사인 경우: 보통 선행사를 찾으면 되지만, 계속적 용법인 경우 문장 전체일 수 있음!
Due to their future worry these people are often able to create the disasters they anticipate, which [reinforce / reinforces] more future predictions of gloom and doom.
④ 핵심주어가 준동사인 경우
Studies of young children in orphanages have shown that giving loving attention and care to formerly neglected babies [improve / improves] their lives significantly.
⑤ 가정법의 동사인 경우: 시제가 원래 말하는 시제보다 한 시제 과거.
I thought they were fakes as though everything [were/had been] happening on a stage.
⑥ 도치인 경우
*Along the river bank [stands/stand] many skyscrapers made of gray bricks.
*Rarely did I [pay/paid] attention to other when I looked back on my old days.
(3) 태문제(뒤에 목적어가 있나 없나로 풀 것)
① 일반적인 경우
* Since then, thousands of species of microscopic water plants and animals [have been described/have described] and given scientific names.
* A whole new world of life [ revealed/was revealed] for the first time.
*In the 13th century, people [convicted / were convicted] of a serious crime by being taken to Bishop Rock and left there with bread and water to be ravaged by the sea.
♥② 동사가 자동사라 수동태가 불가능한 경우
* Ignorance about the African continent [ has led / has been led ] to some serious errors in map making.
* Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. It [was remained / remained] one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.
* Our project will [ consist / be consisted ] of many subcategorized themes.
♥♥③ 동사가 4형식, 5형식이라 수동태라도 뒤에 명사가 있는 경우
* 4형식 동사라 뒤에 목적어가 하나 있어도 수동태일수 있음! give,offer,teach,ask..등이 대표적.
=> They research the social, political, ethical, and historical contexts in which the issues are situated; and they [teach / are taught] complex problems from widely different perspectives.
* 5형식 동사라 뒤에 있는 명사가 목적어가 아니라 보어임! consider,call,name,title이 대표적.
A girl [is named/named] the heroine of the village by having protected the village at her lives
(4) 시제 문제: [현재/과거]문제는 묻지 않음! 그렇게 보여도 그것은 시제문제가 아니라 [원형/동사]일 가능성 매우 큼.
* As they『 were : have been』driving home, her boyfriend turned to her and said, "I'll take you to a place where they have the best diamond rings in the world."
* A few minutes later, her boyfriend pulled into the *drive-thru of a fast-food restaurant. When he ordered the food, the woman realized that her boyfriend 『 said : had said』"the best onion rings," not "the best diamond rings.
* Since the city was established, it [developed / has developed] remarkably
2) 서술어 아닌 경우(분사,toV,동명사 류)
(1) 수동/능동을 결정해야 하는 경우-보기중 하나가 p.p인 경우는 무조건 수동.능동 문제임.
(자동사 경우는 항상 염두)
* I knew what I meant to say. Being born was something [done/doing] to me, but my own life began when I first made out the meaning of a sentence.
* Because he wanted to attend the marriage of his sister, however, he got permission to return home for three days before he was [to execute / to be executed].
* If you don’ know exactly what you’e [calling/called] to do, perhaps now is a good time to consider it.
* "Working memory," or "short-term memory" is a term [used / using] to describe the fact that one can hold only a given amount of material in mind at one time.
* If [asked / asking] directly about your age, family status, and religion, politely refuse to answer.
* In medieval Europe, cities passed laws against throwing garbage into the street and *canals, but those laws were largely『 ignoring : ignored』.
*주의할 것! 분사는 단순수식(형용사처럼 뒤의 명사를 수식)과 분사구문(자신만의 목적어를 가짐)을 조심할 것
Breaking window, I got big punishment. -창문을 깨서, 난 큰 벌을 받았다.
I got big punishment because of broken window.-깨진 창문 때문에, 난 큰 벌을 받았다.(window를 broken이 수식)
=> 단순수식의 경우, 들어내면 문장구조가 이상해짐.
(2) 목적보어자리인 경우(목적어다음이면 목적보어 문제인 것 처럼 풀것- 앞쪽으로 가장 가까운 동사를 찾자 )
<make,have,let,see,feel,hear,notice,watch, help(toV도 가능)는 목적보어 자리에 원형부정사를 쓴다. >
*Merchants encouraged young French men [travel/to travel] far from their villages to get beaver *pelts.
*She saw an anxious expression suddenly [come / to come] over the driver’s face.
* If you were in my shoes, what would you advise me 『 to bring : bringing』in to show you next time, what sort of materials?"
* Mandela is making everybody around him『 feel : to feel』completely relaxed through his unique mix of humor, warmth, informality and dignity.
* And if their leaders began to seem dangerous, the people could vote to make them [leaving/ to leave] Athens.
(3) 목적어 자리인 경우(앞에 타동사나 전치사가 있을 경우)
* If you do manage 『 to have : having』a meeting with an animation director, listen to what she or he is saying, ask questions, and look for opportunities.
* She had a very good voice, except that some of her high notes tended to sound like a gate which someone had forgotten [oiling / to oil]. => oil을 했나 안 했나로 결정
* So even if it's the last thing you feel like『to do : doing』the first step to making friends is to catch someone's eye and flash them your teeth. => 전치사 like다음은 당연히 동명사임. 굳이 외우지말것!
* It is such a hot day! Let's stop [to work/working] and go out! => work을 이제 할 것인가, 그만 둘 것인가로 결정
(4) 의미상의 주어로 결정할 경우(앞에 for~가 있으면 toV 고르고 소유격이 있을 경우는 V~ing)
* It is becoming increasingly important for advertisers [asking / to ask] themselves how they should adapt and what it means for organizations that can't afford to lose any more business.
* I like her [to be / being] punctual all the time.
(5) 감정동사의 분사인 경우(수식하는 명사가 그 감정을 느끼면 p.p => 수식명사가 사물이면 무조건 ~ing)
*In order to get back into the cockpit, the two pilots had to smash the door with an ax in front of the 『 terrifying : terrified』passengers. =>단순수식은 뒤의 명사를 볼것. something처럼 뒤에서 수식하는 경우 제외
* It's hard to imagine anything more [terrified : terrifying』than the first day at a new school.
*Concerned : Concerning』,the pilot decided to check on the copilot himself =>분사구문은 앞을 볼것. 없으면 주절주어!
3) 그 외
(1) 조동사 문제
*When Mandela walks in, everybody stands up to honor him. Those of us at the back 『 must not : cannot』see a thing.
* As you know, however, the story of King Midas is a warning. King Midas realized too late that he [should not have made/ must not have made] foolish wishes and allowed greed to take over his mind.
(2) 이어 동사 문제
* Note taking thus is dependent on one's ability to maintain attention, understand what is being said, and hold it in working memory long enough to [write down it / write it down].
* The chickens were not all alike. Some of them would not let me catch them, while others stood still till I [picked them up / picked up them].
=> 일반명사는 부사 앞 뒤 아무데나 위치할 수 있음! 이어동사의 대명사인 경우에 너무 빠져서 일반명사는 부사 앞에 못 온다는 착각 하지 말것!
(3) 대동사 문제(함정 조심)
*While people today have twice as much spending power as they [did / were] in the 1950s, they are ten times more likely to be depressed. => 문장이 뜬금없이 끝난다 싶으면 대동사 문제임.
* Only then [did / were] the 'Kong Mountains' disappear from maps. => 대동사 문제 아니라 도치 문제임.
*Chemical and petroleum plants are now almost completely automatic, as [are / do] industries involved in the production of chemicals and atomic energy. => 대동사 문제 아니라 도치 문제임.
(4) 자동사 타동사 문제
* But we do know that the fat caterpillar grows from a tiny egg [lain/laid] by a butterfly on the underside of a leaf.
=> lie/lay,arise/raise, arrive/reach등은 무조건 자동사/타동사 문제임.
(5) suggest, insist류 동사의 목적절의 동사인 경우: should가 생략되어 동사 원형이 올 수 있음
=> demand, advise, order, recommend 등 동사들은 무조건 원형이지만, suggest와 insist는 둘다 올 수 있어서 해석을 해야 하므로 자주 출제됨( 하나의 팁: suggest는 주어가 사물이면 원형이 오지 않음)
* Despite our protests, he insisted that he 『be taught : had been taught』to use a comma every place in a sentence where he would pause for breath if he were speaking as a child.
* The judge insisted that the guy [show/ showed]up at a court to prove himself not guilty.
* The evidence suggested that we koreans [start/started] to make kimchi 1000 years ago.
=> 시제문제로 착각하지 말자! [현재/과거]시제 문제가 나올 리가 있는가~?
2) 관계사류
=> 관계대명사 which, that, what, 관계부사의 툭징에 대해 잘 생각해 보자!
=> 관계사절은 what절을 제외하고는 형용사절이라 “~하는”으로 해석됩니다.
(1) 기본 특징 파악하기: 문제를 풀고는 반드시 확인과정 거칠 것! 간단히 해석해 보면 관계사절(~하는)인지 아닌지, what절(~하는 것)인지 아닌지 알수 있음
① which만 쓰이는 경우 파악하기: 전치사 뒤, 쉼표 뒤
<유일하게 관계대명사 which가 관계대명사 that을 이기는 경우^^ 이 경우를 제외하고는 that을 고르자>
* The temperature at [that/which] water boils is 100 degrees Celsius.
<조심> They are different in [that/which] they use different languages.
* James sold 5 cars, two of [that/which] were purchased by his friends.
* The institution, [that / which] was established in 1989, was closed for renovations.
=> 과연 둘다 관계대명사일까~? 해석으로 확인!
② 관계대명사의 격을 파악하기
* The writer [who/whose] articles were published in the New York Times was dishonest.
* I got a message through your secretary [who/which] you wanted to notify to me.
③ which/what/that 구분하기
* I gave get the money (that / what) she needed.
* If you want to love a happy life, enjoy (which / what) you are doing.
* This white dress is (that / what) she chose to wear for the ceremony.
* That's the person (who / what) was the first female to work at NASA.
* (What/That) John killed was an elephant.
*In Korea, there is a superstition (that/which) the student can't eat Mi-youk soup in the day for exam.
* Please tell me (that/what) you experienced during the trip.
*I’ve heard stories of sadness and delight (what/which) would be better than those on well-known TV programs.
*This job right for you? Is the job (that / what) you expected?
* They started to paint in France about 1870. Their works were very different from (that / what) people were familiar with.
④ 관계대명사 or 관계부사(전치사+관계대명사): 뒤의 절에 주어나 목적어가 빠졌나 여부로 파악할 것
* Today, the rock is well-known as the point [where / which] record-breaking attempts to cross the Atlantic are started or finished.
* It gave them a deadly weapon [which / with which] they could kill their enemies.
* The Gobi possesses a record of human habitation that is among the longest on Earth, and it is a place [which / in which] often less than three inches of rain fall a year.
(2) 조심해야 할 경우
① 뒤가 절이 아니라 toV인 경우 : 목적어가 있나 없나로 완전 불완전 구분할 것
* I thought, "I have a brand-new basketball and a new cement driveway [which/on which] to dribble it."
* School is not just a place [which/on which] to learn the difference between `lie' and `lay'
② 관계대명사앞에 전치사가 있는 경우: 전치사+which => 뒤가 완전, 전치사+what => 뒤가 불완전!
* I respect my parents for (which / what) they are.
* The earliest map is thought to have been made in 7000 B.C. in an ancient city that was in [what / which] is now present‒day Turkey.
③ 관계대명사 절에 삽입절이 하나 더 있는 경우: 괄호를 쳐서 시야를 밝혀놓고 풀 것!
* If you are willing to leave your comfort zone and bravely keep striving, you can reach heights which you thought [were / you were] beyond you. => 보기가 이러면 무조건 관계대명사 절임!
④ 복합관계대명사/복합관계부사(~ever)문제: 해석으로 풀되, ~ever 2개중 고를 때는 ever 떼고 풀기
*[Whatever/What] you have on your hands, it is your efforts for the future that really matters.
=> 해석으로 풀기[무엇이던지간에/무엇인지]
*In the 21st century, advances in technology such as Internet, satellite, cable TV, and cell phones now allow the public to get news 24 hours a day on demand or [whatever / whenever] they want it.
=> ever를 떼고 풀자~뒤에 완전,불완전
3. 대명사류
=> 가장 중요한 것은 무엇을 대신하느냐 이다! “무엇”이라고 질문을 던져보면(제발!!!!!!!!) 답이 나옴. 선택문제가 아니라 밑줄 문제인 경우 수와 재귀를 둘다 생각해야 함.
(1) 수 문제
=> 대신하는 일반 명사를 찾아서 수를 일치시켜 줄 것! 먼저 무엇이라고 물어보고=> 예상후보를 2개 정도만 정해서 결정하자!
* They managed to safely free his head using a chisel to gently chip away at the bricks surrounding [it / them]. => 무엇을 둘러싼 벽돌을 치우고...? bricks는 일찌감치 탈락 => 예상후보: a chisel, his head => 답은 단수!! 쉽다!!
* Players on each team try to score by kicking, passing, or carrying the ball until they can touch『 it : them』down behind the opponent's goal line.
* It is very difficult for people to alter their fundamental beliefs about the world. This is partly because they are extremely protective of their belief systems and derive much of their own sense of identity and security from [it / them].
(2) 재귀대명사 문제
=> 목적어의 해당 주어를 찾아 일치여부를 확인할 것. 바로 앞에 있는 동사 바로 앞에 있는 명사가 해당주어이며, 해당주어가 따로 없을 경우에는 주절 주어와 일치한 경우이므로 주절 주어를 볼 것! => 엉덩이를 그리세요~
* Paradoxically, 55% of those whose assets range from $1 million to $5 million don't consider [them / themselves] wealthy.
* The owners say using computers and machines is a good idea, because they work well, and they don't have to pay [them / themselves] wages.
(3) 부정대명사 문제
* When he went on board, he found [another / other] passenger was to share the cabin with him.‘
* Some students write furiously in their notebooks, while [other / others] give up writing in complete discouragement.
* I lost my pen. Could you lend me [one/it]?
* Some of them would not let me catch them, while [others/another] stood still till I picked them up.
*『 Most : The most』of the class sessions will take place in the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art on campus. =>
* I have twins. One is a doctor. [another / The other] is a teacher.
=> other는 형용사이기 때문에 절대로 혼자 쓰지 않고 반드시 관사나 뒤에 복수명사와 함께 오지만 another는 형용사이기도 하고 대명사이기도 하다.
ex) other people are(o), others are (o), other is (x) , another person is (o), another is(o), the other is(o)
(4) 대명사가 아니라 가목적어나 가주어 it인 경우 조심할 것!
*There are also many websites that make [them / it] easy to follow news events from beginning to end.
=> 처음에는 수 문제인줄 알았다. 하지만 무엇을 쉽게 만드는 websites가 있지?라고 질문해보는 순간 가짜 목적어 it이라는 느낌이 온다!
(5) 수식받는 명사를 대신하는 경우: 대명사 that(those)만의 역할, 사람인경우 소유대명사가 대신하기도 함.
* The population of Japan is higher than [that/it] of Korea.
*The life style of Westerners tends to be faster than [ours/us].
(6) 관계대명사 VS 대명사 고르기: 연결할 접속사가 필요한가 아닌가의 여부. 앞에 쉼표가 있거나 문두에 오는 경우 의심해 볼 것(보통 접속사가 이런 곳에 오니까..)
* To act upon the angry feelings [those / whose] situations provoke, however, is an exercise in futility.
* James sold 5 cars, two of [them/which] were purchased by his friends.
*They decided to make the institution closed for renovationsn, [which / it] was established in 1989.
* [It / What] seems to matter is that someone gives loving care to the infants.
4. 형용사/부사 문제
(1) 보어 역할 여부: 동사뒤(주격보어)나 목적어 뒤(목적격보어)에 위치했을 경우
=> 가장 가까운 동사를 찾아서 그 동사가 보어가 필요한 동사인지 확인한다. 섣불리 고르지 말고 훑는다는 느낌으로 꼼꼼하게 찾을 것.
* [Impractically / Impractical] as it may seem to you right now, if you put forth the intent to move your life in a direction more in line with the highest and best purpose for your life, changes will occur.
* Initially, the chimps thought that their minor image was another, live chimp which for some reason got more [aggressive / aggressively] in physical display.
* While some machines are made to make us work [safe/safely], they are sometimes threatening our lives.
* The judges looked [skeptically / skeptical] at one another when the nervous, unassuming, ordinary-looking chap announced he would sing opera - until Potts opened his mouth.* A certain mix of proteins and water makes the knife end hard and [stiff / stiffly].
(2) 급의 문제(원급,비교급 따위)
* In quicksand, the more you struggle, the [deeper/deep] you'll sink.
* This was quite an unusual call, and the owner did a great job in keeping her pet as [calmer / calm] as possible before I got there.
* Scientists studying the way squirrels behave say the furry creatures are [a lot/very] smarter than we thought. (비교급 수식에 more/very는 안됨!!)
* There are few [sad/sadder] things than seeing lost and deserted cities. => than아나 as를 찾아!
* In fact, more changes have taken place in the bow and arrow in the last twenty-five years [as / than] for thousands of years. => 비교급을 찾아!
(4) 조심해야 할 형용사 부사 문제
① -ly가 붙는 것에 조심할 것 - 형용사에 ly가 붙어서 부사가 된 형태가 아닐수도 있음!
* Tom arrived at the office an hour [late/lately] for the third time this week. => 둘다 부사
* I believe the experience to go abroad is [high/highly] educational. => 둘다 부사
* The doctors found the illness [dead/deadly]. => 둘다 형용사
② alike / like/ likely 구분하기: like를 기준으로 삼으면 쉽다 !전치사라 뒤에 무조건 명사형태~
=> alike는 보어 역할만 하는 형용사라 뒤에 명사가 올리 없고, likely는 반드시 뒤에 to V가 옴~
*[Alike / Like] the gardener he must mind his work, try to repel the enemies, preserve what can be preserved, and eliminate what cannot succeed.
* Our relationship is considered [like/alike] to yours.
* The project is [likely/like] to be finished in two days.
5. 접속사/전치사 문제
(1) 접속사 VS 접속사: 해석으로 풀 것! 접속사절 자체의 해석이 아니라 연결해 주는 절과의 연관성을 봐야 함!
* Another reason why people cling tightly to their beliefs is that they have been formulating them [since / when] they were very young.
*『 Because : Though』industrial development improved the standard of living, there was a great environmental cost.
(2) 접속사 VS 전치사: 뒤에 ‘명사만“ 오느냐 or 절이 오느냐( 단, 접속사 뒤는 분사구문이 있을 수 있으므로 서술어가 없을 수도 있음)=> 꼼꼼하게 살펴볼 것! 주절에 미리 서술어를 챙겨두면 실수할 일이 없을 것!
* The island, [although / despite] quite big, shares the habitat features of Northern America.
* The effects of pollution became more noticeable as cities grew『 while : during』the Middle Ages.
* The picnic plan [because/ because of] bad weather is canceled.
(3) 전치사 VS 전치사: 의미 or 암기해야 하는 경우
* We have lived in Canada [for/during] nearly 2 decades.
*It is very rude [of /for] her to dare to say such like that to her mother.
6. 그 외 자주 출제되는 것들
(1) 병렬구조 문제: 앞에 and, or, but, 문두에 오지 않는 than 뒤에 올 경우:.
=> 근처에 있다고 병렬로 보는 것이 아니라 반드시 의미를 확인할 것! 예상후보 2개를 정해 놓고 하면 실수가 없음! 특히 동사류 조심
* In this course you will explore Buddhism, particularly Himalayan Buddhism, by studying and『 discuss : discussing 』paintings, prints, sculpture, textile arts, temple architecture, and religious objects.
* You will see how this study allows discussion of important issues in the study of religion, and also『learn : learns』 how to adapt the visual method to analytical writing.
* They avoid smiling and [keep / keeping] their mouths shut around others because of the fear that someone might see their teeth.
*I like to stay home rather than [going/go] out with John.(이때처럼 중간에 끼인 경우는 병렬구조처럼 풀기)
주의: Rather than [going/go] out with John I like to stay home(접속사란 절과 절 사이지? : 이때 than은 전치사)
♥(2) 전치사 to VS 부정사 to
-=> 앞에 to를 두고 물어 보는 문제임. 절대로 내 입에 익은 것을 고르는 위험천만한 짓 하지 말 것!
① 전치사를 쓰는 경우를 아예 외워버리자!♥(일단 해석에 to(~에,를)과 동명사(~하는 것)의 의미가 살아있음!)♥
=>자동사 contribute 뒤라 전치사 써야 함. object, refer 등도 그런류.
=> From A to B가 아닐까 알아볼것.
=> 외우는 전치사구 확인. In addition to~, According to~, look forward to~도 그런 류.
* A sudden development contributed to [making/make] korea little confused in some aspects.
* When it comes to [caring/care] for others, my mother is a kind of angel.
*From washing dishes and preparing dinner to [cleaning/clean] whole house, the housewives have many things to do.
② 부정사를 쓰는 경우: 일단 해석에 동명사가 드러나지 않음~
* The party was expected to [be held/being held] in a gorgeous restaurant.
=>수동의 의미 뒤에는 웬만해선 전치사가 아니예요!!
*I am about to (turning/turn) off the computer!
* The whole project is likely to [process/processing] successfully.
=> 그 외 be able to~, be goint to~등도 그런 류. 동사구인 경우는 부정사임!
③ 뒤에 2가지 형태가 다 올수 있어서 조심해야 하는 경우: 익숙하면 ~ing
* The boys are used to [getting/get] along during outdoor activities.
*The boys used to [getting/get] along during outdoor activities grow up to be social.
* The boys used to [getting/get] along during outdoor activities.
(3) 어순 문제: 2단어 이상을 물어 보면 어순 문제
① 간접의문문: 의문문이 주어나 목적어 자리에 들어갈 때 의+주+동 순서가 됨(단,주어가 의문사일 수도 있으니 주의)
* I can't decide yet [where I should start/where should I start]
* Did you hear about [what made him feel so gloomy/ what him made feel so gloomy]
② 도치: 주어와 동사가 자리를 바꿀 수 있으니 조심.
* Little [do they / they do] know that this expression originated with one of the earliest commercial practices in England.
③ 이어 동사: 목적어가 대명사인 경우 반드시 부사 앞에 쓸 것.
* Note taking thus is dependent on one's ability to maintain attention, understand what is being said, and hold it in working memory long enough to [check out it / check it out].
④ so+ 형용사 +a +명사(how +형+a +명). such+ a +형용사 +명사(what+a+형용사 +명사)
*It was one of the greatest surprises any such television program has ever had, in large part because it came wrapped in [so / such] an ordinary package.
*You won't believe [what/how] pretty a girl she is.
(4) 기억해야 할 구
① keep(prevent,stop,prohibit) A from ~ing: A가 ~하지 못하게 하다
* Returning boomerangs are not suited for hunting — they are very hard to aim, and actually hitting a target would keep them [returning / from returning] to the thrower, pretty much defeating the original purpose of the design.
② 동명사나 toV의 관용적 표현
spend 시간.돈 V~ing, it takes 시간 to V, have difficulty(trouble,hard time등) V~ing. be busy V~ing
be worth ~ing
* Some people spend a good deal of time [wondering/to wonder] without doing noting.
* It is said to take just few hours [to get/get] Busan by KTX.
* We have had difficult time [getting/to get] through the hardship.
*This food is worth (paying/ to pay) such big money.