잡스 영어

영어 어원(Etymology) #09

Jobs 9 2019. 3. 23. 09:14

*tail-= cut

detail n. 세목 (in detail)

curtail v. 줄이다 (curtain expenses)

retail n. 소매/ v. 소매하다 (a retail dealer)

tailor n. 재단사 (The tailor makes the man.)


*tain-; ten-; tin-= hold

appertain v. 속하다 (everything appertaining to the premises)

abstain v. 삼가다 (abstain from smoking *abs-= away)

detain v. 가두다 (detain him as a suspect)

retain v. 유지하다 (retain water)

contain v. 담다 (contain his anger)

pertain v. 속하다 (issues pertaining to education)

tenacious a. 완강한 (a tenacious foe)

maintenance n. 유지 (the maintenance of peace)

lieutenant n. 소위; 중위 (the first lieutenant *lieu-= place)

tenant n. 세입자 (the previous tenant of the house)

pertinacious a. 끈기 있는 (a pertinacious alpine climber)

abstinence n. 절제; 금욕 (abstinence from pleasure *abs-= away)


*tele-= far

telepathy n. 정신감응 (telepathy between the twins)

telecommunications n. 텔레커뮤니케이션 (a telecommunications company)

telecommuting n. 재택근무 (a telecommuting system)

televise v. 텔레비전으로 방송하다 (The event will be televised. *vis-= see cf. vision)


*tempor-= moment; time

temporary a. 일시적인 (temporary relief)

contemporary a. 동시대의/ n. 동시대 사람 (contemporary music)

extemporaneous a. 즉흥적인 (an extemporaneous speech)

temporal a. 일시적인; 시간의 (temporal and spatial)

tempest n. 폭풍; 대소동 (a tempest in a teacup)


*ten(d)-; tens-= pull; thin

attenuate a. 가늘어진/ v. 가늘어지다 (The shaft has become attenuate.)

extenuate v. 경감하다 (Nothing can extenuate his guilt.)

contend v. 싸우다; 경쟁하다 (contend with the enemy)

extend v. 연장하다 (get my visa extended)

distend v. 팽창시키다 (with a distended stomach *dis-= away cf. distract 주의를 산만하게하다)

tendon n. 힘줄 (Achilles' tendon)

tensile a. 장력의 (tensile strength)

extension n. 연장 (Please give me extension 355. *ex-= out cf. extract 추출하다)

tension n. 긴장 (ease the tension)


*ter-; tri-= three

ternary a. 3개의 (ternary alloys)

triad n. 3부작 (a triad which consists of three different works)

triangle n. 3각형 (the eternal triangle)

trigonometry n. 3각법 (trigonometry in math)

tripod n. 3각대 (mount a camera on a tripod)

tertiary a. 제 3의; 제 3기의 (mass extinctions between the Cretaceous and the Tertiary period)


*term-= end

terminate v. 끝내다 (terminate this contract)

exterminate v. 제거하다 (exterminate pests)

extermination n. 멸종 (mass exterminations of species)

conterminous a. 인접한 (be conterminous with each other)

conterminal a. 인접한 (be conterminal to the parking lot)

terminus n. 종점 (the terminus of this railroad line)

terminal n. 종점; 공항/ a. 치명적인 (be terminally ill)

term n. 기간; 학기; 한계점 (for terms of life)


*terr-= earth

terrain n. 지형 (high terrains of Mt. Everest)

territory n. 영토 (the ex-English territory)

terrestrial a. 지구의 (the terrestrial globe)

extraterrestrial a. 외계의/ n. 외계인 (extraterrestrial life *extra-= outside cf. extraneous 외부적인)

subterranean a. 지하의 (a subterranean tunnel)

inter v. 묻다 (inter the dead body of the pet)

terrace n. 테라스/ v. 계단식으로 만들다 (terraced fields)

terra n. 흙; 땅 (terra cotta)


*tex(t)-= weave

context n. 문맥; 전후관계 (in this context)

textile n. 직물 (the textile industry)

texture n. 직물; 결 (the texture of the redwood)

pretext n. 핑계 (make a pretext)

tissue n. 조직 (the body tissue)

text n. 본문 (a full text)


*theo-= god

theology n. 신학 (speculative theology)

atheist a. 무신론자 (atheist who believes that there is no god)

pantheism n. 범신론 (pantheism, a belief that gods exist in everything *pan-= all cf. pan-America)


*therap-= treatment

therapeutic a. 치료의; 건강에 도움이 되는 (a therapeutic way)

therapy n. 치료 (physical therapy)

therapist n. 치료사 (a physical therapist)

radiotherapy n. 방사선 치료 (radiotherapy for cancer)


*therm-= heat; hot

thermal a. 열의; 뜨거운 (a thermal spring)

thermostat n. 온도조절장치 (a thermostat, or a temperature regulator *stat-= set cf. static electricity)

diathermy n. 열 치료 (diathermy, or a heat treatment *dia-= through cf. diameter 직경)

hypothermia n. 저체온 증세 (suffer from hypothermia *hypo-= under; low cf. hypothetical 가설적인)

thermonuclear a. 열핵의 (a thermonuclear reaction)

thermoplastic a. 열가소성이 있는 (thermoplastic matter *plast-= form cf. plastic)


*thesis-; thet-= set

synthesis n. 종합 (a synthesis of various components)

photosynthesis n. 광합성 (make food by photosynthesis)

hypothesis n. 가설 (set up a hypothesis)

synthetic a. 합성 가공된 (synthetic rubber)


*tic(k)-= tickle

entice v. 유혹하다 (entice a girl away from home)

tickle v. 간지럽다; 자극하다 (It tickles.)


*tom-= cut

dichotomy n. 양분법 (In this matter any dichotomy is not admissible. *di(cho)-= two)

atom n. 원자 (atoms and molecules)

appendectomy n. 충양돌기 절제술 (undergo an appendectomy *pend-= hang cf. depend)

anatomy n. 해부; 해부학적인 구조 (comparative anatomy *ana-= scatter cf. analysis)

epitome n. 요약 (the epitome of the story *epi-= on cf. epidermis 표피)


*tors-; tort-= twist

torsion n. 비틀림 (force of torsion)

tortoise n. 거북 (hare and tortoise)

torture n. 고문/ v. 고문하다 (put him to torture)

extort v. 착취하다 (extort money from him)

contort v. 인상을 찡그리다 (contort his face)

distort v. 왜곡시키다 (distort history)

retort v. 대꾸하다 (retort against me)

tortile a. 비틀린 (a tortile stem)


*tox-= poison

toxic a. 독성이 있는 (toxic gases)

antitoxin n. 항독소 (an antitoxin working against poison)

toxicant n. 독성 물질 (a toxicant which is harmful to animals)

toxin n. 독소 (a toxin in the body)

intoxicate v. 중독시키다; 술에 취하게 하다 (driving while intoxicated)


*tract-; treat-= draw

entreat v. 간청하다 (entreat him for mercy)

retreat n. 후퇴/ v. 후퇴하다 (retreat from the front)

contract n. 계약/ v. 수축하다 (The pupils of our eyes contract when exposed to light.)

subtract v. 뺄셈하다 (subtract 3 from 7)

extract v. 뽑다 (extract a decayed tooth)

detract v. 실추시키다 (detract from his fame)

retract v. 취소하다 (retract my statement)

extraction n. 혈통; 발치 (an American of Korean extraction)

tractable a. 유순한 (a tractable child)

distract v. 혼란시키다 (distract his attention)

protract v. 연장시키다 (a protracted illness)

tract n. 종교 선전용 책자; 넓은 토지 (a tract of land)


*trans-= move across; move through

transparent a. 투명한 (transparent glass)

transportation n. 교통 (convenient transportation systems)

transplant v. 이식하다 (transplant seedlings)

transfusion n. 수혈 (need an immediate transfusion *fus-= melt; water cf. fusion 융합)

transformation n. 변화 (an economic transformation)

transient a. 일시적인 (transient affairs of life)


*trem-= tremble

tremble v. 떨다 (tremble in fear)

tremor n. 미진; 가벼운 지진 (several tremors after an earthquake)

tremendous a. 무시무시한 (a tremendous amount of money)


*trench-; trunc-= cut

entrench v. 사상을 고취시키다 (get entrenched into the mind)

retrench v. 제거하다; 줄이다 (retrench expenses)

trench n. 참호/ v. 참호를 파다 (a cover trench)

truncate v. 잘라버리다 (the truncated top of the mountain)


*tribut-= give

attribute v. 남의 탓으로 돌리다 (attribute his failure to lack of funds)/ n. 타고난 속성 (his characteristic attribute unshared among his family members)

distribute v. 분배하다 (distribute food to the flood victims)

tribute n. 조공; 경의 (pay tribute to the empire)

tributary n. 지류; 작은 강 (a tributary of the river)

contribute v. 기여하다 (contribute to the society)

retribution n. 복수 (just retribution for his crime)


*tric-= fold; entangle

trick n. 계략 (play a scurvy trick on him)

intricate a. 뒤얽힌; 복잡한 (an intricate problem)

extricate v. 얽힌 것을 풀다 (extricate him out of the difficult situation)

tricky a. 복잡한 (a tricky puzzle)


*trop-= turn

tropical a. 열대의 - 태양이 도는 지역의 (the tropical rain forest)

tropism n. 굴성 - 식물이 땅이나 태양 쪽으로 방향을 트는 성질 (the tropism of a plant)

heliotropism n. 굴광성 (the heliotropism of a sunflower cf. heliocentric 태양 중심적인)

geotropism n. 굴지성 (positive geotropism cf. geology 지질학)


*trud-; trus-= thrust

intrude v. 침입하다; 간섭하다 (intrude into his affairs)

obtrude v. 내밀다 (obtrude his opinion into a family quarrel)

protrude v. 내밀다 (a protruding chin *pro-= forward)

extrude v. 밀어내다; 분사되다 (extruding lava)

abstrusive a. 난해한 (a philosopher's abstrusive teaching *abs-= away; not cf. abstain 삼가다)


*tum-= swell

tumid a. 부풀은; 과장된 (a tumid expression)

tumult n. 마음의 흥분; 법석 (The tumult will die down.)

tumor n. 종양 (a malignant tumor)

tumorous a. 종양의; 과장된 (a tumorous disease)

tumultuous a. 소동을 일으키는; 소란한 (a tumultuous meeting)


*ubiqu-= everywhere

ubiquitous a. 도처에 있는 (the ubiquitous banking service)

ubiquitarian a. 그리스도 편재론의 (Martin Luther's ubiquitarian theory)

ubiquity n. 편재성 (the ubiquity of the king)


*ultim-= last

ultimate a. 궁극적인 (the ultimate end of life)

penultimate a. 끝에서 둘째의 (the penultimate syllable *pen-= almost cf. peninsula 반도)

ultimatum n. 최후통첩 (send an ultimatum to the invader)

ultimately ad. 궁극적으로 (Ultimately he fulfilled his expectations.)


*umbra-= shade

umbrella n. 우산 (put up an umbrella)

adumbrate v. 윤곽선을 나타내다 (adumbrate the drawing)

umber n. 암갈색 (burnt umbra)

umbrageous a. 그늘을 만드는 (umbrageous trees)


*uni-= one

unanimous a. 만장일치의 (a unanimous vote)

unilateral a. 일방적인 (a unilateral view)

unison n. 조화; 화음이 없는 합창 (in unison)

unitary a. 단일한; 한 개의 (a unitary method)

universal a. 보편적인; 만인의 (a universal remedy)


*vac-= empty

vacuous a. 텅 빈 (the vacuous mind)

vacate v. 비우다 (vacate the room by the end of this month)

evacuate v. 철수시키다; 비우다 (evacuate the building *e-= out cf. evade 피하다)

vacuity n. 공허감 (vacuity in the mind)

vacation n. 방학 (be away on vacation)

vacant a. 텅 빈 (Do you have a room vacant?)

vacancy n. 빈 방; 공허 (No Vacancies!)

vacuum n. 진공/ v. 진공청소기로 청소하다 (vacuum the rugs)


*vad-; vas-; wad-= go

evade v. 피하다 (evade taxes)

pervade v. 침투하다 (Spring has pervaded the air.)

invade v. 침입하다 (invade her privacy)

evasive a. 회피하는 (Her manner has always been evasive.)

wade v. 물을 건너가다 (wade across the river/ wading gear)


*vag-= wander

vagrant a. 방랑하는/ n. 방랑자/ 부랑자 (a vagrant tribe)

vagabond n. 부랑자; 방랑자 (a vagabond bumming around)

extravagant a. 지나친; 낭비하는 (an extravagant price)

vague a. 모호한 (make a vague answer)


*vallis-= valley

avalanche n. 눈사태(an avalanche caused by an earthquake *a-=to)

valley n. 계곡 (the valley of the shadow of death)

vale n. 계곡 (this vale of tears)


*vase-= vessel

vasectomy n. 정관수술 (undergo vasectomy)

vase n. 꽃병 (a flower vase)

vessel n. 혈관; 도관; 용기; 배 (a blood vessel)

vascular a. 도관의 (a vascular structure)


*vect-; vehi-= carry; drive: strong

convection n. 대류 (convection and conduction)

convex a. 볼록한 (a convex lens)

vehement a. 강력한 (a vehement argument)

vehicle n. 차량 (a vehicle with a conventional 4-cycled internal combustion engine)

vex v. 짜증나게 하다; 귀찮게 하다 (vex him with foolish questions)

invective a. 욕설의/ n. 욕설 (an invective remark)


*vene-; vent-= come; go

intervene v. 중재하다 (intervene in the dispute)

revenue n. 세입; 총수익 (Internal Revenue Service)

avenue n. 길 (an avenue to success)

venue n. 회의 장소 (date and venue)

contravene v. 모순되다; 반박하다; 위반하다 (contravene the regulation)

covenant n. 언약; 계약 (the Land of the Covenant)

convene v. 모이다 (We are planning to convene next week.)

convention n. 회의 (the convention center of the hotel)

advent n. 도래; 다가옴 (the advent of computers)

convent n. 수녀원 (go into a convent)

circumvent v. 피해가다 (circumvent the tax *circum-= around cf. circumference 원주)

adventure n. 모험 (a man of adventure)

vent n. 환풍구 (an air vent)

ventilation n. 환기 (a ventilation fan)

venture v. 모험을 걸고 하다 (venture out to the stormy sea)

eventually ad. 결국 (Eventually he quit.)


*ver-= true; truth

verity n. 사실 (a scientifically established verity)

verisimilitude n. 있을 법함; 박진감 (the verisimilitude of the story cf. similar)

veritable a. 진실한 (the veritable heir)

verify v. 사실임을 입증하다 (verify the hypothesis)

aver v. 사실임을 입증하다 (She averred that she saw him at the scene.)

verdict v. 판결 (bring in a verdict of guilty *dict-= words cf. predict 예언하다)


*verb-= words; say

verbalize v. 말로 표현하다 (verbalize clearly)

nonverbal a. 비언어적인 (nonverbal communication)

verbose a. 말이 많은; 장황한 (This article is too verbose.)


*vers-; vert-; verg-; vort-; ward-= turn

averse a. 싫어하는 (I am averse to going to the movies. *a-= away cf. avert 막다)

adverse a. 반대의 (adverse winds *ad-= to)

version n. 번역 (a film version of a novel)

versatile a. 다양한; 다재다능한 (a versatile actor)

adversary n. 적수 (my adversary in the argument)

diverse a. 다양한 (of diverse types)

diversify v. 다양하게 하다 (diversified business)

traverse v. 통과하다 (traverse the bridge)

reverse v. 역전시키다 (reverse the score)

subversive a. 전복시키는/ n. 파괴분자 (a subversive rebellion)

perverse a. 고집 센 (a perverse youngster *per-= perfect; perfectly cf. perfect)

inversion n. 도치 (the inversion of the sentence)

conversely ad. 그와 반대로 (Conversely, I am in favor of the plan.)

conversant a. 두루 능통한 (be conversant with American literature)

convertible n. 개폐형자동차; 모양을 바꿀 수 있는; 접이식의 (a convertible sofa)

introverted a. 내성적인 (an introverted person *intro-= inward cf. introduction)

extrovert n. 외향성 성격의 사람 (an extrovert and an introvert)

invert v. 뒤집다 (an inverted triangle)

pervert v. 곡해하다 (pervert his words)

converge v. 수렴되다 (converge on one point)

divergent a. 다른 (have a widely divergent opinion)

vertigo n. 현기증; 정신적인 혼란 (suffer from vertigo)

vortex n. 소용돌이 (in the vortex of war)

reward n. 보상 (No reward without toil.)

ward v. 막다/ n. 병원의 병동; 입원실 (ward off a war)

forward v. 앞으로 보내다/ ad. 앞으로 (Forward Mail.)


*vest-= dress; clothing

vest n. 조끼 (a bullet-proof vest)

invest v. 옷을 입히다; 투자하다 (a town invested with fog)

divest v. 관직을 박탈하다 (divest him of his authority)

vesture n. 의복; 의류 (vesture and food)


*via-= way

obviate v. 필요를 제거하다 (obviate my trip to the library *ob-= over cf. obliterate 글씨를 지우다)

obvious a. 분명한 (an obvious signboard)

pervious a. 통과시키는 (be pervious to light)

impervious a. 통과시키지 않는 (be impervious to water)

previous a. 이전의 (have a previous engagement)

deviate v. 탈선하다 (deviate from his principle)

via ad. 경유하여 (via Japan)


*vict-; vinc-= conquer

victory n. 승리 (gain a victory over the enemy)

evict v. 세입자를 내쫓다 (evict the tenant)

convince v. 확신시키다; 설득시키다 (convince him of his fault)

invincible a. 정복할 수 없는 (the Invincible Armada)

victor n. 승리자/ a. 승리의 (a victor nation)

vanquish v. 정복하다 (vanquish the enemy troops)


*vid-; vis-= see

provide v. 준비하다; 제공하다 (provide for urgent needs)

video n. 비디오 (video tapes)

vista n. 전망; 추억 (the dim vistas of his childhood)

improvise v. 즉흥적으로 하다 (improvise a speech)

revise v. 교정하다 (Revise your report carefully.)

provision n. 준비 (make provision for his old age)

visible a. 눈에 보이는 (be visible to the naked eye)


*vi(g)-; vit-; viv-= force; life

vigor n. 용기 (have great vigor)

invigorate v. 활기를 주다 (invigorate him with encouragement)

revive v. 재생시키다 (revive from a swoon)

vivid a. 생생한 (be vivid in my memory)

vitality n. 생명력; 생기 (a style devoid of vitality)

vitamin n. 비타민 (be vitamin-B deficient)

vivacity n. 쾌활; 명랑 (a girl of vivacity)

survive v. 생존하다 (survive the war)

convivial a. 명랑한; 주연의 (a convivial party)

vivisect v. 생체해부하다 (vivisect the live animal)


*vin-; win-= wine; grape

vine n. 포도나무 (덩굴) (wither on the vine)

vintage n. 포도주; 포도 수확(기); 제작 년도 (fine vintage wine)

vineyard n. 포도원 (workers in a vineyard)

vinegar n. 식초 (taste like vinegar)

winery n. 포도주 양조장 (a winery famous for a fine vintage wine)


*vir-= virus; poison

virulent a. 유독한; 악의가 있는; 전염성이 강한 (a virulent disease)

virus n. 바이러스 (a virus disease)

virology n. 바이러스학 (virology, or the study of viruses)


*voc-; vok-= call

advocate n. 옹호자 (an advocate for peace *ad-= near)

advocacy n. 옹호 (an advocacy group)

vouch v. 단언하다; 보증하다 (vouch for his honesty)

avouch v. 자백하다; 보증하다 (avouch for the quality)

vocal a. 목소리의 (a vocal tract)

provocation n. 도발 (incessant provocations)

vociferous a. 시끄러운 (forgo a vociferous wrangle)

invoke v. 호소하다 (invoke the power of the law)

evoke v. 불러내다; 자아내다 (evoke much laughter)

revoke n. 취소/ v. 취소시키다 (beyond revoke)

provoke v. 자아내다 (provoke pity)

convoke v. 소집하다 (convoke a meeting)


*vol-= will; desire

volition n. 의지 (of your own volition)

benevolent a. 마음이 선한 (a benevolent employer *bene-= good cf. benefit)

malevolent a. 마음이 악한 (a malevolent neighbor *male-= bad)

voluntary a. 자발적인 (voluntary workers)

volunteer n. 지원자 (a volunteer corps)

voluptuous a. 육욕적인 (lead a voluptuous life)


*volu-; volv-= roll; wind; cycle

evolution n. 진화; 발전 (Evolution is better than revolution.)

revolve v. 돌아가다 (a revolving door)

involve v. 관련지우다 (be involved in the revolution)


*vulg-= people

vulgar a. 속된 (a vulgar fellow)

vulgus n. 평민; 서민 (the vulgus ruled by the king)

divulge v. 폭로시키다 (divulge the secret *di-= scatter cf. digress 이탈하다)


*w-= writhe; twist; wither

wreck n. 난파 (a total wreck)

wrinkle n. 주름 (wrinkle-free trousers)

wrath n. 분노 (Grapes of Wrath)

writhe v. 찡그리다 (writhe in agony)

wavy a. 물결이 이는; 파도치는 (wavy hair)

wither v. 시들다 (The flowers withered up.)

weather v. 시들어지게 하다 (weather the competition from others)

waddle 비틀거리다 (waddle along the street)

wig n. 가발 (a judge's wig)

whirlpool n. 소용돌이 (a whirlpool in the field)

woeful a. 비참한 (woeful life)

wring v. 비틀어 짜다 (wring wet clothes)

wry a. 뒤틀린 (a wry smile)

whimsical a. 변덕스런 (a whimsical woman)

wicked a. 사악한 (a wicked witch)


*worth-= value

stalwart a. 굵고 튼튼한; 영웅적인; 건장한/ n. 충실한 당원 (a stalwart man)

worthwhile a. 가치가 있는 (a worthwhile book)

worship v. 숭배하다/ n. 숭배 (the worship of idols)

worthy a. 가치가 있는; 훌륭한 (a worthy reward)


*zeal-= fervor

zeal n. 열광 (his zeal for the game)

zealot n. 열광자 (a zealot for the campaign)

zealous a. 열성적인 (be zealous to satisfy his boss)

jealous a. 투기가 강한; 질투심이 많은 (be jealous of his fortune)


*zo-= animal

zoology n. 동물학 (botany and zoology)

zoolatry n. 동물숭배 (zoolatry, or worshipping animals cf. idolatry 우상숭배)

zodiac n. 천궁 (a zodiac sign)

Paleozoic a. 고생대의 (trilobites of the Paleozoic period *paleo-= old cf. paleolithic 구석기의)

Cenozoic a. 신생대의 (the Cenozoic period *ceno-= new)

Neozoic a. 신생대의 (the Neozoic period *neo-= new cf. neoclassicism 신고전주의)

Mesozoic a. 중생대의 (the Mesozoic period *meso-= middle cf. meso-soprano)


*zym-= leaven; ferment

enzyme n. 효소 (enzyme detergent)

zymogen n. 발효균 (zymogen which causes fermentation)


zymotic a. 발효성의; 전염병의 (a zymotic disease)      



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