잡스 영어/영어 문법

통고․알림의 3형식 완전타동사

Jobs 9 2023. 5. 12. 15:15

통고․알림의 3형식 완전타동사

∙inform, remind, convince, assure, advise, warn, accuse + <O + of> 또는 <O + that절> 구문에서 of와 that이 함께 쓰이거나, of 뒤에 절(S+V)이 이어지면 틀린다.

■ He notified us of he would resign. (○, ×)

■ They've informed me of that your application was rejected. (○, ×)

cf) They agreed to that the plan is too short of time. (×)

There is a good chance of that she will recover completely. (×)

Despite that he is young, he is very considerate. (×)

Because of he was ill, he could not finish the assignment. (×)


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