잡스 영어/영어 문법

금지․방해의 3형식 완전타동사

Jobs 9 2023. 5. 10. 09:18

금지․방해의 3형식 완전타동사

∙prevent, keep, stop, prohibit, inhibit, hinder, deter, restrain + O + from …ing
∙disable, discourage + O + from …ing
cf) forbid, persuade, enable, encourage + O + to R

■ They prohibited shopkeepers (to sell, from selling) cigarettes to children.

■ The hard wind kept us (to continue, from continuing) with the game.

■ Tom wanted to join the army, but was dissuaded to do so. (○, ×)

■ We were forbidden from entering the house. (○, ×)


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