잡스 영어

영어 어원(Etymology) #03

Jobs 9 2019. 3. 23. 09:06

*gen-= birth; kind; class

genesis n. 기원 (the genesis of life forms)

gene n. 유전자 (gene manipulation)

congenital a. 선천적인 (congenital defects)

genetic a. 유전의 (genetic engineering)

degenerate v. 몰락하다 (degenerate into an inferior species)

genre n. 범주 (the genre of literature)

generate v. 발생시키다 (generate electricity)

genial a. 다정한; 마음에 맞는 (a genial climate)

progenitor n. 선조 (the progenitor of our race)

ingenious a. 천부적인 재주가 있는 (an ingenious inventor)

ingenuous a. 순진한 (an ingenuous smile)

regenerate v. 재생시키다 (regenerate the hardened criminal)

generator n. 발전기 (a thermonuclear generator)


*gon-= angle

Pentagon n. 미국국방성 (5각형 건물) (The Pentagon was attacked by terrorists. *penta-= five)

hexagonal a. 6각형의 (a hexagonal cell *hexa-= six)

diagonal a. 대각선의 (a diagonal line)


*grad-; gred-; gress-= go

grade n. 학년; 급수 (the school grade)

gradual a. 점차적인 (a gradual increase)

degrade v. 몰락하다 (degrade in qualities)

graduate v. 졸업하다; 승인하다 (a graduated scale)

upgrade v. 향상시키다 (upgrade my computer)

ingredient n. 재료 (the recipe and ingredients)

egress v. 탈출하다/ n. 탈출 (egress out of the capsule)

regress v. 퇴보하다 (regress rather than progress)


*graf-; graph-; grav-= write; draw a picture

graffiti n. 낙서 (some graffiti on the wall)

graphite n. 흑연 (made out of graphite)

graphic a. 생생한; 그림 같은 (a graphic account of the accident)

graft n. 접목; 이식 (skin graft)

photograph n. 사진 (take photographs *photo-= light)

phonograph n. 축음기 (the phonograph invented by Edison)

engrave v. 글씨를 새기다 (engrave a seal)


*grat-= for free; joy; gratitude

gratuity n. 팁 (such a small gratuity)

gratuitous a. 까닭 없는 (gratuitous interference)

gratitude n. 감사 (in token of my gratitude)

ingratitude n. 배은망덕 (Have you heard of such ingratitude?)

ingrate n. 감사할 줄 모르는 사람 (an unthankful ingrate)

congratulate v. 축하하다 (congratulate him on his success)

gratify v. 기쁘게 하다 (be gratified with the result)


*grav-; griev-= heavy

gravity n. 중력 (the earth's gravity)

grieve v. 슬퍼하다 (grieve over his failure)

aggravate v. 병을 중하게 하다 (Smoking has aggravated his cough.)

gravitation n. 중력 (terrestrial gravitation)

grave a. 신중한 (a matter of grave concern)

grief n. 슬픔 (come to grief)


*greg-= gather together

aggregate a. 뭉쳐진 (aggregate power of the allies)

segregation n. 인종차별 (racial segregation *se-= separate)

congregation n. 군중 (a large congregation)

gregarious a. 모여 사는 (gregarious animals)

egregious a. 가장 나쁜 (an egregious fool *e-= out)


*gyro-= ring; circle; wind

gyroscope n. 회전의 (a gyroscope on a plane)

gyrocompass n. 회전나침반 (a gyrocompass on a ship)

gyration n. 나선 (the gyration on the surface of a nautilus)


*habit-= live; dwelling place 거주지, 관습, 습관

habitat n. 서식지 (natural habitats)

inhabit v. 거주하다 (Many forms of life inhabit this pond.)

inhabitant n. 거주자 (the inhabitants of the village)


*hal-; heal-; hol-= whole; healthy; holy

hale a. 강건한 (hale and hearty)

halibut b. 넙치 (a halibut, or a wide fish in the north sea)

heal v. 치료하다 (be healed of his wound)

health n. 건강 (be in good health)

holocaust n. 대학살 (the Nazi's Holocaust) *caust = fire, burn

holograph n. 자필 증서 (a holograph deed)

holy a. 성스러운 (a holy place)


*hepta-= seven

heptathlon n. 7종 경기 (a heptathlon for female athletes) athlete:운동선수

heptagonal a. 7각형의 (a heptagonal figure)


*her-= heir

inherit v. 상속하다 (inherit the family estate)

hereditary a. 세습의 (hereditary property)

heredity n. 유전 (be handed down by heredity)

heritage n. 유산 (American heritage)

heir n. 상속자 (an heir to the property)


*herb-= plant

herbivore n. 초식동물 (A cow is an herbivore. *vor-= throat cf. devour 게걸스레 먹다)

herbivorous a. 초식성의 (an herbivorous animal)

herbicide n. 제초제 (the malign effect of herbicides)

herbage n. 목초; 풀 (the entire herbage on the island)

herby a. 풀이 많은 (the herby field)


*here-; hes-= stick to

inherent a. 타고난 (his inherent carelessness)

adherent n. 추종자 (the adherent of the candidate)

coherent a. 일관성이 있는 (coherent writing)

adhere v. 달라붙다 (adhere to the principle)

adhesive n. 접착제 (an adhesive to bond things together)

hesitate v. 주저하다 (hesitate to ask questions)


*hetero-= different/ *homo-= the same

heterogeneous a. 이질적인 (heterogeneous elements *gen-= class cf. genre 문학 장르)

heterodox a. 이설적인 (a heterodox doctrine *dox-= theory cf. orthodox 정설적인)

homogeneous a. 동질적인 (a homogeneous group)

homogenize v. 동질화시키다 (homogenize the milk in the container)

homonym n. 동음이의어 ('Meet' and 'meat' are homonyms. *nym-= call; sound; name)


*hier-= sacred

hierarchy n. 성직자단; 성직자 정치; 성직자 계급 (hierarchy, or ruling by the clergy)

hieroglyphics n. 상형문자 (the ancient hieroglyphics)


*hom-; hum-= earth; soil; low

homage n. 존경; 경의 (pay homage to the king)

homo sapiens n. 인간 homo(man 남자성인) sapiens(wise 현명한 )(homo sapiens or human beings)

hominid n. 원인; 사람과 비슷한 동물 (a hominid looking like a human being)

humane a. 인도적인 (humane education)

humus n. 부식토 (humus soil)

humble a. 비천한 (Welcome to my humble abode.)

posthumous a. 사후의 (a posthumous book *post-= after cf. postscript)

human a. 인간의/ n. 인간 (human beings)

humiliate v. 굴욕감을 주다 (humiliate himself because of his mistake)

inhume v. 묻다 (inhume the corpse)

exhume v. 발굴하다 (exhume the relics)


*hydro-= water

dehydrate v. 탈수시키다 (get dehydrated)

hydrophobia n. 공수병 (hydrophobia, or rabies)

hydrogen n. 수소 (hydrogen and oxygen)

hydrant n. 소화전 (the hose in the hydrant)

hydroplane 수상기. v. 물위를 미끄러지다 (The vehicle hydroplaned on the wet road.)


*hyper-= beyond

hyperbole n. 과장 (an account in hyperbole)

hyperacidity n. 위산과다 (suffer from hyperacidity)

hypersensitive a. 과민한 (hypersensitive to light)

hypertension n. 고혈압 (hypertension, or high blood pressure)


*hypo-= below; low

hypochondria n. 우울증 (a melancholy man with hypochondria)

hypothesis n. 가설 (A hypothesis is not an established fact. *thesis-= set 논제 cf. synthesis 합성)

hypodermic a. 피하의 (a hypodermic syringe *derm-= skin cf. dermatologist 피부과 의사)

hypothermia n. 저체온 증세 (rescue a victim dying of hypothermia *therm-= heat cf. thermometer)


*idio-= personal; peculiar

idiom n. 예술가의 특이한 작풍; 숙어 (an artist's idiom)

idiomatic a. 숙어의 (an idiomatic expression)

idiosyncrasy n. 특이한 버릇; 특이함; 특이체질 (a person's idiosyncrasy, or his peculiar characteristic)

idiot n. 백치 (an idiot box)


*igni-= fire

igneous a. 불의 (igneous rock)

ignition n. 점화장치 (put the car key into the ignition)

indignation n. 분노 (allay his indignation *in(d)-= in)

ignitor n. 점화장치 (an ignitor in the engine)


*indi-= point

indicate v. 가리키다 (indicate the door)

indicator n. 지표 (the indicator species)

index n. 지수 (wholesale price index)


*insul-= island (*is-=isolate 격리시키다)

insulate v. 단열시키다; 차단하다 (insulate the wall)

insular a. 섬나라 근성의; 마음이 좁은 (insular prejudices)

peninsula n. 반도 (the Iberian Peninsula *pen-= almost)


*integr-= whole

integer n. 정수; 완전한 것 (an integer and a fraction)

integrate v. 통합하다 (integrate whites and blacks)

integral a. 완전한; 필수적인 (integral calculus and differential calculus)

disintegrate v. 분해시키다 (disintegrate the organization)

integrity n. 성실 (a man of integrity)


*inter-= between

interaction n. 상호작용 (interaction among members of species)

intertwine v. 서로 얽히다 (intertwine with each other)

interdependence n. 상호의존 (interdependence between the two countries)

interstate a. 주 사이의 (an interstate highway)

intermission n. 중지; 휴지; 막간 (without intermission *mis-= send cf. emission 발산)

interpretation n. 통역 (simultaneous interpretation)

intervene v. 중재하다; 사이에 끼다 (the period intervened between the two world wars *vene-= go)

intercom n. 인터콤 (page him over the intercom cf. communication)


*intra-= inside


intravenous a. 정맥의 (an intravenous injection cf. vein)

intrastate a. 주내의 (an intrastate event)

intramural a. 교내의 (an intramural athletic meet *mur-= wall cf. mural 벽화)

introverted a. 내성적인 (an introverted, shy person *vert-= turn cf. convert 전환시키다)


*iso-= equal

isosceles a. 2등변의 (an isosceles triangle)

isometric a. 크기가 같은 (isometric drawing *meter-= measure)

isotope n. 동위원소 (isotope therapy)


*it-; itiner-= go; roam

itinerary n. 여행일정표 (an itinerary for the journey)

itinerant a. 이동하는 (an itinerant library)

obituary n. 부고장 (an obituary notice *ob-= over cf. obsession 강박관념)

transitory a. 일시적인 (a transitory phenomenon *trans-= move across cf. transportation)

transition n. 전환 (a transition period)

exit n. 출구 (make his exit)

reiterate v. 반복하다 (reiterate the command *re-= again)


*-itis= inflammation

hepatitis n. 간염 (Type-B hepatitis)

gastritis n. 위염 (suffer from gastritis *gastr-= stomach cf. gastronome)

tonsillitis n. 편도선염 (I could not deliver the speech because of tonsillitis.)

phrenitis n. 뇌염 (die of phrenitis *phren-= brain cf. phrenology)


*jec(t)-; jet-= shoot; throw

adjacent a. 인접한 (adjacent villages)

injection n. 주사 (an intravenous injection)

dejected a. 풀이 죽은 (feel dejected)

projector n. 투사기 (an overhead projector)

reject v. 거부하다 (reject the offer)

eject v. 분사하다 (eject lava and ashes)

jettison n.투하 v. 버리다 (jettison the rocket)

jetsam n. 버린 화물 (jetsam floating on the surface of the sea)

jet n. 제트, 제트 비행기 (Did you get over your jet lag?)


*joc-= joke; play

jocular a. 익살스런 (a jocular performance)

jocose a. 우스꽝스런 (a jocose performer)

juggle v. 조작하다; 요술부리다 (juggle with three apples)


*join-; junct-; jung-; jug-= connect

joint 조인트(무릎관절) 까다.

conjoin v. 결합시키다 (conjoin the parts)

adjoin v. 인접해있다 (adjoin France)

enjoin v. 막다; 금하다 (enjoin a demonstration)

disjoin v. 분리시키다 (disjoin the union members)

joiner n. 가구장이 (a piece of furniture made by a skilful joiner)

conjugal a. 결혼의 (conjugal affection)

junction n. 연결점 (at the junction of the two rivers)

juncture n. 연결시점 (at this juncture of time)

conjunction n. 접속사; 연관 (in conjunction with the union)

junta n. 혁명 후의 군사정권 (the military junta). (민주정부 과도기)

conjugated a. 복합의 (conjugated protein)

adjunct n. 부속물 (an adjunct to the organization)


*journ-= day

sojourn n. 체류 (a 3-day sojourn)

adjourn v. 연기하다 (adjourn the meeting)

journal n. 일지 (keep a journal)

journeyman n. 수습기간을 마친 사람; 일용직 기능공 (a journeyman who has finished basic training)

journalist n. 신문기자 (a journalist of the newspaper)


*jud-= judge

judge n. 재판관/ v. 판단을 내리다 (judge a person by appearance)

adjudicate v. 판결하다 (adjudicate him to be guilty)

judicious a. 판단력이 있는 (a judicious umpire)

prejudice n. 선입관 (without prejudice)


*jur-= law; swear

abjure v. 맹세하고 버리다(abjure his religion *ab-=away cf. abroad)

jury n. 배심판사 (the jury consisting of 12 jurors)

perjury n. 위증 (commit perjury *per-= through)

juris a. 법의 (a juris doctor)

jurisdiction n. 관할구역 (out of our jurisdiction *dict-= words cf. dictionary)


*juven-= young

juvenile a. 청소년의 (a juvenile delinquent)

rejuvenate v. 다시 활기차게 하다 (feel rejuvenated after a holiday)

juvenility n. 젊음; 연소 (juvenility and senility)

junior a. 더 나이가 적은 (be junior to me)  Vs. senior


*kin-= kin; the same race

akin a. 유사한 (be akin to each other)

kinsmen n. 동포 (feel sympathy towards his kinsmen)

kinship n 유사점 (share some kinship among them)

kin n. 동포; 친척 (kith and kin)

kindred n. 친척 (all of his kindred)


*kinet-= movement

kinetic a. 운동학의 (kinetic energy) kinetic chain

Kinetoscope n. 활동만화경 (Kinetoscope invented by Edison)

kinesics n. 운동학 (major in kinesics)


*langui-; lax-= loose

languid a. 나른한; 열의가 없는 (a languid attempt)

languish v. 기운이 없어지다; 동경하다 (a languishing illness)

relax v. 긴장을 풀다 (Relax, please.)

lax a. 긴장이 풀린 (She is lax in discipline.)

laxative n. 설사를 나오게 하는 약; 하제 (administer some laxative before the operation)


*laps-= fall

elapse v. 시간이 경과하다 (How much time has elapsed? *e-= out ref. sand)

collapse v. 무너지다 (The bridge collapsed because of its own weight.)

relapse v. 다시 몰락하다 (relapse into the old habit)

lapse n. 몰락; 경과 (with the lapse of time)


*lateral-= side

bilateral a. 양면적인 (a bilateral contract *bi-= two cf. bicycle)

unilateral a. 일방적인 (a unilateral view *uni-= one cf. unity)

collateral a. 부차적인 (a collateral issue *col-= together)

multilateral a. 다양한 (a multilateral role *multi-= many cf. multivision)

lateral a. 옆의, 측면의 (a lateral line of a fish)


*lati-= wide

latitude n. 위도 (at 38 degrees north latitude)

dilate v. 얇게 펴다 (with dilated eyes)

latifoliate n. 활엽수의 (a latifoliate tree)


*lect-; leg-; lig-= choose

election n. 선거 (a general election)

select v. 선별하다 (select by vote *se-= separate)

eclectic a. 취사선택의; 절충적인 (an eclectic method *ec-<*ex-= out)

predilection n. 선호; 애호 (a predilection for males *pre-= beforehand *di-= divide)

eligible a. (선택될) 자격이 있는 (be eligible for the position) *e(x)-=강조 ; out


*leg-; leag-; lig-= bind

legacy n. 유산 (liquidate the past legacy)

allegiance n. 충성 (pledge allegiance to the national flag *al-<ad-= near; close to)

legend n. 전설 (become a legend)

oblige v. 강요하다; 은혜로 사로잡다 (feel obliged to him)

colleague n. 동료 (a colleague at work)

ligament n. 인대 (hurt his ligament)

ligature n. 인연 (bad ligature)


*leg-= law

legal a. 법적인 (a legal adviser)

illegal a. 불법의 (illegal parking)

legitimate a. 합법적인; 정당한 (a legitimate claim)

legislature n. 입법부 (a two-house legislature)


*len-; lens-; lent-= bend

lenient a. 너그러운 (lenient punishment)

relent v. 누그러지다 (He relented somewhat. *re-= against)

relentless a. 끈질긴 (relentless humming of mosquitoes *-less= without cf. stainless)

lens n. 렌즈 (the objective lens)


*lev-= light; raise

alleviate v. 완화시키다 (alleviate the pain *al-<*ad-= to)

lever n.레버,지렛대 v. 지렛대로 옮기다 (lever up a manhole lid)

levity n. 경박함 (a man of levity)

elevate v. 들어 올리다 (elevate the voice) *e(x)-=강조 ; out


*lex-= word; speech; read

dyslexia n. 읽기장애 (A person with dyslexia has difficulty reading words. *dys-= bad cf. dyspepsia 소화 불량)

lexicographer n. 사전 편집가 (a lexocographer who is editing a dictionary)

lexicon n. 전문사전 (consult a lexicon for a Latin word)

alexia n. 실독증 (A person with alexia is a person who has lost his or her ability to read. *a-= no; not)


*lib(er)-= book

library n. 도서관 (return the book to the library)

librarian n. 사서 (a librarian at the library)

libel n. 책에 의한 명예훼손→비방 (a libel on the president)


*lid-; lis-= damage; hurt

collide v. 충돌하다 (collide head on)

collision n. 충돌 (a head-on collision)


*lingu-= language

lingo n. 말버릇; 뜻 모를 사투리; 은어 (lingoes among youngsters)

bilingualist n. 두 가지 언어를 말하는 사람 (a bilingualist who is able to speak two languages equally well *bi-= two)

multilingualist n. 여러 가지 언어를 말할 줄 아는 사람 (a multilingualist who is able to speak many languages *multi-= many cf. multivision)

linguistics n. 언어학 (major in linguistics)


*liqu-= water

liquid n. 액체 (gas, solid and liquid)

liquor n. 술 (a liquor store)

liquefy v. 액화시키다 (liquefy a solid material)

liquidation n. 청산 (a liquidation sale)


*liter-= letter

alliteration n. 두운법 (This poem is full of alliteration. *al-<*ad-= beforehand) ex) “she sells seashells by the seashore”

literary a. 문학의 (literary criticism)

literature n. 문학 (19th century American literature)

obliterate v. 글씨를 지우다 (obliterate all traces *ob-= over; cover cf. obviate=ob(away)+via(way)길의 물건을 치우다)

literal a. 글자의 (literal meaning)

literate a. 학식이 있는 (be computer literate)

literacy n. 학식 (Computer literacy is a must.)

illiteracy n. 문맹 (a crusade(개혁운동) against illiteracy *il-<*in-= not)


*lith-= stone

neolithic a. 신석기의 (the neolithic period)

paleolithic n. 구석기의 (the paleolithic era *paleo-= old)

lithography n. 석판인쇄 (the inception of lithography

*graph-= letter; drawing)

Monolith n. 모노리스 (Monolith on Easter Island *mono-= one)

monolithic a. 거대한 (monolithic stone statues)

megalith n. 거석 (megalith in the prehistoric period *mega-= big)


*loc-; log-; loq-= words; say

circumlocution n. 완곡어법 (without circumlocution *circum-= around cf. circumvent)

monologue n. 독백 (the actor's long monologue *mono-= alone; one)

dialogue n. 대화 (listen to the dialogue)

epilogue n. 맺음말 (the epilogue at the end of the play)

eulogy n. 송덕문; 죽은 사람에 대한 칭송의 글 (pronounce a eulogy for the deceased ruler *eu-= good cf. euphonium)

loquacious a. 수다스런 (a loquacious man)

colloquial a. 회화체의 (a colloquial expression)*co-=together

eloquent a. 감동적인; 웅변적인 (eloquent symphonic music *e-= out)


*loca-= place; put

dislocation n. 탈골 (be treated for a dislocation *dis-= away)

localize v. 국한시키다 (localize the epidemic)

locate v. 위치시키다 (Where is your school located?)

allocate v. 할당하다 (allocate the benefits to each member *ad-<*ad-= to)

locality n. 위치 (a sense of locality)

locale n. 현장 (at the locale)  로컬 방송↔스튜디오 방송


*logos-; -logy= study

psychology n. 심리학 (psychology, or a study on the mind)

physiology n. 생리학 (physiology, or a study on a human body)

ecology n. 생태학 (ecology, or a study of the biological environment)

logic n. 논리 (inductive logic)


*lu-; lug-; lut-; luv-= water

deluge n. 홍수 (Noah's Deluge *de-= down)

dilute v. 희석시키다 (dilute the solution with water *di-= scatter)

ablutions n. 침례; 목욕 (make his ablutions before the Mess *ab-= away)

antediluvian a. 대홍수 이전의 (the antediluvian age *ante-= before *di-= scatter)

alluvial a. 충적토의 (alluvial soil)


*luc-; lum-; lus-; lux-= light; bright; clear

luminous a. 빛나는 (a luminous body)

illuminate v. 조명하다 (the dimly illuminated corner *il-<in-= in)

luminiferous a. 빛나는 (a luminiferous object *fer-= carry cf. ferry)

luminary n. 발광체 (a luminary emitting light)

lucid a. 명백한 (lucid explanation)

elucidate v. 설명하다 (elucidate the point to me *e-= out)

translucent a. 반투명한 (Quartz is often a translucent mineral. *trans-= 통과; 이동)

pellucid a. 명백한; 투명한 (pellucid description *pel-= drive cf. propeller)

luster n. 광채 (shed luster everywhere)

deluxe a. 호화스런 (a deluxe hotel *de-= scatter)

luxurious a. 호화스런 (lead a luxurious life)


*lud-; lus-= play

ludicrous a. 장난스런 (be ludicrous in his speech)

delude v. 속이다 (He deluded me into believing that he was honest. *de-= down)

prelude n. 전주곡 (The summit was a prelude to the detente. *pre-= beforehand)

interlude n. 막간 (brief interludes of fair weather *inter-= between)

collusion n. 음모 (collusion among the retailers *col-= together)

elude v. 피하다 (Her name eluded me for a while. *e-= out)

elusive a. 회피하는 (Her manner has always been elusive.)


*macro-= big/ micro-= small

macrocosm n. 대우주; 현실 세계 (the macrocosm and the microcosm cf. cosmos)

microscope n. 현미경 (a powerful microscope *scope-= observe cf. telescope)

macroeconomics n. 거시경제학 (macroeconomics and microeconomics)


*magn-; maj-= big

magnitude n. 크기; 중요성 (of the first magnitude)

magnificent a. 거대한 (a magnificent spectacle)

magnify v. 확대시키다 (a magnifying glass)

majuscule n. 대문자 (majuscules and minuscules)

majority n. 대다수 (the majority rule)

majesty n. 폐하 (His Majesty)


*main-; man-; men-= stay

remain v. 머무르다 (remain in my memory)

mansion n. 저택 (live in a mansion)

menagerie n. 동물원 (a glass menagerie)

permanent a. 영속적인 (a permanent address)


*mal-= bad

malediction n. 저주 (pronounce a malediction on his tormentor)

malfunction n. 고장/ v. 고장나다 (This camera malfunctions. cf. function)

malign a. 나쁜 (a malign effect)

malignant a. 악성의 (a malignant tumor)

malevolent a. 마음씨가 나쁜 (a malevolent landlady *vol-= will cf. voluntary)

malnutrition n. 영양실조 (malnutrition caused by an insufficient intake of food cf. nutrition)

malcontent n. 불평자 (a malcontent who is always grumbling cf. content)

malefactor n. 범인 (The malefactor was arrested by the police.)

dismal a. 우울한/ n. 우울 (be in the dismals)

maltreat v. 나쁘게 대우하다 (maltreat his employees)

maladjusted a. 적응을 못하는 (a maladjusted new hand cf. adjust)

malice n. 앙심 (bear malice to his rival)

malodorous a. 냄새가 고약한 (a malodorous ditch cf. odor 냄새/ deodorizer 탈취제)

malaria n. 말라리아 (malaria caused by mosquitoes)


*mand-; mend-= command; entrust

mandate n. 명령/ v. 위임하다 (a mandated territory)

command n. 명령/ 명령하다 (command silence)

countermand v. 반대 명령내리다 (countermand the captain's order)

mandatory a. 의무적인; 위임의 (a mandatory rule)

demand n. 수요 (the demand and the supply cf. de-= down)


*mania-= madness; insanity

mania n. 광증 (the mania for dancing)

maniac n. 광자 (a fishing maniac)

pyromania n. 방화광증 (pyromania, or an excessive desire to set fire *pyro-= fire cf. pyrometer 고온온도계)

monomaniac n. 집착광증 환자 (a monomaniac obsessed with only one thing cf. mono-= one)

bibliomaniac n. 장서광자 (a bibliomaniac who collects too many books cf. biblio-= book cf. Bible)


*manu-= hand

manipulate v. 조작하다 (manipulate the machine)

emancipate v. 해방시키다 (emancipate the slave *e-= out cf. evade 피하다)

manifest v. 내보이다 a. 명백한 (a manifest error *fest-= make; do)

maneuver v. 조작하다 (maneuver the spacecraft)

manual a. 손으로 하는 n. 소책자 (manual labor/ a driver's manual)

manufacture v. 제조하다 (manufactured goods *fac-= make cf. facility)

manure n. 거름 (farmyard manure)


*mar-= sea

marine a. 바다의 (marine ecology)

submarine a. 바다 밑의/ n. 잠수함 (a submarine volcano *sub-= down)

maritime a. 바다의 (maritime insurance)

mariner n. 선원 (a master mariner)

marina n. 해안의 산책길; 계류장 (a marina along the seashore)


*mass-= heap up; pile

amass v. 축적하다 (amass a large fortune *a-= to)

mass n. 큰 더미 (a mass of letters)

massive a. 거대한 (a massive crackdown on drunk driving)

massacre n. 대학살/ v. 대량 학살하다 (massacre millions of people)


*mater-= mother

maternal a. 어머니의 (maternal affection)

maternity n. 어머니가 됨 (a maternity hospital)

matrilineal a. 모계의 (a matrilineal society cf. line)

matrimonial a. 결혼의 (a matrimonial agency)

matron n. 부인 (a matron of honor)

matrix 매트릭스, 모체, 기반, 모형, 행렬


*med-; mid-= middle

mediate v. 중재하다 (mediate between the two estranged partners)

meddle v. 간섭하다 (meddle with me)

meddlesome a. 간섭이 심한 (a meddlesome old lady)

medieval a. 중세의 (the medieval feudal system *-eval= age cf. primeval 원시시대의)

medium a. 중간의/ n. 매개체 (a man of medium height and build)

median a. 정중의; 중앙의 (the median artery)

mediocre a. 중간 수준의 (a mediocre quality)

Mediterranean n. 지중해 (the Mediterranean Sea *ter-= earth cf. territory 영토)

midst n. 중간 (in the midst of the concert)


*mel-; mil-; mol-= soft; sweet; powder

mellow a. 달콤한 (a violin with a mellow tone)

melodious a. 달콤한 (dance to melodious music) cf *melo:운율 곡조 melody. melodrama.

mill n. 방앗간 (No mill, no meal.)

demolish v. 파괴하다 (demolish the . *de-= down)

mollify v. 완화시키다 (try to mollify the serious condition)

mollusk n. 연체동물 (a mollusk with a soft body)

molar n. 어금니 - 음식을 가루로 만드는 이빨 (have the molar filled in)


*men-; mon-= month

menstrual a. 한 달에 한 번의 (the menstrual period)

menopause n. 폐경기; 갱년기 (female menopause cf. pause)

monthly a. 한 달의 (monthly payment)


*mend-= fault; mend

mend v. 고치다 (mend or end)

amendment n. 수정안 (the 9th Amendment to the Constitution)

emend v. 삭제 정정하다 (emend the passage *e-= out)


*mens-; met(e)r-= measure

mensural a. 도량형의 (mensural regulations)

asymmetrical a. 비대칭의 (Most human faces are asymmetrical. *a-= no cf. atheist)

symmetry n. 대칭 (bilateral symmetry *sym-= the same; together cf. sympathy)

commensurate a. 상응하는; 비례하는 (be commensurate with his ability)

dimensional a. 차원의 (a 3-dimensional picture=3D)

immense a. 거대한 (an immense pyramid *im-= not)

odometer n. 주행기록기 (an odometer measuring the distance traversed *odo-=way cf. exodus 탈출)


*mem-; men(t)-; mne-; mni-; min-= mind

mental a. 정신의 (mental health)

memento n. 기념물; 추억거리; 경고하는 것 (memento mori=remember you must die)

dementia n. 치매 (senile dementia *de-= down cf. degrade)

amnesia n. 건망증 (an old lady with amnesia, or forgetfulness *a-= no cf. apathy 무감각)

amnesty n. 엠네스티; 사면; 용서 (be released under a general amnesty *a-= no)

reminiscence n. 회상 (reminiscence of good old days)

remind v. 돌이키다 (Please remind me of it.)


*merg-; mers-= (into the) water or material

emerge v. 등장하다 (emerge from obscurity *e-= out)

immerse v. 들어가다; 몰두시키다 (immerse himself in the study)

submerge v. 가라앉다 (The submarine submerged into the water. *sub-= under)

merger n. 합병 (merger and acquisition)


*meta-= change; later

metamorphosis n. 변태 (a metamorphosis of a tadpole into a frog *morpho-= form)

metaphysical a. 형이상학적인 (John Donne's metaphysical poetry cf. physical)

metabolism n. 물질대사 (metabolism which converts food into energy)


*mim-= imitate

mime v. 흉내 내다 (Can you mime me?)

mimic a. 흉내 내는/ v. 흉내 내다 (mimic warfare)

pantomime n. 무언극 (Charlie Chaplin's pantomime *panto-= all)

mimicry n. 모방; 의태 (biological mimicry)


*minent-= jut out; protrude

prominent a. 돌출한; 저명한 (a prominent figure *pro-= forward)

eminent a. 저명한 (an eminent scientist *e-= out) 에미넌 에미넴

imminent a. 임박한 (an imminent storm *im-= in)

prominence n. 명성 (gain prominence)


*mini-= small

miniature a. 작은 (miniature model cars)

minimize v. 작게 줄이다 (minimize the malign side effect)

minute a. 작은 (minute difference)

diminutive a. 작은 (a lady diminutive in stature)

minuscule a. 작은; 소문자의 (minuscule letters)


*mir-= wonder; miracle

admire v. 감탄하다 (admire the view)

mirage n. 신기루 (a mirage in the desert)

mirror n. 거울/ v. 반영하다 (a mirror of the times)

miracle n. 기적; 경이 (work a miracle)

marvel n. 경이 (marvels of nature)


*mis-= hate

misanthrope n. 염세주의자 (a misanthrope who hates mankind *anthropo-= humans cf. anthropology)

misogamist n. 결혼 혐오자 (a misogamist who hates marriage *gam-= marriage cf. monogamous 일부일처제의)

misogynist n. 여성 혐오자 (a misogynist who hates women *gyn-= woman cf. gynecologist 부인과의사)


*mis-= bad

mistake n. 실수 (a horrible mistake)

mischievous a. 못된 장난이 심한 (a mischievous youngster)

mislay v. 물건을 잃다 (mislay my notebook cf. lay)

mislead v. 오도하다 (mislead the public)

misinterpret v. 잘못 해석하다 (misinterpret the meaning)

misjudgment n. 오판 (The accident was caused by his misjudgment.)


*mis-; mit-= send

demise n. 서거; 죽음; 계승 (the demise of the president *de-= down cf. degrade)

emission n. 발산 (have emissions tested regularly *e-= out cf. elude)

transmission n. 전송 (power transmission *trans-= move cf. transfer)

emissary n. 사절, 간첩 (an emissary to the nation)

emit v. 발산하다 (emit light)

dismiss v. 해고시키다 (dismiss the lazy worker *dis-= away)

omit v. 빠뜨리다; 생략하다 (omit a word in a sentence *o-= over)

remit v. 송금하다 (Please remit me the money soon. *re-= back)

commitment n. 열성 (We greatly appreciate your commitment. *com-= all)

submit v. 복종하다; 제출하다 (submit to authority *sub-= under cf. subway)

intermittent a. 간헐적인; 이따금씩 있는 (an intermittent spring *inter-= between cf. intercede)


*miser-= wretched 불쌍한

misery n. 불행; 고통 (miseries of mankind)

commiserate v. 동정하다 (commiserate another's misfortune *com-= together)

miserable a. 비참한 (lead a miserable life)

miser n. 구두쇠; 비참한 사람 (a stingy miser)


*mon-= show

admonish v. 훈계하다 (admonish him not to do wrong *ad-= to)

remonstrate v. 항의하다 (remonstrate with the bus driver about his careless driving *re-= against cf. resist)

monument n. 기념물 (a national monument)

demonstrate v. 시위하다; 내보이다 (demonstrate how the machine works *de-= away; scatter)

premonition n. 징조 (have a premonition *pre-= beforehand)


*mono-= one

monocle n. 외알 안경 (put on a monocle *ocul-= eye cf. oculist 안과의사)

monotheism n. 일신교 (Monotheism, or the belief that there is only one god *theo-= god cf. theology)

monogamous a. 일부일처제의 (a monogamous animal *gam-= marriage cf. bigamy 중혼)

monogram n. 이름 첫 글자로 만든 무늬 (a handkerchief embroidered with her monogram *gram-= letter cf. anagram 철자바꾸기)

monochrome a. 단 색깔의 (a monochrome world *chrom-= color cf. chromosome 염색체)


*mor-; mort-= death

moribund a. 죽어가는; 정체된 (the moribund economy)

morbid a. 병적인 (a morbid interest in death)

mortal a. 언젠가는 죽는 (a mortal being)

immortal a. 불멸의 (immortal fame)

postmortem a. 사후의/ n. 시체부검 (a postmortem examination *post-= after cf. postscript 추신)

mortgage n. 저당; 담보 (mortgage loan)

mortician n. 장의사 (a mortician, or an undertaker)

mortify v. 굴욕감을 주다 (mortify him by saying that he was a rank pianist)


*mot-; mut-= change; exchange; move

motivate v. 동기를 유발시키다 (motivate him to work hard)

commotion n. 혼란 (create a commotion *com-= all)

demote v. 강등시키다 (be demoted to a private *de-= down)

locomotion n. 이동 (legs used for locomotion cf. locomotive)

mutiny n. 반란 (the Mutiny on the Bounty)

commuter v. 통근객 (a commuter train)

mutation n. 돌연변이 (spontaneous mutation)

mutable a. 변하기 쉬운 (a mutable person who changes his mind so easily)

mutual a. 상호간의 (for mutual interest)

telecommuting n. 재택근무 (telecommuting, or working at home with a computer *tele-= far cf. television)


*mount-= mountain; climb

paramount a. 최고의 (of paramount importance *para-= top cf. paranormal 과학을 초월하는)

surmount v. 극복하다 (surmount a lot of difficulties *sur-= up)

tantamount a. 동등한 높이의 (be tantamount to an order cf. Tantalus)

mount v. 오르다; 붙박다 (mount a platform)


*multi-= many

multiplication n. 곱셈 (a multiplication table *plic-= fold cf. duplicate 복사)

multitudinous a. 다양한 (multitudinous aspects)

multivitamin a. 종합비타민의/ n. 종합비타민제 (a multivitamin capsule)

multifarious a. 다양한 (multifarious activities)


*nai-; nas-; nat-= birth

renaissance n. 문예부흥 (14th century Renaissance in Europe *re-= again)

naive a. 천진난만한 (a naive child)

nascent a. 초기의; 미성숙한 (the nascent stage)

prenatal a. 산전의 (a prenatal checkup *pre-= before)

natural a. 타고난 (natural gifts)

postnatal a. 산후의 (postnatal care *post-= after)

innate a. 타고난 (an innate ability *in-= in)

native a. 원주민의/ n. 원주민 (native Americans)


*naut-; nav-= ship; sail

astronaut n. 우주 조종사 (the astronaut traveling in a spaceship *aster-= star)

nausea n. 메스꺼움 (feel nausea)

nautical a. 항해의 (nautical miles)

nautilus n. 앵무조개 (a pearly nautilus)

navigational a. 항해의; 항법의 (a navigational system)

navy n. 해군 (the Department of Navy)

circumnavigate v. 순항하다 (circumnavigate the globe *circum-= around)


*nebul-= mist

nebulous a. 모호한 (nebulous meanings)

nebula n. 성운; 별 안개 (nebulas in space)

nebulize v. 분무하다 (nebulize the spray)

nebulosity n. 막연함 (ideas of nebulosity)


*nega-= deny; negative

negate v. 부정하다 (How can we negate God?)

negative a. 부정적인 (a negative sentence)

neglect n. 태만 (his neglect of duty)

negligent a. 태만한 (be negligent in carrying out his duty)

renegade n. 배반자 (a renegade who deserted me *re-= again; against)


*neo-= new

Neocene a. 신생대 3기의 (the Neocene period)

neoclassicism n. 신고전주의 (paintings in neoclassicism)

Neozoic a. 신생대의 (the Neozoic period *zo-= animal)

neophyte n. 초보자 (a neophyte who has been converted to Christianity)


*nepo-= nephew

nephew n. 조카 (nephews and nieces)

nepotism n. 친척 등용, 족벌주의 (a boss famous for his nepotism)


*neuron-= nerve

neuralgia n. 신경통 (an old lady suffering from neuralgia)

neurasthenia n. 신경쇠약 (a neurasthenic who is suffering from neurasthenia *astheno-= weak cf. asthenosphere 취약권 - 지구의 맨틀 층 하부)

neuron n. 뉴런 (consist of neurons)

neurotic a. 신경과민의/ n. 신경증 환자 (neurotic disease)


*neutro-= middle

neutral a. 중립의 (the neutral position)

neutralize v. 중화시키다 (a neutralizing agent)

neuter a. 중성의 (the neuter gender)


*nihil-; nil-; nul-= zero

nihilism n. 니힐리즘, 허무주의

nihilist n. 허무주의자 (a nihilist who believes in nothing)

annihilate v. 섬멸하다 (annihilate the enemy troops) *a=강조

nil n. 무 (My hope is nil.)

nullify v. 취소시키다 (nullify the contract)

annul v. 취소시키다 (annul the contract) *a=강조

null a. 무효인 (This contract is null and void.)


*noc-; nox-= poison

noxious a. 독성이 있는 (noxious gases)

obnoxious a. 끔찍이 싫은 (the most obnoxious person that I know)

nocuous a. 독성이 있는 (nocuous snakes)

innocuous a. 독성이 없는 (innocuous drugs)

innocent a. 천진난만한 (an innocent child)


*noct-; nox-= night

equinox n. 추분; 춘분 (the autumnal equinox)

nocturnal a. 야행성의 (nocturnal animals)

nocturne n. 야상곡 (listen to a nocturne)

noctambulist n. 몽유병자 (a noctambulist walking along the street in pajamas *ambul-= go around cf. ambulance 이동병원)


*nom-; nym-; onomato-= name; call

nominate v. 천거하다 (nominate him as one of the candidates)

denomination n. 종교 교파; 액면금액 (money of small denominations)

nomenclature n. 학명 (homo sapiens, the nomenclature for a human being)

ignominious a. 불명예스런 (an ignominious error *ig-= no)

nominal a. 이름상의 (nominal peace)

nominee n. 지명된 사람 (a nominee for the position)

synonym n. 동의어 (Synonyms have the same meaning. *syn-= the same)

anonymous a. 익명의 (an anonymous letter *an-= no cf. anaesthetic 마취제)

onomatopoeia n. 의성어 ('Thud' and 'bang, bang' are examples of onomatopoeia. *poe-= build cf. poem)


*norm-= rule; norm

normal a. 정상적인 (normal conditions)

abnormal a. 비정상적인 (an abnormal person *ab- away cf. abduct 유괴하다)

enormous a. 거대한 (an enormous difference *e-= out cf. emit)

normalcy n. 정상 상태 (the normalcy of the nation)

norm n. 규범 (norms and regulations)


*nounc-; nunc-= announce

denounce v. 비난하다 (denounce him for his negligence *de-= down)

renounce v. 포기하다 (renounce his faith *re-= away cf. remote)

pronounce v. 발음하다 (pronounce a word correctly)

enunciate v. 발표하다 (enunciate a new theory *e-= out)


*nov-= new

novice n. 초보자 (a novice driver)

renovate v. 혁신시키다 (renovate the old building *re-= again cf. resume 다시 시작하다)

innovative a. 혁신적인 (an innovative method *in-= in)

nova n. 신성 (a nova, or a new star)

supernova n. 초신성 (a supernova created by a Big Bang *super-= surpass cf. superlative 최상급)

novel a. 새로운 (search for novel things)



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